I have returned from North of The Wall with a bag full of Canadian “money.” While I recharge my batteries, please to enjoy a few of the fancy sketches I did for the Calgarian Fancy Bastards.
Intense thanks to Keith for hosting me this weekend, driving me around Calgary and being a generally awesome dude. Additional thanks to the Blind Ferret crew for being my convention home base and taking care of business (every day/every way). Even further thanks to David and Wil for three straight nights of beer-fueled bro-down hangouts.
Now If you’ll excuse me, I need to go exchange all this ridiculous pastel, plastic currency for something I can actually spend. CANADIAN MONEY TRIVIA: All Canadian bills feature photos of actors who portrayed The Doctor in the classic Doctor Who series’ (Sylvester McCoy is on the $10), except for the $20 which features Hellen Mirren.
COMMENTERS: Speaking of The Sarlacc, which minor Star Wars character (from any movie, book or game) do you hope gets a starring role in the new Disney regime and why? If you say Jaxxon, I’m going to reunify all the little bits of Alderaan just so I can punch it to death again.
Comments (38)
Skintick · 111 weeks ago
I honestly wouldn’t mind seeing a full length feature on Jabba when he was younger (supposedly a bad-ass), Rogue Squadron, or maybe Boba Fett and that is only because the game was pretty cool.![]()
nenslo · 111 weeks ago
The gunner who let go the escape pod with R2D2 & C3PO inside. I always wondered if he was aware afterwards that he alone possessed the power to destroy the rebel alliance and the Light side of the force…![]()
Blarrgl · 111 weeks ago
R5-D4 needs a proper, that is to say canon, day in the sun.You know, if you take such offense to the Canadian money, I can totally take that off your hands 😀 I’ll even pay shipping!Regarding the Batman one, I’ve always kind of thought a stage magician superhero could be kind of cool. A cross between Houdini and Batman, lots of sleight of hand, deception, things like that.![]()
lou · 111 weeks ago
I’m sure there’s plenty of magic superheroes who act like stage magicians. Take Zatanna, who IS a stage magician in her day job, when she’s not rollin’ with John Constantine and Justice League Dark.Stage magician superhero?
After “The Incredible Hulk”, Bill Bixby did play (kinda) one in the obviously titled “The Magician”…“You wouldn’t like me when I’m… PRESTO!!!”
gratch · 111 weeks ago
It’s a little known fact that the design of Canadian money is based entirely around drinking. We color coded our money so that no matter how drunk you are you can still pay and receive change for your beer. Just hand the nice person behind the bar a purple bill and they’ll give you back a blue one and some coins. Frankly, I’ve always felt sorry for you Americans actually having to look at the numbers.![]()
jiynx · 111 weeks ago
we went ahead and developed these things called ‘credit cards’ and their successor design ‘debit cards’, which function as an electronic key-signature authorizing transfers of money from bank to vendor.you don’t even need to carry any coins or bills around, either.
lou · 111 weeks ago
When the alt text said “road trip through the Dune Sea”, I thought of a STAR WARS version of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I suppose Han Solo and Chewie acted like that in their early smuggling days.![]()
tom327cat · 110 weeks ago
Chewie took over piloting the falcon. I didn’t tell him about the mynocs. He would find out soon enough, poor bastard.Assuming this new movie is taking place around the time of Return of the Jedi, I’d like to see some of Mara Jade while she was working as the Emperor’s Hand and then trying to kill Luke after the Emperor died.![]()
Stephen · 111 weeks ago
Fett & Sarlaac: We’re off on the Road to Mos Eisley!
Sarlaac: Your jetpack is chafing my hide! (Fett: Tell me about it)
Sarlaac: Whatever heroes we may face we haven’t any fear.
Fett: Sarlaac will digest them for the next one thousand years!
Fett & Sarlaac: We certainly do get arou-ou-ound!
Fett & Sarlaac: Like Luke and Ben Kenobi, we’re Mos Eisley bound!![]()
HikingViking · 111 weeks ago
I’d like to see Abrams focus the whole movie on a small group of Imperial Guards who go on a revenge mission to take out high-ranking rebels responsible for blowing up the Death Star. Kind of like Munich, in space.![]()
xero · 111 weeks ago
wouldn’t that be more Valkyrie in space since they would fail![]()
lou · 110 weeks ago
“Valkyrie in Space” would be more like a cadre of Imperial Officers plotting to overthrow the Emperor and Vader, which has happened at least couple times in the EU.Admiral Piett. He started as Captain and one strangled Admiral and BAMMO promotion!Wedge would be cool also and perhaps the son of Porkins, Porky.
Paul Turnbull · 111 weeks ago
Thanks for the most excellent art Joel! When I had Nathan sign it he sat back a bit and said “Who drew this!!” I directed him to you. You’ve successfully helped me to pleasantly startle someone two years in row.Come back next year so I can add to my growing collection (Am I allowed to call two a collection?) of celebrity signed art drawn by you.
Oh you had him sign the “2 captains” drawing? Sweet! Post a pic if you can. I hope he dug it.![]()
Paul Turnbull · 111 weeks ago
Here’s the “2 Captains” signed:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/turnbull/8703905480/And from last year Wil Wheaton and the Van signed:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/turnbull/7122978237/how about Tales from Jabba’s Palace done Pulp Fiction style?
Covers everyone and should be badass… right?A Jawa version of “The Passion of the Christ” would be amazeballs.![]()
Mr.Torgue · 111 weeks ago
Kyle Katarn. Abrams may have to rent some explosions from Michael Bay to make it work though.+1 to this! Those games were the most excited I’d been about Star Wars since pre-prequels.Not a character? I don’t care. I will watch it if they put an E-Wing in it.There is no other way I’ll put any more money into this franchise.
I want Luke Skywalker to have a conversation with spirit Yoda.![]()
Stephen · 110 weeks ago
Thanks to this comic, I am going back and re-reading my expanded universe novels. Might even go back a bit further and read some that I skipped.![]()
DH8 · 110 weeks ago
I’m hoping the space marine on a unicorn is an obscure reference to the “X-Play Musical”!!
http://www.g4tv.com/videos/15106/x-play-the-music…It is a reference to how a dude asked me to draw a car riding Robocop, riding a unicorn.
Thanks for the most excellent art Joel! When I had Nathan sign it he sat back a bit and said “Who drew this!!” I directed him to you. You’ve successfully helped me to pleasantly startle someone two years in row.
Come back next year so I can add to my growing collection (Am I allowed to call two a collection?) of celebrity signed art drawn by you.