La resurrección del lagarto pollo!
Finally, a new comic. My actual human life has been getting in the way of my comic-productivity for the last week. I have solved this problem by cutting off all contact with the outside world for at least the next two months. If you need me, I’ll be chained to my computer with a stylus driven through each of my hands like so much webcomicy stigmata.
- I have put up two new donation desktops, one featuring a can of sad breakfast.
- My wife is a photo fixing, editing, manipulating genius and would happily lend you her digital dogoodery in exchange for money.
- Lil’ Wil has a Tumblr and some new duds.
COMMENTERS: So it seems Eli is now the steward of the great bird-headed serpent god of Mesoamerica that will (or has) return to Earth and usher in the world ending 2012 situation. Fun times. Which horrific beast of world (or at least city) destruction would you most like as a pet? Which would you rather actually destroy us all? My vote for both scenarios goes to whatever sort of Norse frost giant is going to really fuck shit up come Ragnarok.
Whoa, is that a Jeriba costume?
Same actor from Robocop who "fired" the bad guy allowing Robo to shoot him.
Wait, is Josh the Thing or Old Dave from 2001? Or possibly an awesome crossover of the two?
I thought he was Lou Gossett from Enemy Mine, but my memory of that is fuzzy.
While that would be an awesome crossover, the pilot suit clearly gives the costume away as being Grig, from "The Last Starfighter"…
The bike tires are a dead giveaway.
I got it from the tags…
So glad I'm not the only one that remembers that movie. They left the ending WIDE open for a sequel, but one was never made.
You are not alone.
Man, I loved that movie.
Kalki, the man riding upon a horse, the tenth form of Vishnu, could be kinda interesting…
If you're going to bring some evil into the world, why settle for anything less than the best? Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
I feel slightly less sane now.
Pfft, thats what everyone does. Its nice to see a more obscure doomsday monster every now and then. Plus, Cthulhu has been kinda dilluted over the years
I recognized Grig right away, but I could not remember the title for The Last Starfighter. I had to check IMDB for 80s Sci Fi movies. I haven't seen it since I was a small child. Why isn't it on Netflix?!
Every time I see a Last Starfighter reference, I get the theme music stuck in my head…
Is it a chickuana?
The giant hand from SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER Cabin in the Woods. Alternatively, Cthulhu, because you can't go wrong with the classics.
I think the giant hand from Zelda: OoT is scarier.
Wasnt he supposed to be a feathered serpent? Im pretty sure I dont remember a big chicken with a lizard tail from mythology studies
Songs that the Hyades shall sing
where flap the tatters of the King
must die unheard in
dim Carcosa
What can I say? I love the classics. The Yellow Sign birthed my love of horror.
Last line = WIN.
For me it would have to be Clifford the Big Red Dog, but only after he either turned zombie or lost a backyard scuffle to Cujo.
I thought Fenris was the destroyer for Ragnarok? Loki's kid that's a dog…and I hear he's not housebroken either…Although Clifford sounds good too.
Fenrir! Yeah. And he has Tyr, the god of war's, hand in his mouth! And when Ragnarok comes, he will devour Odin!
Loki at the head of an army of frost giants, along with Fenrir/Fenris and Jormungand.
Webcomicy Stigmata is going to be the first album of my MC Frontalot/Depeche Mode mashup cover band.
I'd love to be "destroyed" by a bunch of faggety tween non-scary monsters. But since we can seldom choose the path of our own demise –
Sta-Puff marshmallow man, obviously. The only destructor that was chosen so.
Meeps of 5secondfilms, while just another cute, fuzzy thing that multiplies and conquers, are still surrounded in so much mystery that I for one would love to have one as a pet just to see how it destroys me
I am pretty sure that is a Cockatrice. A Basilisk is more lizard then that.
Greetings Starfighter! You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the frontier against Xur and the Quetzalcoatl armada!
I loved the 'Last Starfighter' – and Grig showing his family pictures ['10,000 little Griglings']. Robert Preston was -fantastic- as Centauri … a riff on Professor Hill from 'Music Man'. It was such a good movie. As for the chicken/lizard, IMO 2nd ed D&D did it best with the 'couatl'
Joel, a friend of mine has actually made some sketches for this exact world-ending-beast-as-pet scenario you present.
Check out the images entitled "Can I keep it?"
Awwwwwwww, that widdle glowing chicken-snake is ADORABLE!!! Who's an abomination to all creation? You are! Yes you are! And as for a world-dstroying pet, my 1st choice is Fenrir from Ragnorok, followed by whatever freakshow's supposed to show up for Armageddon.
Smaug. Classic, I know, but you've got to respect your classics.
I always like mollusks. I guess I could go for an illithid-looking old god in a 10-gallon fish tank. You know; feed it creatures five times its size, watch it speak its maddening languages at the airstone clam. Warp my perception of what is real when I tap the glass.
Or maybe a large moving Torb.
Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man
HAHAHA! I was wondering a couple comics ago when someone predicted Quetzalcoatl reborn, and you just responded "…"