Amazingly enough, there actually is a part 2 to last week’s edition of “Jonathan Coulton: Vampire Slayer Zombie Fighting Troubadour.” First thing’s first. The JoCo show last Wednesday at Club Dada here in Dallas was a blast. Jonathan’s performance was fantastic. JoCo is quite different from most comedy/music acts. Jonathan’s songs seem to be about robots and squids and ruined ponies on the surface but you can tell the underlying emotion is real. It reminds me of a geek that is trying to tell a girl he loves her and all he can muster is a Buffy analogy. Also, I highly recommend Paul and Storm, who opened for Jonathan and backed him up on about 1/3 of his set. They were more or less straight comedy but their set killed.
Afterwards I gave Jonathan a print of the for “JC:ZFT” comic. He signed a copy of it for me and posed for a pic with Josh, my wife, Emily, and myself (as is evidenced below).
What a cool guy. Also, if you haven’t seen JoCo perform “Mr. Fancy Pants” live with his wearable-midi-trigger-contraption… then you haven’t seen that. And you should. Because it was entertaining. If you aren’t a JoCo fan at all and this comic made no sense, please go check out his music page and listen to “Re: Your Brains.” You’ll be smiling when it’s over.
Originally the comic wasn’t going to have anything to do with Resident Evil: Extinction, but Josh dragged us to it and I felt I had to get some kind of value for my $9. It’s my own fault for saying yes. Josh does this shit all the time. Somehow he got me to go to Pulse just by repeating, “It’s got Veronica Mars. It’s got Veronica Mars,” over and over. I didn’t even watch Veronica Mars! It’s as if he were to call and say, “Hey! I got this giant hammer to smash my scrotum to death with and I was thinking you might want to get in on this action.” And somehow I agree.
UPDATE: Revisionist History
Today’s comic, much like the Original Star Wars Trilogy, was released in an incomplete state. It didn’t properly communicate my vision. I rarely go back and make changes unless there are mistakes, but this one just wasn’t all there. So take another look and see what you think. Maybe later I will release the original comic on a Director’s Cut DVD. But it will be a shitty laser disc transfer with 2 channel audio.
Wow Joel, you really know how to rock the indie look. Mad props to you (trust me, I use no sarcasm in that remark). It’s just cool to see that the avatar of the artist isn’t far from the truth (unlike other webcomics).
Disgracefully, I am not a JoCo fan, but musically, I am very open to new things. However, the link to his site gives a 404 Error and I couldn’t find the song your referenced. What else would you recommend for those of us who can potentially become a fan of his works?
More props to you on another great comic.
#1 I think we were having a beard-off that night. JoCo won, so I shaved mine back considerably. I look homeless in that pic.
I fixed the link to his store. You can play all of his songs in their entirety from that page. Its like a little jukebox. Check it out.
I didn’t get to go to the JoCo show in Portland on Friday. Lamezor. Glad you enjoyed it, though. The guy’s a frickin’ genius.
“Numfar do the dance of Shame!”
“Don’t decapitate me, bro”.
I felt a little bit of electrical shock just by reading that.
Fine work as always.
@ Spiraling
Havent heard from you in a while. Do you still have a secret project cooking?
Funny! Love the killer guitar. Is that paint all over your shirt pocket? No dance of shame for me, as you may know from my blog linked through my name. Say, if you're in the local art community and know Club Dada, do you know Frank Campagna from Kettle Art next door? He's my bro-in-law.
mmmmm…Buffy Analogy…
What Buffy, Where? All I see is Resident Evil.
The shirt was made that way but it gets so many questions I need to just make up a story. Something about a diving in front of a paintball to save a baby.
I dont actually get to spend much time in Deep Ellum, but I will look for Frank if i am ever in Kettle Art. I will cleave him in twain with a guit-axe and tell him you sent me.