I’ve been making alternate versions of my recent comics with NEW JOKES and posting them exclusively for my Patreon Patrons. TODAY, AND TODAY ONLY, EVERYONE GETS TO SEE 5 DIFFERENT VERSION OF TODAY’S COMIC!!!!
I’ve posted them HERE on my Patreon FREE FOR EVERYONE!
Dearest Sharksploders, please help me get my Patreon over the $2000 hump. Comics is my full time job, but it doesn’t currently pay full time money. Every little bit helps and is QUITE appreciated.
Really, thats what she gets for buying her kid a generic “TOYS” shirt. Also included in this merchandise line is “CARTOON”, “MOVIE” and “VIDEO GAME”. Coming soon to a dollar store near you
And the breakfast cereal she always gets is just “CEREAL”.
I never got the brand name CEREAL. Mine was just a lumpy bag that said “MORNING FOOD ADD MILK.”
A better question is: What is that “lake” made of that a skipping stone with bounce as high vertically as it travels horizontally.
An even better question is: Does Joel enjoy such ridiculously pedantic questions as part of a meta commentary or does he think we are being stupid?
The answer of your first question is gelatin
I think it’s whatever the fake water in those model railroads are made of.
I don’t think pedantry is fun or funny, if that answers your question. But I also don’t think you are being malicious. Intent is key.
He’s a Hufflepuff, HA!
Everybody hates Hufflepuff
I’d say them’s fightin’ words, but unlike most of the other Houses, Hufflepuffs are good people and won’t pick a fight when you bash them.
Because they’re better than you.
“Because they’re better than you.”
Said, the Hufflepuff from the dining hall while all the shit was going down with the Gryffindors up in the astronomy tower.
Joel is leaving money on the table if he deosn’t start selling a shirt that says TOYS
(And a hat that says SPORTS)
I leave all my money on the table. There’s no room in my mattress since it’s stuffed with unsold t-shirts.
If sex with dragons (referring to the bottom alt-strip in that stack of Patreon bonuses) is a thing on Game of Thrones, I am WAY behind on that series.
It’s a thing on THE INTERNET which means you are way behind on the internet. Dragon dildos. I’ve already said too much.
I totally missed the kid’s expression in the last panel, until I went to read the alt versions. Even better!