Quick, you Fancy Bastards! You have less than 24 hours to hide from your miserable families! NO! Don’t hide there! That’s the first place they’ll look! Make haste! Burry yourself under a mountain and wait out the forced interaction with people you moved extremely far away from as soon as you had the means!
I am officially starting “The War On Thanksgiving.” For starters I’m taking out the “Thanks” because to assume everyone you encounter is of the Thankful persuasion is bigoted and small minded. Feel free to use my newly coined phrase “Xgiving.” You may also wear buttons or ribbons that say “NO THANKS.” If nothing else this will at least confuse your relatives and keep them from talking to you over this long and arduous weekend of feigned interest, false pleasantries and familial responsibility.
NEWS: Holiday Shipping deadlines for the HE Store have been posted. PURCHASE! PURCHASE EVERYTHING NOW AND ALSO FOREVER!
COMMENTERS: Fill in the details of the first Hobo Thanksgravy story or any Thanksgravv tale thereafter. Also, over the holiday weekend you may post your “War on Thanksgiving” thoughts on Twitter with the #xgiving and #nothanks hash tags.
*gasp* Is this the fabled and long-rumored True Death of Comic-Josh?
LoL, man, you haven't killed josh in a while, nice.
Oh, how I've missed Boxcar Pete. This is a great start to the holidays.
I prefer "Fuck-giving", where for one day, I go from giving a tenth of a fuck to a third or even half a fuck. (The only people who give a whole fuck are the people who serve turkey to the homeless…. without religion or ketamine.)
Wow, I totally took "Fuck-giving" in a completely different mental direction…
If only.
I like the hogwarts scarf!
And Jamie from Girls with Slingshots' scarf
I mean hat, Jamie's hat. But it's 6 am here, and my brain isn't awake enough yet to even make the coffee, so you'll have to let that one slide.
I've missed Boxcar Pete so much! I'm glad he could come and share the magic of Thanksgiving with Josh.
I'm also glad Josh was able to repay Boxcar Pete's gift of a story by making sure he gets a nice holiday meal.
This is the kind of holliday where all that Minecraft pays off. Just dig a hole, jump in, plug it up and wait for the noise to stop.
And they thought I was wasting my time, I'll show them. I'll show them ALL!
Luckily, any family members I actually gave a damn about are dead, so today it’s just me, Turner Classic Movies, and a Boston Market turkey dinner.
It looks like Josh is wearing the same gloves he wore when the term fancy bastard was born
What a touching story.
Does anyone else hear Boxcar Pete's voice as that of Captain Hector Barbossa's, or is it just me?
thats pretty dang close actually.
Happy Slapsgiving!
Does Josh actually own a animal hat with ears?