The “Eh Team” shirt and Groverfield Shirt are in the store

“In 1972 a crack hockey team was sent to the penalty box by for high-sticking and decapitating a team mate with their skates. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security moose cave to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the Canadian government, they survive as maple syrup smugglers. If you have a pancake, if no one else can help, and if you can find the syrup, maybe you can hire the Eh Team.”

Near….. Far…..Yeah, let’s keep it at “far.” As far as possible would be great. (Groverfield shirt)

A couple of other changes in the store:

  • Signed Comic Prints are now $10 (down from $12.50). They look fantastic framed and are totally awesome and totally tie your room together.
  • I retired (for now) the “Magically Fabulous” and “Catonmyface” shirts since they have only sold in the single digits over the last several months. If you have one, it’s a collectors item!
  • Personal Avatars: I’ve been enjoying doing these (you can see a few here), but they are extremely time consuming and I was undercharging for the amount of work I put into them. For right now I’ve stopped accepting new avatar orders. If you’ve already paid for one, you will certainly get it. They may return in the future.

Fancy Bastard Evil League of Evil Submission Video

I’ve said it before, but HijiNKS Ensue Readers are the coolest motherfuckers this side of the internet.

I’d noticed some nefarious plans taking shape on this thread in the Fancy Bastard Forum, but it wasn’t until tonight that I realized plot had come to fruition and it was already too late for us all.

I present to you newest applicant to the Evil League of Evil, THE RECLUSE!

FB’s will recognize the Feisty Fiddling Recluse as Tindomiel from the forum and comments. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that everyone else in the video was a Fancy Bastard:

Corporal Punishment, founding member of the hero team Shine Junkies – Sean
Nude Knight, former member of Shine Junkies – Dramthevirgin
Kid Kosmic, former member of Shine Junkies – Eddie
Null, former employer of the Recluse – Sean (again)
Oscar the dachshund – himself

Additional HE nods are peppered through out the video (a fallen hero named “Rainbow Grizzly” getting the “Godspeed, You Fancy Bastard” salute, the desktop on The Recluse’s PC and the Super Villain team name “The Shine Junkies” which is an anagram for… something)

So, please support your fellow Evil FB’s and watch the video, rate it, leave positive comments, link to it and send it to your friends. The winners, chosen by Bad Horse himself, will appear in the extras on the Doctor Horrible DVD.

Regarding Tindomiel‘s performance, I am THOROUGHLY impressed to say the least. She exhibits dangerous levels of musical baddassery which is my favorite kind of badassery. Plus a chance for anything HE related to appear on a Dr. Horrible DVD is super awesome bonus tits. Regardless of the outcome, I am very proud of you guys. We are all evil winners!

New Desktop Wallpaper and Experiment Update

Today we reached $600 in monthly donation subscriptions. Thank you all so much. We are nearly halfway to the $1500 monthly goal. I am so grateful for you generosity.

As of last month I am looking for part time work or freelance/contract work in order to keep the Experiment and HE alive.


If you know of anyone (your company perhaps) that might require my services (illustration, graphic design, writing, etc) please drop me a line. I am also available for personal contracts like logo design or freelance illustration.

If you or anyone you know would be interested in SPONSORING HijiNKS Ensue, I am working on the details of a sponsorship advertising program now. Please let me know. You know what kind of audience HE attracts, so you probably know if HE is a good fit for your company or organization.

Here’s a new desktop wallpaper for anyone that that donates or subscribes to the Vault:

Thanks, guys!


Welcome Unshelved Readers!

If you are visiting HijiNKS Ensue from, feel free to look around and get acquainted. Check out:

If you like what you see you can SUBSCRIBE via RSS or leave a comment on this post.


Regular HE readers might want to check out the Unshelved guest comic I did. Guest comics on Unshelved are a little bit different than others I’ve done, in that they are more like illustrated book reports which they call the The Unshelved Book Club.
