One Floo Over The Cuckoo’s Nest

Alls I’m sayin’ is if she’s lookin’ for a muse, I can be the one to do the musin’. I’ll muse her up good.

HijiNKS ENSUE Comic PrintsI apologize for missing a couple of comic updates. Last week I was pulling the self employed doodler version of double shifts for 5 days in a row in order to get (wait for it…….) 3 NEW SHIRT DESIGNS, 1 UPDATED DESIGN FOR A CURRENT SHIRT, 4 HOLIDAY CARD DESIGNS, and 1 MUG DESIGN off to Topatoco in time for the holiday stuff-purchasing season times. It was a tough week, but I’m very proud of the things I created and I think you will enjoy them too. Hopefully they will all be in THE STORE in the next few weeks.

COMMENTERS: What would you like to see explored in a potential trilogy of new Harry Potter books? Do you think there should be more books at all? Personally I would like to see the story involve events before the epilogue of book 7. Let’s see Harry get into the world of Auror…ing. Auroring? Whatever. Wizard Cops.

How To Train Your Hellhound

“And why is the exposed skull on fire?” is not a question one should have to ask with regards to a children’s film.

All joking aside, Guillermo del Toro is a great choice to help improve Dreamworks animated features. He was all over How to Train Your Dragon and that was a genuinely enjoyable film. It didn’t quite have the adult/child crossover of a Pixar creation but it was probably Dreamworks‘ most well-rounded offering to date.

Though I do think Dreamworks would do well not to stifle Del Toro were he to throw in a few goat-faced demon spawn in the next Madagascar sequel.

Commenters: How else might Guillermo del Toro bring his singular vision to children’s films? Or how might he adapt current animated movies?

I Wanna Dip My Buckyballs In It!

Apparently none of our giant-headed physicists can use their science brains to figure out what would happen were one to slip a wayward hand into the particle stream of the Large Hadron Collider. If you watch the video, their guesses range from, “I don’t know,” to “You can’t because it’s 100 meters below ground,” to “It’s like an aircraft carrier the size of a proton is driving through your hand but also there’s several billion of them so you die.” I like the last answer best. Instead of a circle, we need to re-engineer the LHC into a straight line and start some Dr. Doom “hold the world for ransom” type shenanigans.

My own personal theory is that your hand would dematerialize in the stream only to travel back in time to just before you put your hand in the beam and sign “STOP IT! STOP BEING AN ASSHOLE YOU STUPID ASSHOLE!” in ASL as it fell to the ground. Of course this would create a causality loop (because the fact that you see the hand before you stick your hand in the beam means you already stuck your hand in the beam) and a paradox (because you don’t know sign language, therefor neither does your hand) both of which would take turns unravelling the fabric of space-time.

The quantum sex act Josh describes in panel 3 is referred to in scientific circles as a “Swedish Fiddler,” a “A Golden CERN,” or a “Hot Black Hole with a Reverse Baby Universe.”

Commenters: Feel free to post your theory about what happens when you stick your hand in the LHC. Also, I’m designing holiday cards tonight. You have an idea for a card? Post it in the comments. This is your ONE shot to make suggestions.

A Man Has Needs

This Wetworks pilot from J.J. Abrams (starring Michael Emerson and Terry O’Quinn) probably isn’t trying to be the next LOST <cough>FlashForward</cough>, but the connection to the geek-favorite frustration bonanza is certainly part of the potential appeal. I would be more likely to watch it if in every episode Michael Emerson gets the crap kicked out of his crap-bag and O’Quinn does that orange peal smile thing. You know, just as a nod all the fans.

Abrams is a busy man. In between buying my Groverfield shirt over a year ago (did I tell that story already? I did? Oh, I tell it constantly? Oh.), executive producing Fringe and Undercovers, directing Star Trek 2 and Mission Impossible 4, and producing Cloverfield 2 and Super 8 he still has another 15 projects in the works. And did I mention the thing with the shirt? He might be our generations most prolific geek. Or perhaps he knows something we don’t know about the end of the world, and he wants to get as much geekery in as possible before some sort of cataclysm. Did I say anything about the shirt yet?

Speaking of Fringe, holy crapternate (the alternat universe version of “holy crap”) was the season premiere stellar! Again, Fringe is the best sci-fi on TV and you should blow through the sort-of-stumbly season 1 to get to the oh-so-goods of seasons 2 and 3. Fringe‘s only flaws are that there are times when it isn’t on and that it can’t love me back.

“One Forty” (A Film By Paul Thomas Anderson)

“I… I didn’t realize I had gotten so many followers. I’m… sorry. So sorry.”


And scene.

I hate to admit it, but this Facebook movie, The Social Network, looks pretty good. I hate that there is a compelling story behind the creation of one of the main things I dislike about The Internet. Facebook is one of the nearly necessary evils that seems to foil your every attempt to find actual usability in it. It has unfeatures.

Since I used @nerdist in this comic I should ad least encourage you to listen to his podcast which I enjoy quite a bit. Comedy nerds and fans of people that make a living doing their own thing are sure to enjoy.

Commenters! Post more scenes from the Twitter movie why don’t ya?

Also, do me a favor and sign up for  a free Dropbox account so I can get more storage to send my prints to the printer.

If you want to see some alternate artwork for this comic that didn’t make the cut or read my original script idea, head on over to The Vault. Make a small donation via Paypal or subscribe to a monthly donation and get access to desktops, mobile wallpapers, bonus podcasts and lots of behind the scenes art.