If you are waiting on your copy of HE Book 2, PLEASE READ THIS!!!
I scoured the Internet, positive that someone had already done this. How, in the grand scheme of pop-culture references, had no one ever put these two ideas together? After doing my due Google image searching diligence, I was confident that had this gag already been explored, it was not on the Internet and thus fair game. I did, however find a few pices of “Snoopy as The Doctor” fan art. Odd.
Also, I KNOW “The Doctor Is In” refers to that football-yanking bitch Lucy and not Charlie Brown. I figured as long as I was taking creative liberties I should go for the gusto.
- New Doctor Who behind-the-scenes video is like Time Lord 101
- Why Doctor Who‘s opening two-parter will be bigger than ever before
- Learn why this season of Doctor Who changes everything
I suppose had I used Matt Smith’s Doctor as my subject I could have given new meaning to “the little red-haired girl.” Maybe someday I’ll do a follow up.
UPDATE: I put a desktop version of this comic in The Vault.
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Hehe wait for the people screaming out about how you just copy Charles Schulz' cartoon style in three, two, one…
As a life-long Peanuts fan I say hats off to anyone who can copy Schulz' style. It's deceivingly simple and a lot harder to copy well than most people think.
I love this not only because it's The Doctor, but also because it's David Tennant's Doctor. It wouldn't work with Matt Smith. I also agree that it would be a Fantastic, Brilliant, shirt
Yeah, Ten is just angsty enough for this to work. Cause Charlie Brown is one angsty cartoon strip boy…
I dunno, Maybe Chris Eccelston's Ninth Doctor could fit here. He was plenty angsty.
And the hair'd be a better fit… but 9s harder to adapt into different styles than 10. 7'd work too. Maybe 2?
Yeah, but 9 was more likely to kick someone's ass than save it.
Happiness is a working sonic screwdriver.
This is begging for a three panel strip in which The Doctor tells a companion not to do something, the companion basically says, "Oops, already did it," and the final panel features the classic, "AAUGH!"
Good grief.
Daleks again….GOOD GRIEF!
This is why I <3 this webcomic. You know your audience, sir. And you love it.
thats very kind. Thank you.
Ten's Redheaded girl was Donna. And that fits, as it was definitely unrequited.
He loved her as a best friend, and in that regard it was quite requited. Also made Series 4 the best featuring Ten, if you ask me.
I would totally get this for my boyfriend if it was a shirt!
I foresee a t-shirt in the making. Awesome.
again i say: ….
I think you need to make a shirt that says. "Yes I'm a webcomic and no I won't make you a shirt"
But just a single shirt, because he'd be the only one that would wear it. Just take that to cons and stuff.
Snoopy’s the most likely candidate for a Peanuts Time Lord. His doghouse is totally a TARDIS. It’s often seen fighting World War I air battles—flying without wings. It’s bigger on the inside than the outside. It has at one point contained a swiming pool and an original Van Gogh. Coincidence?! Not likely!
I just realized how right you are. For the final piece of proof, play 10's version of the theme… you can totally Snoopy Dance to it!
mind blown.
I would absolutely wear this on a t-shirt.
and a third: …
[you guys are getting ahead of me]
We can't help it. You could try being less awesome, but I doubt it would stick.
Charming visual design. A shirt I can wear around my family or impressionable children.
This is a great merch opportunity. I've got to get a print of it, at least.
I would take this on a shirt or on a print. That's awesome on so many levels. It's for comics like these that I love reading HE.
Waa wa wa EXTERMINATE! wa waaaaaa. I keep thinking the sign says "The Doctor is sin". Peanuts/Dr Killinger mashup, these are the time I wish I could draw.
Also am I the only one who violently disliked Donna? She almost ruined the show for me.
No, you're not. But that's more of my problems with Tate as an actress/comedian than with any shortcomings with the character.
Why do you think they burned the entire experience from her memory? Fan service.
Also: Pond is awesome.
My wife HATED Donna with a passion. Any time I'm watching The Doctor she asks 'it's not that bitchy one, is it?'
Aww! I thought she was abrasive too, but compared to her mother–whoa! I ended up feeling sorry for her. She was prickly because she was in pain.
I never really liked Catherine Tate before Who, and started off not liking her, but her character arc is one of the best I've seen, and her ending made me cry a lot. Mainly because the idea of losing the memories of all those experiences gutted me. But also because she went from being a shallow, ignorant idiot, to someone who accepted every experience with an open mind and heart and whose first thought was generally about others. Then she had her mind wiped and basically had to return to what she was.
I also hated Catherine Tate in the first episodes, she was so screechy! But Donna grew on me, and she was a nice change from the last two companions. Rose was my favourite companion, but when they had the next companion (Martha Jone) also fall in love with the Doctor, that was too much for me. At least Donna didn't fall in love with the Doctor, and she was really flawed, more like a real person than many other companions.
What? No Sonic Screwdriver eating tree?
Very good! I chortled, I guffawed. And I'm rather impressed with the Schulzian stylings. Very well played sir!
OMG I NEED THIS. *esplodes*
This may have to go on my wall next to "The Doctor Is Win"
Yours is better, but apparently someone else did do it.
I don't think it detracts from this at all, though.
Can we get this as a wallpaper, at least?
Sure, Ill put one in The Vault http://vault.hijinksensue.com
Just FYI, there WILL be a shirt of this.
And there was much rejoicing in the halls of the Internets!
T-Shirt! T-Shirt! YES!
I love the picture, but I laughed out loud at the alt text.
I don't know why, but I always forget that this comic has alt-text. Thanks for the reminder!
Peppermint Patty and Marci would be Romana and K-9.
Rose as Pig-Pen?! And for fellow old skool fans, Polyphase Aviatron for Woodstock!
I think it would be fun if you had all the other Doctors show up at the booth. :o)
My roommate just put this on my facebook wall because I had showed her Joel's strip the other day: http://laughingsquid.com/the-4th-doctor-is-in-pea…
Is this a Joel rip off? Because it looks like it to me, and…um…if so what the fuck.
oh, just saw Joel's tweet that said it wasn't a rip-off & they had the same idea at the same time. Sorry, I guess!
Adam addressed it here: https://twitter.com/#!/apelad/status/585604119261…
No harm done.
Here is another funny rendition http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=§ion=&am…
I haven't seen this, but I may have missed it:
Emo!Charlie Brown is perfect palette for post Doomsday Emo!Ten. Aaaaaaaargh! Love this so much!
I was thinking about Donna Noble, mas she is quite Peppermint Donna.
I be more pissed off, but my "Doctor is In" shirt is way better done than this.