Comic-Con ’08 Revelations Pt. 3
There’s also a tunnel of light that probably represents a vagina or something.
Aronofsky certainly wouldn’t have been the first name that came to mind when someone mentioned “Robocop.” He’s a fine director to be sure, but arty as the day is long. Each of his films has a very distinctive artistic visual style, which would certainly benefit any sci-fi franchise, but I don’t slot him as an action story teller. That’s probably a good thing. He might be able to take Robocop away from puns and explosions and move it into more of a “Dark Knight” direction of realism and… darkness… and knights.
I wonder how often that conversation is being had in Hollywood right now.
“The project is a mockumentary about florists staring Parker Posey and the dad from American Pie, but gritty… like the Dark Knight.”
“We’ll take two!”
I assumed not enough of you had seen “Pi,” so I left out the RabbiCop jokes.
Having seen Pi I was looking forward to any kind of autolobotomical reference, actually.
At first I thought this was going to be a pile of crap, as most Hollywood franchise reboots are.
Now, I have another movie to look forward to watching while on drugs.
At first I thought this was going to be a pile of crap, as most Hollywood franchise reboots are.
Now, I have another movie to look forward to watching while on drugs.
IAWTC. That would have worked particularly well with Robocop's head.
I think you just won the comments.
I thought about it but decided against it since they actually do drill into Robo's head in the movie.
Like "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" or "Fight Club"? I understand that they make perfect sense if you're high.
Fight Club makes perfect sense even when sober.
Nothing makes sense if you're sober!
"Halt. Please deconstruct your subconscious self-loathing as an outlet for your childhood neglect and abuse. You have 5 seconds to comply."
I like how he's throwing up into the top half of his helmet, and not the toilet directly behind him.
Good catch! That's pretty awesome.
RoboCop was always creepy to me. Not because RoboCop is a cyborg, but because the actor who plays him (Peter Weller) looks freakin' weird. For reference, see:
Need I say more?
He's as beautiful as a rat…
Robocop _is_ a great movie.
What's the point of a remake?
If he goes ass to ass with another Robocop I'm out.
If he goes ass to ass with another Robocop I'm totally in.
To educate the young'uns of today that are a generation behind who may have missed out on something great the first time around. I don't see what the concern is–we've done such things before. What with the live action Scooby Doo and Flintstones movies, American Gladiators being revamped, plus anything non-Mummy related that Brendan Fraser has starred in.
The list goes on, but I think you get my point. This a long-standing and proud American tradition–do something right the first time, then come back to it years later and do it again to the point of nearly (or ultimately) killing the franchise.
Like Batman Begins/Dark Knight? <grins and ducks>
Actually Brendan Fraser did at least one good non-Mummy movie: Gods and Monsters.
I'll second this one. Gods and Monsters was a fantastic movie, and really strange to see Brrendan Fraser actually acting. Pretty well, at that.
Having never seen any of the films this comic is based on other than Robocop the only thing that comes to mind when I hear Requiem for a dream is ass to ass. So I was expecting to see a comic starring Robocop, ED209 and a huge black dildo.
"Fraser actually acting."
And he's pretty pretty, too!
Helps to be working with Ian McKellen, who's pretty great whether he's Magneto, Gandalf, or James Whale.
Lots of Whale's movies are must-sees: Frankenstein and Bride of F, Invisible Man, and for something completely different (yet also wonderful), Show Boat
it wouldnt be the "depths" of human suffering otherwise. He has to put the helmet back on eventually.
He was on two episodes of "Enterprise" and yes he is an oddball.
School Ties wasnt bad if memory serves.
You're the other Robocop.
Sounds like you have 3 movies to watch.