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The one and only thing I appreciate about Mtv’s Teen Wolf adaptation is that the townsfolk in the trailer seem to react to werewolves with reasonable levels of terror. It’s more, “OH GOD, A HORRIBLE MONSTER! KILL IT! KILLLL IT IN THE FAAAAACE!” than attitude presented in the classic 80’s movies of, “Hey, how come the short kid is a dog? I sure hope he can play sports good now. Dum dee dum dee doooo.”
Are you listening to the HE Podcast? YOU SHOULD BE! In episode 70 [link coming soon] we talk a lot of teenage werewolves.
In defense of the people in the 80s, they were on WAY different drugs back then…
Plz, if ppl saw a werewolf today they would take out their I-phones to take pictures and then post them to Twitter and Facebook.
Don't fucking judge me.
A real werewolf?!?! A really really real one?!?! I get a six pack and see if I could get to second base.
@Sand- problem is, coke was the drug of the 80s. Pot is the now. So really, the reactions should totally be reversed.
I think the real question is if they're going to keep the guy whipping his dick out after the big game during the first season finale
Do most high schools even HAVE lacrosse? I only saw lacrosse players in college. Before that, I only knew about the sport from the original Freaky Friday movie.
I believe it's pretty popular on the east coast. But according to , it does appear to be played in some high school in most states.
They play the ever-loving crap out of some lacrosse in Maryland. You can't swing a cat without hitting some asshole with a lacrosse stick in his hands. I'm pretty sure it's our version of polo.
Actually Lacrosse is derived from Northern American natives, bastardized by the French settlers. Made sexy by rapists.
Sexy blue blood rapists
Yeah well we will see who's laughing when the rival high school's team feilds a sasquatch.
Of course the rival high school is all vampires!
"Even the XFL."
It's actually Canada's official national sport…
but let's be real here, our actual national sport is hockey.
Naismith was in Springfield, Massachusetts when he invented Basketball If this wiki page is to be believed. So the Americans might be able to claim it as their own sports on the grounds that it was invented on American soil IMO. Regardless though, they could have basketball as their own national sport it doesn't concern us Canucks.
Yeah sorry forgot to add the relevant Wiki Page:
In all honesty, the closest sport we have to being a national sport is football. I mean, come on- every other country in the world calls it "American Football" for crying out loud.
Baseball can suck it.
Baseball with their steroids and no salary cap and their boringness can indeed suck it….
His parents told him if he masturbated too much he'd end up with hairy palms….who's laughing now?
Fun–though gruesome–fact: The first time I ever heard of lacrosse was in a newspaper article I read when I was about twelve–about a kid who had died of injuries received during a game. This was about 1975.
But, yeah, it's pretty big here in the East. I know it's popular in Maryland. Lots of minivans and SUVs with "LAX" stickers on them, and they're not talking about the airport.
are you sure? casue bitches love them airports.
Last panel: A couple injections of local anesthetic, a good pat on the ass and a little bit of "coach" walk it off pep talk and they'll be good to go again. That wolf won't know what hit him second half.
But will the new Teen Wolf have totally awesome theme music like the short-lived 80's Saturday Morning cartoon adaptation?
The old Teen Wolf was billed as a comedy though. In that light, I think it served it's purpose well, even if some parts of it were rather unrealistic.
I finally got to watch this show today… the first two episodes followed by the sixth (blame It's actually pretty fun in a cute WB show type of way.
What the heck is a "javelin team?" Do rival high schools get together and put their 20 best javelin throwers up against each other?