The HijiNKS ENSUE Store is all new looking and such, and all ladies shirts are $5 off!
I have dreamed a dream, but now that dream is gone from me. It’s hard not to take it personally when you have such a specific plan for your favorite geeky movie or show and it seems like Hollywood or the BBC or the Universe in general just isn’t paying attention to that plan. It’s even worse when you find out how close the Universe’s plan was to your own. It’s worse when you find out out you could have had it all.
COMMENTERS: When I was a kid we were rarely privy to information such as casting rumors. Hell, we were rarely privy to information at all by today’s standards. What ill-fated casting rumor did you most hope was true? What geeky movie or show suffered from the worst casting? The best?
The 2013 DIGITAL FANCY SKETCH DRIVE is still going through the end of next week! Check out the details and order yours HERE.
MY WIFE KEEPS MAKING AWESOME STUFF! My wife has also started making super cool, ultra geeky jewelry on Etsy. You can see her Tetris necklace and more geeky creations in her shop, but she just announced her Harry Potter inspired Quidditch necklace. Check out dat Quaffle!
Comments (75)
Wondering what “Let Moffat” can translate to. “Let shit happen”? “what will be will be”?
I don’t really worry about who get’s cast, usually willing to see what an actor can bring to a character, even if they’re not the usual choice.
Dr Who is a fringe case though, you know that there is someone new coming, and with such a rich history, you can’t help bringing to bear the change you want to see in the world reflect there.
I’m not sure I’m making a lot of sense there.![]()
Bruceski · 96 weeks ago
“Ain’t no law that says a dog can’t be a timelord.” — Air Bud 12, as told by Rifftrax Live.To be fair, you’d have to do a pretty terrible job to become the worst Doctor… I mean, c’mon… Six and Eight.![]()
TheWatcher · 96 weeks ago
Isn’t “rooting for a black doctor” just as bad as rooting for a white doctor?Can’t we just hope that part is cast well, regardless of skin colour?
When there has never been one before? It’s not remotely the same.![]()
TheWatcher · 96 weeks ago
Irrelevant. Just because there hasn’t yet been one does not make having one preferable *if* there is someone better for the part.Breaking racial barriers is important whether its in sports, politics or entertainment. Also the “if there’s someone better for the job” is an old argument that’s been used by “I’m not racist, but I’m just sayin’l racists for years.I tried to upvote your comment but my phone disagreed.Very sorry for the unintentional downvote.
MichaelH · 96 weeks ago
It’s still odd everyone wanting a black or female doctor to be written by a white male. Shouldn’t we be wishing for the next showrunner/head writer to be the black/female (or both) who would in turn produce the diversity needed? It worked with the previous gay showrunner who opened the door to Doctor Who happily including characters of any sexuality desired.While it’s nice Moffat has entertained widening the role, it’s also good that in the end he’s choosing to write the Doctor he knows rather than trying to force a new aspect of the Doctor just for the sake of it.
And the next showrunner is possibly the (respectful) campaign to wage now. After all, Davies was getting ready to leave and we didn’t even know it by about now!
UnderTheDark · 96 weeks ago
You know what, you make a fantastic point. I would be SO much more excited to hear about a new, non-misogynistic/”color-blind” show runner… if you think that women and minorities are under-represented IN FRONT of the camera, well Mississippi-godDAMN take a look behind!Well, really, Davies just got us Captain Jack. Moffat’s the one who just started sticking gay characters in at random as if they were, gasp, just part of everyday life.![]()
TheWatcher · 96 weeks ago
I would be nice to see a black doctor, but saying I’m “rooting” for it seems to me to be going to far…I really hope the show-runners are colour-blind both ways when casting. I’m sure that they have a vision of what the doctor should be and frankly I’d be disgusted if that vision includes a race. (And in fact, we know it doesn’t. Since a black man has been offered the part before.)
If a white guy got the job over a black guy because they think he’ll be a better doctor – that better fits how they want to develop the character – so be it. The same goes for age, sex – whatever.
“Also the “if there’s someone better for the job” is an old argument that’s been used by “I’m not racist, but I’m just sayin’l racists for years.”
It’s funny, because I’m black. (Well, my mother is anyway.) But come on. Attack my argument, fair enough. But don’t use it as an excuse to lump me in with those assholes.
TheWatcher · 96 weeks ago
I mean if you were just rooting for Chiwetel Ejiofor, I could understand it more. Chiwetel Ejiofor is fucking awesome.Ejiofor was on my wishlist along with Fry, Laurie and Pegg…. was probably the most likely of the fourIt’s not just that they’re black, I think Cheesewheel and Idris would both be friggin awesome at the gig. But it’s not about wanting “Black” or “white” it’s about wanting “different”. Asian, woman or ginger would be cool too. though not an asian woman ginger. That might be weird.Believe it or not, I actually know a ginger Asian woman. Freckles and everything.Does she have a British accent? Gender, race and folcile-bending I’ll wholeheartedly endorse, but I’ll not have my doctors be other than British.I know a black ginger girl. You have to look very closely at her hair.All that makes me think of is Cloud Atlas when they put makeup on the Korean actress to make her a ginger with green eyes….![]()
Hotsauce · 96 weeks ago
As I said on the last comic, there is no one “best actor” for any role. Acting is pretty much the only profession where a black woman who nailed her audition for the Power Rangers can be told she didn’t get the role because “we already have a black actor”. So it’s naive to the border of incredulity to say “color doesn’t matter as long as it’s the best actor” whenever “someone who isn’t white” is mentioned as a casting possibility.Dukes of Hazard.
When Coy and Vance joined the show. No, at least they were acknowledged to not be Bo and Luke. But C’MON!
Love the word Alcoholabetes by the way.![]()
Ron · 96 weeks ago
I was dreading Heath Ledger as the Joker. All I could picture was Ten Things I Hate about you. It was going to be horrible. Then I watched it. I couldn’t have been more wrong. Since then I don’t judge who gets cast for whatever role.I had never seen his previous works, but I was similarly skeptical. Holy shit was I wrong.![]()
Paul · 96 weeks ago
Used to love the show Sliders, especially with the original cast. I was not the least bit perturbed when they replaced Sabrina Lloyd as the token female/love interest with Kari Wuhrer. I was, however, a bit annoyed when they replace Jerry O’Connell with his lesser brother, Charlie. The dynamic was completely obliterated and the show lost a lot of something, including me as a viewer after a few episodes.I caught a really late in the series episode one night about a month ago and the entire cast has been replaced (more than once over) and only Rembrandt was left. Charlie O’ wasn’t even there. It was some other random dude who apparently was a shitty clone of Quinn or something.That was the last season when Jerry focused on directing. The finale was anticlimactic, tooSliders went anticlimactic? How the hell do you go from randomness, to interdimensional nazi invasions and then somehow crash and burn from that point?Richard Ayoade. Would have been brilliant. So much of a long shot that it was fun to think about. But Neil Gaiman says that he knows a black actor who was offered the Doctor and turned it down.![]()
DuckAmuck · 96 weeks ago
I just want a maple bacon vodka pancake batter smoothie.
It seems everything would be fine if I had one of those…What if I went crazy and made PANCAKES out of it! Oh, the awesomeness…
So, being that you have free will, i suggest you start collecting ingredients.I don’t know who decided Topher Grace should be Venom, but they deserve nothing less than being thrown in Sarlacc’s pit.![]()
Canadian Spider-Man · 96 weeks ago
Topher Grace should have been Peter Parker. Tobey McGuire was completely miscast. During That 70s Show, I swore he would make the PERFECT Peter, and then the Spider-Man movies happened, and Tobey was an emotionless robot. And then they finally get Topher, but he’s Eddie Brock..![]()
Bruceski · 96 weeks ago
When I went to see Gatsby my main comment was “how come when Tobey Maguire is shy and awkward it’s painful, but when DiCaprio does the same kind of thing it’s endearing?” The answer of course is “because one of them’s a good actor.”I’m hoping Amazing Spider-Man 3 kicks RaImi in the teeth by showing how Venom SHOULD be done. You just can’t do venom justice with the campy style of the 2000’s Spider-man films.I just really want a good DARK venom story preferably leading into one hell of a dark Carnage storyline. Too much to ask? (especially since we’re not even getting Green Goblin till at least the third film at this rate)
I think it was definitely different back in the day before the Internet…we would just watch the show, take what we got and either kept watching or stopped.I remember reading about Lucas’s 9 Star Wars plan, being all excited and then wondering if we were ever going to get Episodes I-III.
HikingViking · 96 weeks ago
I think the best fantasy movie casting I’ve ever really noticed was Julie Walters being cast as Molly Weasley. After watching her play Mrs. Wilkinson, I couldn’t imagine a better actress to play someone so fiercely protective and maternal. But honestly, I think her acting chops (along with many of the actors and actresses in the franchise) had their talents wasted – or at least not utilized to the fullest. Alan Rickman being a very notable exception. At the other end of the spectrum, the worst casting ever was Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt being cast in Interview With the Vampire.That whole series is full of just sublime casting choices. Hagrid, Snape, pretty much all of the teachers… just fantastic.![]()
Stonemaven · 96 weeks ago
Re Interview:
I read the book as a kid and always pictured Sting (circa Dune) as Louis and Rutger Hauer (circa Ladyhawk) as Lestat and maybe Mathew Broderick as Armand. If it had been made into a movie back then at the time, it would have been perfect. I was horrified when Pitt and Cruise were announced even though my ideal actors were too old by that time.and indeed Rutger Hauer was before Anne’s inner eye, when she wrote her booksI had heard that Patrick Stewart was rumored to play Mr. Freeze in ‘Batman and Robin’. I was hoping that it was him instead of Arnold Schwarzenegger.![]()
Liam · 96 weeks ago
Considering how “Batman and Robin” turned out yes I’m glad but at the time I was disappointed because I think Patrick Stewart could be a good Mr. Freeze.Just imagining it is giving me waking nightmares. I must wash Batman and Robin from my mind.I don’t think there’s anything anyone could have done to save that pile of crap… I personally dislike the first two batman films too (Burton is a hack) but I think the rest of humanity can agree on razing Batman Forever and Batman & Robin to the ground along with Superman 3 and 4.![]()
bucketofarrows · 96 weeks ago
Nathan Fillion as Nathan Drake. He even said he wanted the role. When I heard it was Wahlberg and the weird direction they were going I died a little inside and then felt relieved when the whole thing got scrapped.HikingViking, another exception was Maggie Smith I thought.
Because casting Mark Wahlberg as video game characters worked so well previously… #Ican’tbelieveIactuallypaidtoseeMaxPayneatthecinemachiwetel ejiofor turned down the role before, and they ended up with Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor……I recall reading initial casting rumors for the X-Men movies back in the early 90s from “Wizard” Magazine (do they still do those wish-lists?). The two that struck my young geek-wood were Glen Danzig as Wolverine (which would be perfect- he was short, furry and buff as all hell) and Patrick Stewart as Professor X (which would be perfect- he was bald, intellectual and bald).![]()
Ali · 96 weeks ago
I was hoping for David Tennant as Thranduil, honestly, back in like 2010 when Hobbit casting rumors were first floating around. And I was pleased by the Nimoy as Smaug casting rumor, but far more pleased by the reality of Cumbersmaug.![]()
groklife · 96 weeks ago
Late 80’s/early 90’s: I was so ready for Pierce Brosnan to be Agent 007.
Instead, we got Timothy Dalton. Nothing wrong with Timothy Dalton, but HE WASN’T Pierce Brosnan!Of course, then I got Pierce Brosnan. Be careful what you wish for. I thought he was crap in his four Bond movies.
Daniel Craig is fantastic, imho.
Hotsauce · 96 weeks ago
In the early 90s, rumor had it that Robert DeNiro was being cast as Wolverine. I could not and can not imagine it.Mr. T is still alive. That recent A-Team movie should have had him as Mr. T! I don’t care if he has aged; it should have been.I don’t really know enough to figure out how to get in on the casting rumor mill, though.
The Unknown FB · 96 weeks ago
Enough of your jibber-jabber…Mr. T is a closeted Time Lord!
He pities those who fool with his TARDIS!![]()
Tony · 96 weeks ago
There was a rumor that Christopher Eccleston was going to find his way into Game of Thrones (I want to say as Balon Greyjoy, but I could be mistaken), and this was right after my second time watching his run as the Doctor (you know, the time after you’ve seen the Tennant years and the beginning of Smith’s run, and you’re rewatching everything and you realize how much more brilliant Eccleston’s Doctor was than you initially gave him credit for), and I was excited to see him doing anything, but especially something as cocainesque as Game of Thrones. Sure, even he probably couldn’t have saved Balon Greyjoy from the massively petty stupid that Georgr R. R. Martin originally imbued the character with (seriously, what the fuck is the point of invading the North when the Lannisters probably can’t afford to thoroughly defend the wealthiest castles in the country from the sea because two of the people that want to claim their Iron Throne are like two days’ sail from attacking the capital?), but it doesn’t change the fact that I would really love to see Mr. Eccleston on screen again in something I’m going to watch…Eccleston is fantastic! It would have been awesome to see him in Game of Thrones! But he will be in Thor 2! So don’t give up on him.![]()
Kirby · 96 weeks ago
People really don’t give Eccleston’s doctor enough credit. Of the three, “modern” doctors he’s probably my favorite.I was squeeing my little fanboy brain out when I heard that Matt Smith wanted to do a crossover between them. <3 I so so very very disappointed that it never happened. *crosses fingers* Another 5 doctors, another five doctors
Bubbalouey · 96 weeks ago
Erm… Didn’t you only just start watching doctor who last year?![]()
lou · 96 weeks ago
I think he’s been mainlining old episodes in between seasons.Who me? Nope. Late 2010.…![]()
Canadian Spider-Man · 96 weeks ago
I was hoping for an older man to play the Doctor. Skin color didn’t matter. I got what I wanted!OH GOD IT GETS WORSE.![]()
Bruceski · 96 weeks ago
Now I’m imagining Bill Nye as The Doctor. Someone would ask “how are the Daleks doing this” and he’d get halfway through an explanation full of props and sound effects before they got killed because they forgot to run.![]()
meagankn · 96 weeks ago
THAT NECKLACE! GIVE IT TO ME FOR TO PUT ON MY NECKLACE PLACE! I’m throwing all my dollars in a vaguely Southeastern direction which means, given a good head wind, they should reach you from Seattle in about a week. Then necklace, please? Yes. Thanks. `I think i remember hearing Coin Firth wanting to be a villain in Doctor Who. I could be mistaken here but he said something that he wanted to play a bad guy.As for the new casting of the Doctor, I’m excited that they’ve gone back to a mature actor, I saw some of Tom Baker’s Doctor and he was brilliant in that! But I get that people want something different, i myself am tired of the love struck companions and would love to see an alien companion for a change.
Bruceski · 96 weeks ago
When I was a kid I think every year we had a new rumor about an Ender’s Game movie with various people in various roles. This was back when the internet was AOL and I didn’t have political awareness, so it was possible to actually enjoy an Orson Scott Card book without feeling slimy.![]()
Kirby · 96 weeks ago
Green Lantern’s hasn’t been brought up in here? Interesting.I like Ryan Reynolds. He might not be in a lot of the best movies, but I don’t think he was right for… well, any of the human lanterns I can think of off the top of my head. At least he should have been a -funny- character. Flash, for example.
It’s kind of like having a movie with Bane and casting a muscle bound hulk as Mr. Freeze instead.
You all know what I’m talking about.
It’s not so much a casting thing… but back when Voyager was wrapping up, and Trek had been on a downhill slant rather rapidly since DS9 ended and took the good writing with it, there was a heavy rumour going around the Paramount chatlines and the internet at random that the next Trek series was going to be focused on Worf’s son Alexander trying to fit in with a crew of real Klingons on some epic quest.Woulda been better than Enterprise.
Chaucer59 · 95 weeks ago
Some of Enterprise was excellent. As long as they were just filling in back story, it was fine. Where they went to hell was in adding whole empires of aliens we’d never seen in Star Trek. That just stretched hell out of audience credulity.
Erm… Didn’t you only just start watching doctor who last year?