- WORLD EXCLUSIVE: MelGibson’s Racist Rant Caught OnTape
- Mel Gibson’s New RACIST RANT: N-Word Rape Threats
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Poor Mel Gibson. The media has really blown his rampant Jew-hating, misogyny, n-word using (they run in packs now?) and general horribleness out of proportion. Give him a break. He’s only human. A despicable, racist, hate-filled human.
I hope you (those of you in the US) exercised your right to make explosions for freedom yesterday. My wife and I took our 3 year old daughter out into the sticks and left her there with nothing but a hatchet and a compass. If she finds her way home she will get her medicine name and be recognized at the tribal council. Wait. No. We took her out there to explode things because that’s what George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and the other one would have wanted (there were 3 founding fathers right?).
Saturday night was our first attempt at explosiberty, which was thwarted (I shit you not) by a stray cow in the road which attracted a cop. The cop, in the midst of all her shooing and “YAH! GET!”ing of the wayward bovine, noticed us and informed us that though there were 400 fireworks stands along the highway there was ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE within 100 miles that we could utilize them for their intended purpose. We then drove a few miles down a darker, scarier more “dueling banjos” type of road and sang “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” while our daughter made air circles with sparklers.
Sunday night we met a friend and his daughter and went to our town’s fireworks display shindig by the lake. The airborne explosives were as majestic as the cover band playing that night was awful (they were majestically awful).
Special thanks to Fancy Bastard @Hermetic for suggesting the name of Eli’s firework.
you are so going to hell for that middle panel
yeah, but what a fucking ride
Maybe we can get some crossover happening –
I think he was already on his way, this is just posturing for a better room.
Love the comic! I can't believe I used to have a crush on Mel Gibson when I was younger. Now, just the thought of him makes me vomit a little inside my mouth.
For me he's really crossed a line that will impede my enjoyment of his previous work. I wonder if this is it for his career.
I hope so, but people do tend to love to forgive and forget. I was trying to find an example to compare Mel Gibson to, but Gibson tends to be a serial offender.
Are you ever planning on revisiting Mel's first public meltdown? Cause I'd read that just to see how you'd work in the "Sugartits" reference.
(the last panel is a t-shirt I would wear… to their wedding…)
Thanks for using my suggestion, Joel!
On an unrelated note, Josh is going to do awful, awful things to that mascot, isn't he?
I think this falls under the Special Bacon Dispensation of 1998.
Daddy loves some "meat cone".
Lovin’ the 2nd panel Background. Did you make it yourself? Bigger version of it?
I made it from a photo I took with my phone at our 4th of July park thing. Then I did some photoshop magic and painted over that a bit.
I actually turned the tables and graped a pack of noogiers in lieu of 4th of July fireworks. Much more explosive. Nobody’s rubbing my head briskly with their knuckles.
Actually, in the best of all worlds, the El Detonador hits the "Meats is America" stand, and the meat cone shrapnel hits the noogiers, squishing their grapes.
Everyone is made of win then. Everyone. God Bless 'Merica.
Well I WAS gonna go watch Mad Max…
I kind of wonder what would happen if Mel Gibson and Gallagher were in a room together. I have this vague idea that it would be like Timecop. From Wikipedia (about Timecop): "According to the film, two instances of the same matter cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Therefore, when Walker pushes the younger McComb into the older one, the two McCombs fuse into a writhing, disappearing mass of blood and flesh." So I'm guessing it'd be an unholy mash of watermelon, booze, blood and toupees.…
Ummm… I feel a little slow here, but that comic just went over my head. Absolutely no clue what happened there.
And did Denise just say, “you’ll blow me first”? And I thought she was such a nice girl…
Check the links DIRECTLY below the comic.
LOL – I was really confused at first, too, but have learnt that you will usually give some explanation if a strip isn't entirely clear. Awesome. The middle panel is beautiful.
I notice Josh doesn't tell the pigman he's an embarrassment though…..
He's saving that for pillow talk after….well, just after.
HA! you deserve 100 points of something for that marvelous comment.
Majestically Awful would be a great cover band name.
I lol'd
First link is slightly broken. I believe it should be…
DetailBear: providing solutions to undetected errors since 1985.
This is so wrong and so, oh so, incredibly right. I… have no further words, only sounds that cannot properly be expressed with a keyboard.
facking brilliant.
The "Grape" thing totally reminded me of this:
"The Grapist"
The third was Benjamen Franklyn.
Also, I loled. I posted a humerous article about Mel's publicict to my Facebook just the other day.…
"The Porkhole Meat Cone" …something only Josh could enjoy…