Jonathan Coulton is a personal hero. He’s just some guy from NYC that writes funny songs and distributes them over the internet. Over the last couple of years he’s turned his music into his full time job. He is completely supported by me and you and everyone else that enjoys his music. You’ve probably heard his folky acoustic cover of “Baby Got Back,” or maybe you were lucky enough to see him perform at this year’s PAX.
His rise to internet fame stems from the close connection he keeps with his fans through his website. Email him. I dare you. He’ll respond. He helped me with the code for Corn Mo’s music store just because I asked him how he’d made his own. What a guy!
- Go listen to his songs
- Go read this article about him
- Check out fan-made videos on the Youtubes
- Then go see him on tour
- Specifically go see him this Wednesday in Dallas at Club Dada (doors @ 8pm) with the HE crew.
i thought after ACL that i might be all concert-ed out, but i gotta say… i don’t think i can say no to “baby got back”…
like, ever.
You’re going. Just except it.
Ya know what’s funny? I was just looking at this post and thought, “I wonder if Coulton’s coming to Portland anytime soon?” So I went to his website and, as sure as shit is brown and occasionally a variety of other colors, he’s coming to Portland TONIGHT. What timing.
Now, to convince the Mrs to go…
I take it from your more recent comment that “The Mrs.” did not acquiesce. You should go to counseling