“Excellent work LaserTit. Megatron will be pleased. Now we can harness the Large Hadron Collider for Energon production… we should really work on getting you a new name.”
The most recent drama at the LHC has to do with a bird’s bagel bomb causing certain components to overheat. LAME! Get to smashing the shit out of some particles and sucking us all into a mother effin’ black hole already! Things are so bad that some of the LHC crew thinks they are being sabotaged from the future. I bet it’s that evil chick from Quantum Leap whose job it was to re-wrong all the righted-wrongs that Same Becket righted in the first place. If it isn’t her then we need to question Dr. Emmett Brown. He knows more than he’s letting on. Plus he’s a cowboy with a time-train.
Is a thing I am on. I post all kinds of crap including book sketches as I do them, and secret inside jokes that only YOU and I will get.
I hope to see some of you FB’s out there on Saturday. I will have books (with free sketches), shirts, buttons, stickers, partial hugs and awkward looks!
And a week from tomorrow I will be at The Dallas Webcomics Expo (11/14). I’m really excited for both of these events and I hope to see you there live and in person. Cons are a big part of The Experiment going forward, so please come out and show your support.
I’ve been getting a few emails and twitters about book shipment status. The deal is this: I still have about 120 UFE’s and regular AE’s from the preorders to sketch and ship. The reason it’s taking so long is that I had over 300 sketches to do and I’m not doing “quick recycled 30 sec sketches.” I am essentially doing custom illustrations for every book. I want it to be personal and memorable (and worth the extra $15). Thank you for being patient and for understanding. Once these preorders are all shipped, all orders will be going out weekly (non-sketched books are going out when they are ordered already).
Speaking of books and what you should do about them: HOW ABOUT BUYING ONE!?
Brillant. I could swear the last panel was animated. It still moves! A miracle!
I can't think of that thing as anything other than the, Large Hardon Collider.
That would explain Josh's interest, now wouldn't it?
Proof that everything is better with Transformers….except Michael Bay movies
But Lasertit may be the best Transformer name ever.
Any appearance by Soundwave ups my happiness level by about 600 percent. Looking forward to meeting the brains behind this operation at DWEX!
Great job on the fourth panel, I hear the transforming sound effect when I look at it.
Totally. This brings back happy memories of Transformers before Bay effed things up.
Sabotage from the future? I say this sounds like a job for the Doctor! With all the zipping around time & space he does in the TARDIS, he must know how the LHC is supposed to work. Or maybe he does and HE's sabotaging it himself for the good of the universe?
The LHC is actually run by a group of aliens disguised as scientists who want to turn the entire Earth into a black hole so they can harvest antimatter energy from it or something. Thus the Doctor (and companion, of course) must stop this nefariously evil alien plot for the good of man(and Time Lord)kind.
OMG no! I know its the Master! He must be involved!
Sounds more like the work of the Slitheen family again. They tried to nuke London, and use a nuclear reactor on meltdown to split open the rift in Cardiff.
Its actually Skynet sending back terminator birds to stop us as revenge for what happened in the 3rd Terminator movie. Also as revenge FOR the 3rd movie….
Somewhere, David Walker just had to scrap a planned Shortpacked strip
David "Walky" Walkerton is the character. David Willis is the artist/creator.
Willis wears the glasses, Walky may or may not have the super powers. It's a whole Clark Kent/Superman deal. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever actually seen them both in the same place at the same time……
This is twice as funny considering I watched TF3 yesterday.