TCAF was so much fun. Thank you Toronto! Getting on a plane now. I’ll post another round of sketches tomorrow and do some photo comics after that.
Watch out for moose-vipers.
“The Doctor Is In” shirt based off the “You’re The Last of The Time Lords, Charlie Brown” comic is here!
"I will sex you" Brilliant!
I can report that Joel was indeed at TCAF, and personally certify that he is "not a dick".
And better looking than photos might lead you believe.
The spaceship is my penis will forever remain in my memory and in my "godspeed you fancy bastard". Day. Made.
Thanks Joel!
I'm thinking the HAM-mer should become a recurring object. What say you all?
Adding comment to HAM-mer: "I''m thinking the HAM-mer should become a recurring object. What say you all?"
"I"m Hamming the HAM-mer should Ham a Hamming Ham. What Ham you?"
What would happen if you put bacon in the HAM-mer?
I wonder what would happen if The Doctor Sonic'd the Ham-mer…
Oh the Seuss hat was for ME! *SQUEE* So great meeting you Joel!
I'm anxiously awaiting the day when I get to hear Dr. Who say, "I wear a trucker hat now. Trucker hats are cool."
Because all the hats he has said that about thus far are way cooler than trucker hats.
Completely unrelated to this comic but thought you'd find this interesting:…
"Thy name", not "thou name".
I hate that I'm the sort of person who is bothered by this type of thing, but here we are.
Moose-vipers are a serious threat to our people, they drink all the beer and melt our ice homes!