Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One

I’ll be at Dallas Comic Con this weekend. Come say hi!

I wrote this comic after viewing the Star Trek TNG episode “The Icarus Factor.” In it, Wesley Crusher throws Worf a surprise Klingon birthday party on the Holodeck, complete with a Painstick Pinnata. Also Riker worked out his daddy issues by beating the crap out of his old man American Gladiators style. What does this have to do with anything? Nothing. I just like making comics about Star Trek.

The actual comic inspiration came from the fact that Wesley clearly didn’t realize that everyone on the ship was punking him when they encouraged him to sneak around and try to plan Worf’s K’Plahmitzvah. Continue reading

Cock Zucker

I guess we can all shave off our strike-pompadours [you did grow yours right?] now that Conan has reached an agreement with NBC for an exit strategy. His final show is tonight and I urge you all to watch it live as it airs (no DVR’s) to make this the highest rated episode of The Tonight Show With Conan O’Brien ever. It’s hard to feel bad for a guy that’s going to pocket almost $34 million for NOT working (he must have got that book about free government money from the guy in the question mark suit), but it isn’t hard to see that he wanted the show and not the payout. Continue reading

It Takes Brass Balloons


“We’re adding a little something to this party’s Pin The Tail On The Donkey game. As you all know first prize is a Sega Genesis. Anyone wanna see second prize? Second prize is a set of POGS. Third prize is you’re fired. Get the picture? You laughing now?”

“Wait. Fired? Like From the Party? Or the family?!”

As a True Believer[TM] and a lifelong Spider-Man fan, I only feel relief at the mercy killing of most recent Raimi/Macguire Spider-Man movie. After Spider-Man 3 (which was so turdtastic that I started a webcomic just to bitch about it), I really have no interest in any continuation of that particular franchise. I swear if I ever meet James Franco I’m just going to punch him right in the head. He should know better. Shame on you, James Franco. A thousand times, shame.Continue reading

Didn’t You Get That Memo?

I can’t comment on Pat Robertson’s disgusting comments regarding the great tragedy and loss of life in Haiti. Nor can I conjure words to describe my feelings about Rush Limbaugh urging people NOT to donate to the Haiti relief efforts via (which just has a link to the Red Cross) as to not “play into Obama’s humanitarian agenda/strengthen his acceptance by minorities, etc., etc.” I can only reiterate my initial gut reaction [previously posted on Twitter]:

“I want to see Pat Robertson and Rush Limbaugh get face-fucked to death by a semi truck.”Continue reading