That’s it Prince. Prance your princely prance with the Internet. Know it. Love it. Roll around in the fields of wildflowers with it. Oh… uh, don’t touch it there. It’s totally got the herpes. It’s also just lousy with porns.
- Prince Declares Internet Over
- The Artist known as Prince is a luddite
- Prince: “The internet’s completely over.”
The background of panel 3 was inspired by THIS which also inspired THIS [which is amazing].
The double rainbow is a nice touch.
Oh my god! It's so amazing!
What does it mean?!
You need to sell "Internet" plushies! I so want one Xd.
I second this. I know more than a few people who would want an internet unicopuppy!
The last panel is begging to be made into a print. And probably a wallpaper.
Cue Morris Day and the Black Internet Unicorn Puppy in panel four. Time to see which supergroup funks harder.
I concur with the request for internet plushies.
Also – M-3POs = awesome. I am no longer going to say “MP3″…it’s now “M-3PO”.
How could you pass the opportunity to main title this "Dr. Gaylove"???!!
You maybe didn't know this (I didn't until recently) but the second rainbow in a double rainbow has the colors reversed. I don't quite know the physics of it but one is a mirror image of the other.
Great comic though!
that was bugging me the entire clip
Here is an explanation:
(the Atmospheric Optics is an awesome website so look around)
What is the unicopuppy's tail? A defunct Microsoft Courier stylus?
Its a wireless router antenna.
I see it in his beard now. Good play, sir.
Loved the bureau chiefs headline for this: "Artist formely known as Price adds Internet, self to list of things that are completely over"
Didn't Prince also abolish pants years ago?…
I am *so* not clicking that link!
Wiser than I. Naked Prince arse within.
I noticed that most, if not all, cartoons (and muppets) play left-handed (like me). Joel, did you model your own Princely Power-Stance-Prance in the mirror?
Actually I realized he was right handed as I was drawing him running to the left, so I just said "F it" and kept going. My body is incapable of maintaining that stance.