A God Among Actors

If Edward James Olmos played the God of Abraham, would Jamie Bamber play Jesus and then eventually fat Jesus? Would Katee Sackhoff play Mary Magdalene? I’m fairly sure we all know who would play Judas in this scenario (though he would make a pretty good Jesus too).

Any FB’s in the Lubbock, TX area need to come out and see me at West Texas Comic-Con this Saturday from 10am – 6pm. I’ll have books and shirts and buttons and stuff and things.

The 3 contests are over and here are the winners:

CONTEST 1: Recreate an HE Comic
PRIZE: 1 Copy of Gearbox Software’s Borderlands for PC on Steam
WINNER (chosen by Joel): Chris K. aka NESDude
ENTRY: Check out his awesome video recreation of THIS comic HERE.
To claim your prize, email dopefish3d (at) gmail (dot) com

CONTEST 2: Hottest Fancy Bastard
PRIZE: 1 Copy of Gearbox Software’s Borderlands for PC on Steam
WINNER (chosen entirely by Josh and no one else): Dave L.
ENTRY: Josh didn’t share it with me, so…
To claim your prize, email dopefish3d (at) gmail (dot) com

CONTEST 3: HE Pumpkin Carving
PRIZE: 1 Copy of Terminal Reality’s Ghostbusters for Xbox 360 (donated by Eli)
WINNER (chosen by Eli and Denise): @CallMeSteam
ENTRY: The Elumpkin!
To claim your prize, email elivorio (at) gmail (dot) com

Thank you to everyone that entered. I would like to do more contests like this in the future. I would also like to give a Special Award to Jessica G. for her paper cutting recreation of THIS comic. The detail and effort that went into this is just extraordinary [I would actually really like to own this]. Email me (joel) and I’ll send you a signed print of any comic that you want.


Fans of the HE Podcast may appreciate this poster Alex made of El Delorio. That shit is top notch awesome right there. He wanted to offer to runners up on the contests, but I think only the Podcast listeners will get it, so I am considering offering it as a print in the store. Your thoughts?

There Are FOUR Jack-O’-Lanterns!

[reddit-me]That look in your eyes says “WTFCOMIC?” but that look in YOUR EYES screams “SERIOUSLYWTFCOMIC?!” Your reaction is understandable. This Halloween comic is really just a love letter from me to other hardcore Star Trek: TNG fans. I actually came up with about 100 even more obscure, 1(ish)-episode characters to use for costume ideas but in the end I settled on The Traveler, Lal and not one but TWO Captain Dathons. Dueling Darmok’s, if you will.

Almost no one entered the comic recreation contest so I have extended ALL DEADLINES for all 3 contests through the weekend. If you want to enter and win either Borderlands (PC) or Ghostbusters (360) you have until late Sunday night to enter. Winners will be announced Monday. For those that plan on entering the comic recreation contest, FEAST YOUR RIDICULOUS EYEBALLS ON THE CURRENT FRONT RUNNER AND DESPAIR!!!

If you enjoy HijiNKS ENSUE at all
, and you want to see it continue, or you support my EXPERIMENT to try and make a living from this comic PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take 60 seconds and fill out this marketing survey [LINK]. It’s 23 multiple choice questions and it shouldn’t take more than a minute. It would really mean a lot to me.




Git ‘Er Dunham

If you enjoy HijiNKS ENSUE at all, and you want to see it continue, or you support my EXPERIMENT to try and make a living from this comic PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take 60 seconds and fill out this marketing survey [LINK]. It’s 23 multiple choice questions and it shouldn’t take more than a minute. It would really mean a lot to me.




I was going to write a long post about how fucking tragic it is that America embraces lowest common denominator comedy but I think I nailed it with my early synopsis: Basically Jeff Dunham has a show where incredibly racist puppets do incredibly racist things. If he were actually funny, I wouldn’t be offended at all. It’s lazy comedy and it sucks.

I remember watching this guy in the 90’s when I was a kid and… yes, I admit I wanted to be a ventriloquist [dodges all the things you are throwing at my head place]. At the time he had his main fuzzy green monkey muppet, Peanut, and the jalapeno pepper-on-a-stick guy. When I was 11 the fact that the pepper character was sleepy and lazy and slow witted didn’t really register with me. Growing up in SE Texas the only Mexicans I knew about were cartoon mice with sombreros. The seeds of lazy racist comedy were there 15 years ago. Now his line up of co-starts consists of: Aforementioned green fuzz monkey guy, old guy, lazy mexican food stuff, black pimp with gold chains, dumb ass white redneck Nascar dude (psst… America, he’s making fun of YOU) and THE CORPSE OF A DEAD FUCKING MUSLIM TERRORIST! WTF!? I just… I have no idea.

It isn’t his racist, no-effort comedy that offends me. It’s the fact that it works; that America loves it. What a waste of LOLS.

Books are going out in the mail every day. Artist Editions are taking forever because I want the drawing to be personalized and good and not 400 sketched of Josh’s face looking slightly to the left.

When you get your book, post a pic on Twitter with the tag #hebook.



The Darkseid Of The Fox

[HOLIDAY SHPPING DEADLINES!!! I’ll be announcing these soon, but if you want a book (especially an Artist Edition) you should probably ORDER IT like right now]

This origin story may sound familiar, and it may completely contradict the previous origin story for the Evil Fox Executive but hey, whatevs.

So Fox has decided to shelve Dollhouse for November sweeps, and air it 2 eps at a time when it returns in December. Sounds like they are blowing through their already canned episodes and fulfilling a contractual obligation with Mutant Enemy at the same time. A few days ago I would have said, “Meh, go for it. The show just isn’t resonating with its intended audience. The stories range from mildly intriguing to flat out boring (ie “Not Without My Baby” starring Echo Dushku).” Then (just like last season with 1.12″Omega”) they threw a curve ball and showed what was probably the 3rd best episode of the series so far, 2.4 “Belonging”.

I’ve been saying since the beginning that this show sould be Dollhouse: The Adventures of  Victor and Sierra. Last week’s ep was irrefutable proof to this point. Sierra’s origin story was fucking intense. Just brutal. There was character development, depth, drama and suspense coming out the yang. And she and Victor have such fantastic chemistry even in their blank doll states. I wonder how much of this improvement had to do with Jonathan “Space Beard” Frakes being in the director’s chair? Maybe this season can end with Echo being brutally murdered by Alpha then Victor and Sierra can take over for the fictional 3rd season that will only air in my fevered dreams.

There are 3 contests that you can enter to win a copy of Borderlands (PC) or Ghostbusters (360), but you have to ACT QUICKLY.

Thanks to everyone that came to see me in Austin, TX this past weekend. The Ka-Baam! shows were a fantastic experience and I hope to be involved next year as well. You can see the comic book covers I created for the improvisers to… improv off of HERE and HERE. The reader meetup after the Friday night show was a blast as well. It’s weird to think that I have internet-friends in pretty much every major city in America. The book signing at Rogue’s Gallery in Round Rock was fun too. Randy and the staff were extremely nice and we had a some very stimulating geek conversation. If you are in the Austin area, you should give them a look see.

I’ll be posting a ton of pics from the whole weekend on Flickr soon.

Jazz Fangs

What can we expect from a Whedon-directed episode of Glee? Dark Willow and Andrew the uber-nerd signing a mashup of Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” and Positive K’s “I Got A Man”? A medley from “The Music Man” performed by Wash’s impaled corpse (I’ve seen Alan Tudyk in Spamalot and the man can definitely sing and dance like a fancy-prancy-leaf on the wind)? Or just an awesome hour of geeky TV? I was already going to watch every episode of Glee from here until infinity any way, but I’ll be sure to watch Joss’s episode TWICE AS HARD! WITH MY EYES!

Commenters, what do you want to see in Whedon-Glee?


Book Signing at Rogue’s Gallery Comics and Books, Saturday Oct 24th from 1-3pm, with a possible reader meetup afterward (depending on how many of you show up)

2 Shows with KaBaam! (Improv Super Hero Comedy Action Show) Friday Night and Saturday Night at 8pm [MORE INFO HERE]


The whole HE crew caught The Found Footage Festival last night in Dallas and it was fantastic. The hosts Joe and Nick collect shitty VHS tapes from resale shops, yard sales and dumpsters then put together a show with the absolute worst clips. They’ve got cable access weirdos, work out videos, local commercials, insane family videos, and infomercials for terrifying products. I can’t recommend you checking out their live show AND buying their DVD’s strongly enough. Showing their DVD’s to a group of people is an instant party.

Their next live show is Sunday Night (10/25) in Austin at the Alamo Draft House ( 2 shows! 7pm and 9:30pm) (why is everything cool happening in Austin this weekend?). Go and laugh until your face parts hurt.


Almost all of the non-artist edition books have shipped! Artist editions of all kinds will start shipping next week when I get back from Austin. I’m so thrilled that you guys are about to have this book in your hands. When your book arrives, post a pic to Twitter with #hebook.

Don’t have a book? ORDER ONE! It wants to come to your house and love you with LOLs.

Check out this Josh cameo in a webcomic made by two of our very own Fancy Bastards.