THE END, FOREVER… of this storyline!
I should probably mention that I will be at San Diego Comicon this year with Blind Ferret and Something*Positive at booth #1231. I will have books and shirts and prints and sketches and a look on my face like, “WHAT IS EVEN GOING ON THIS WHOLE SITUATION IS OUT OF CONTROL WHY DO THEY EVEN CALL THIS A CON WHY NOT JUST CALL IT FUCK YOU?!?!?”
COMMENTERS: If a post-apocalyptic future group of nomadic wasteland types had only one movie to base a belief system and eventually a society around, which should it be and why? Don’t say Galaxy Quest, because that would be so meta the Omega 13 would collapse on itself.
Comments (52)
Oh yay! I was wondering if you were going to be at SDCC but wasn’t going to ask since I have heard you not love it. But, I missed you the last time I went and I’m going again this year! Booth noted!I love the people and I love the readers and I love the friends, but the con…. webcomics are not the reason people go to SDCC. We’re almost in the way.![]()
Outis· 99 weeks ago
I would really like to see the Religion that would develop out of Monty Pythons Meaning of Life![]()
Faye· 99 weeks ago
I honestly expected the first Python reference to be Life of Brian, good pick with Meaning of Life!![]()
MrPlow99· 99 weeks ago
I’ll have to go with Dogma since they specifically advocate against belief systems in the movie. So then you’d have a belief system based upon not having a belief system.![]()
HikingViking· 99 weeks ago
If they ever do make that Arrested Development movie, that would probably get my vote. Terrifying tales of the Loose Seal breaking out across the wasteland. The chicken dance actually becoming an offensive gesture. “Hot Patato” becoming the national anthem, or scattered tribe anthem I guess. But even better than that would be a postapocalyptic movie that mentions the “good old days”, but never shows what they were. Because how awesome would that be? Imagine if you found a movie that showed life like it is today, but always referenced how great things were “before the fall.” What the hell would that mean? “Oh, we had a cure for AIDS before the fall” someone would say forlornly. What the hell does that even mean?“Animal house”, Or,…. “Planet of the apes” (the original one), Or,….. “Paul Blart: Mall cop” .,…. Or,.. And I am just dream casting here …. The 3 stooges film “You Nazty Spy!”,…..The Big Lebowsky. Just imagine them building statues of The Dude…., their appointed leaders all growing beards and wearing bathrobes everywhere…, and their greatest law would be “Ho not piss on another man’s rug”Will I get in a fight and be clubbed if I say FIGHT CLUB? I mean, crazy dudes wearing crazy clothes doing crazy things while being…er…crazy. What better post-apocalyptic mind-fuck can we hope for?Or, I don’t know, ARMY OF DARKNESS…
Katie· 99 weeks ago
Romy and Michelle’s High School Reunion. Because I’d like to imagine a post-apocalyptic church all simultaneously shouting, “I’m the Mary! I’m the Mary!” And then ending each service with a crazy dance to Time After Time. They’d also know the recipe for glue.Reruns of the Mary Tyler Moore Show and Rhoda would be their Dead Sea Scrolls.
The Lion King; think about it. Hakuna Matata is a mantra in and of itself.![]()
Batman1016· 99 weeks ago
Cloud Atlas. How’s that meta for you? A post-apocalyptic society based on a film about a post-apocalyptic society based on a the writings of a clone with a worldview based on a film about freedom from persecution and imprisonment, based on the life of an old man . . . etc, etc.Course, with my luck, PA society will be based on some shite Tim Burton flick or the Twilight series. Just a planet full of emo jagoffs who worship Johnny Depp and Stephenie Meyer.
YoYo_lax· 99 weeks ago
The music video to Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up.”You just got trolled future scattered remnants of humanity on the brink of extinction. So take that.
YoYo_lax· 99 weeks ago
Scratch that, “The Warriors.” Thus ensuring an irrational fear of bottles and 80’s hair bands.![]()
Bron· 99 weeks ago
I’m really supprised no one has said the princess bride yet…..So that or Blues Brothers (the initial film obviously….)
Presumably suggesting “The Passion of the Christ” would be a bit too meta aswell![]()
DuckAmuck· 99 weeks ago
Good god, people. The answer is obviously Army of Darkness.Everyone goes to bed at night saying “Klattu Beratta Necktie” and wonders why they have nightmares. “It’s a trick, get an axe” is the standard greeting. Every kid hopes they get the chainsaw hand for Boom-stick-mas.
Chaucer59· 99 weeks ago
Has to be tge Big Lebowski. The priest stands over the baptismal font as the initiate is pushed in, backwards, fully clothed; whereupon the priest casts the wild ferret into the tub. As the ferret (having been fed peyote) tries to claw through the initiates chest, he cries out, “Get this fucking marmot offa me!” The parishioners respond, “Get this fucking marmot offa me!” As two deacons roll the initiate into a rug, the priest’s assistant, dressed as a Valkyrie, is lowered on wires onto the altar and rolls her bowling ball into the assembly.“The Dude abides,” saith the priest.
“The Dude abides,” respond the parishioners.
Alan Grayson· 99 weeks ago
I’m surprised no Fight Club but if I was taking this seriously I’d say Into Great Silence because they haven’t made of movie of A Canticle for Leibowitz yet (and too bad theres no movie of Phillip K. Dick’s Dr. Bloodmoney, or How We Got Along After the Bomb) but in my heart I say The Charlie Brown Christmas Special even though its technically not a movie.I’m going to be completely honest with you, Joel. If The Adventures of Spaag and Skeev were a webcomic, I would read it. I would read it every update. I would subscribe to the RSS Feed.![]()
Allen· 99 weeks ago
Ghostbusters. The pantheon consists of everyone who’s ever been asked if they’re a god.![]()
lou· 99 weeks ago
I say we follow Peter Griffin’s example and establish the Church of the Fonz. Imagine what kind of ceremony you’ll involve jumping over a shark for.![]()
HandiGoat· 99 weeks ago
I think it should be Mad Max, because future dystopian peoples deserve to get to high-five eachother knowing that they got it right.![]()
Tony· 99 weeks ago
I’m going to throw what I think might be a curveball and suggest: Rosencrantz and Gldenestern are Dead.![]()
AttilaThePBNun· 99 weeks ago
How about a Disney movie? “The Aristocats’; what would a society based on a cartoon movie about talking animals be like? Would they all be vegetarians? Expect for fish, of course. They’d eat fish ….![]()
lou· 99 weeks ago
I just love comic-Eli’s insane optimism, even in the face of logic and there’s easier ways to do things. Is he like this all the time?I vote for Blood of Heroes in the Post-Apocalypse genre – “Well shit, there’s pretty much nothing out here, what the hell do we do?” “Hey, these guys fought over dog skulls for bits of metal!” “Well, damn, let’s do that then.”Weird. I meant to also add the Stone/Parker trilogy of Baseketball, Orgasmo, and Book of Mormon as the basis for the most amazing religion ever.
Ralph Bakshi’s Wizards?
Has to be tge Big Lebowski. The priest stands over the baptismal font as the initiate is pushed in, backwards, fully clothed; whereupon the priest casts the wild ferret into the tub. As the ferret (having been fed peyote) tries to claw through the initiates chest, he cries out, “Get this fucking marmot offa me!” The parishioners respond, “Get this fucking marmot offa me!” As two deacons roll the initiate into a rug, the priest’s assistant, dressed as a Valkyrie, is lowered on wires onto the altar and rolls her bowling ball into the assembly.
“The Dude abides,” saith the priest.
“The Dude abides,” respond the parishioners.