My Patrons got EIGHT TOTALLY DIFFERENT VERSIONS OF THIS COMIC with totally different jokes!!! WHAT?!?!? I KNOW!!!
Dearest Sharksploders, please help me get my Patreon over the $2000 hump. Comics is my full time job, but it doesn’t currently pay full time money. I’ve been doing a lot of freelance work lately (which distracts me from making comics) to make ends meet, and I’ve agreed to attend more conventions this year than I really feel comfortable with (which REALLY distracts me from making comics) out of financial fear. Every little bit helps and is QUITE appreciated.
Oh, Wesley, no… you didn’t read the comments, did you? Why would you do that to yourself? You’re a very smart boy. Perhaps the smartest. You’ve got a lot going for you in terms of getting to fly a spaceship, getting to make out with alien girls that sometimes turn into bear monsters and occasionally getting space-drunk with a man-shaped science robot. FOCUS on these aspects of your life, man! Don’t let the haters get you down. Go do a wicked science fair project that creates an artificial singularity or whatever. That sounds like a fun Saturday night, right? Much better than trolling the Internet for opinions that strangers have about you, and your sweaters and your haircut and how sassy you get when the grown up JUST WON’T LISTEN! You’re great, kid. You keep doing you and it will all work out. Maybe someday you’ll catch the attention of an inter dimensional child predator in a windowless space van who will leave a trail of space candy to guide you to his other pants of existence… other PLANES of existence.
Wesley looks a lot like a young Conan O’Brian with brown hair.
Maybe Coco was filling in for Wil that day.
Why does Wil Riker look like he’s about to seduce Wesley?
24th century men are less picky then we are
Will Riker always looks like he’s about to seduce everybody he interacts with. It’s his default setting.
Because he is running out of decks that he can show his beard on, and is starting to feel a little lonely.
Riker always looks about to seduce everyone, doesn’t he?
Because that’s how Will Riker always looks….*swoon*
When is Riker not seducing something?
I hear he once seduced an EPS conduit right before seducing his own combadge
Will riker is about to seduce everybody.
will riker’s always ready to seduce anyone.
Recently, the former Wesley has been working hard to attract the worst possible internet comments while simultaneously re-creating Rikers beard (with only partial success).
Looks like adult Wil talking to young Wil
Came to the comments exactly for this.
I wonder if they both flinch every time Picard says “Fire at will!”
So is that adult Wil Wheaton comforting Wesley?
That’s who Riker really is. Weasley after returning from his time with the traveller. He comes back in the past and becomes Riker, and gets it on with Troi like he dreamed about as a boy.
Is that before or after becoming the chief engineer of the USS Titan?
Before that, but after he got cut out of “Nemesis” and was only in the deleted extras, if you bought that DVD.
This comic seems like it would be a great candidate for a “insert your own words” comic, with a blank word bubble like in the early early HE.