Rory Hears A Who And Hatches The Cube

Do you want a freaking t-shirt of this comic?! I CAN HELP! Do you want a print instead? BINGO-BANGO

Doctor Who Dr. Seuss T-Shirt, Rory Centurion, Shirt Pandorica, Horton Hears a Who, Horton Hatches The Egg, Rory Hears A Who And Hatches The Cube, Rory Pond, Rory Williams,

This comic started as a Fancy Sketch Drive sketch request from Fancy Bastard Erin H. I posted the sketch on Twitter and TWITTER WENT UNSANE with favs and retweets. I contacted Erin and asked if she minded if I worked it up as a comic and shirt and she graciously obliged the use of her idea. I’m pretty happy with the outcome and I hope you enjoy it too. Thanks, Erin!


COMMENTERS: What do you think is the most heartbreaking display of romance/affection/love in geek pop culture? 

TWO new HE Podcasts last week! 
Episode 93 and Episode 94 With Voice Actors Yuri Lowenthal and Tara Platt!

Dumbsday Preppers

3 New Shirts at @Sharksplode: Wibbly Wobbly Timey WimeyRival Smugglers and Might Club!

Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Shirt - Doctor Who and MST3k Parody shirts


Alternate Title: Sponge Blob Stretch Pants

Ahhh, Twinkies. Just like mom used to get diabetes from. I’m going to miss them as much as she misses her foot.

COMMENTERS: I’m sure someone will snatch up Hostess before Twinkies even become scarce. Don’t they really only have one major competitor anyway? Still, are there any foods/candies/whatever that you miss that just aren’t made anymore? Remember those lime green custard filled Ninja Turtle pies? They were horrifically awful and I LOVED them. I’m sure that was a Hostess product, now that I think about it.

TWO new HE Podcasts this week! 
Episode 93 and Episode 94 With Voice Actors Yuri Lowenthall and Tara Platt!

If you want to help decide the fate of the next HijiNKS ENSUE JoCo Cruise fundraiser, check out this thread in the Fancy Bastard Facebook Group.

Wheaton Comic Dare: Cutaways And Castouts

3 New Shirts at @Sharksplode: Wibbly Wobbly Timey WimeyRival Smugglers and Might Club!

Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Shirt - Doctor Who and MST3k Parody shirts


Whig Party dudes, amirite? They are THE worst. Every time you try to involve them in a bit, it just falls flat. Wil was on Family Guy last week. He tweeted, I made a joke, he dared. It’s the way of the world.

COMMENTERS: Who’s your favorite TV or film actor (who doesn’t regularly do a TON of voice work) to pop up in an animated thing? Speaking of Star Trek allums, I do love when I hear Patrick Stewart’s be-knighted tones in a cartoon. Of course Michael Dorn is always nice, but he was practically a full time VO actor for a decade. The reverse is an altogether different sensation. I love seeing Jeffrey Combs (one of my FAVORITE voice actors) acting on screen. He was in Deep Space 9 a lot and I recently saw him in The Frighteners. He’s got such a captivating/creepy on-screen presence.

Speaking of voice actors:  HE Podcast Episode 93 With Voice Actors Yuri Lowenthall and Tara Platt!

If you want to help decide the fate of the next HijiNKS ENSUE JoCo Cruise fundraiser, check out this thread in the Fancy Bastard Facebook Group.

Malcolm And His Amazing Monocolor Browncoat

Last night I tuned into the Firefly 10th anniversary marathon on the Science Channel somewhere around hour 3. I didn’t get up from the spot I was in for the next 12 hours. I really hadn’t watched the entire series since the DVD’s came out. I was gifted the Blu Rays for my birthday by a generous Fancy Bastard, but I had yet to break them out and it seemed like 10 years was far too long to have waited. It also seemed like an impossible amount of time to have passed since they did, in fact, take the sky from me.

3 New Shirts at @SharksplodeWibbly Wobbly Timey WimeyRival Smugglers and Might Club!

Grammar Dalek shirts are now available in Ladies sizes!

Grammar Dalek Ladies Shirts

Also, pretty much all HE shirts are back in stock size-wise for your holiday shopping enjoyment. 

One thing that always catches me off guard about Firefly is that all the tropes and memes and catch phrases are things that were used, shown or said just once in the series. Everything the nerds glommed onto, from Jayne hats, to strawberries, to tight pants, to problematic food were just one off gags in single episodes. I think this is a testament to two things: A) the show was so well crafted that everything about it felt pre-established upon the first viewing. The world, the ‘Verse Firefly presented us with was already fully realized, even as it was unfolding before us bit by bit. To the audience it really felt like peeking in to something very old (in terms of development) and very real. And B) With only 15 hours of tv content and a eventually an added 2 hours of movie to obsessively analyze, nerds did what they do best and… obsessively analyzed the limited resources at their disposal.

After the marathon Science showed a partial cast reunion roundtable that took place just before the big Firefly panel at Comicon this year. Interviews with the missing cast members (excluding Ron Glass if I remember correctly) were spliced in. It was touching to hear how the palpable sense of demise pushed them to make the show even better, rather than causing them to sleepwalk through the episodes with a sense of gloom and defeat. Joss’s tear jerking speech to the San Diego crowd at the end was just that. An eye misting declaration of gratitude if their ever was one.

A couple of things I wasn’t expecting were the final revelation of why Inara had to leave Serenity and why she refused to allow herself to love Mal, and a deeper explanation of what Inara’s “magic” syringe was intended for. I know they explained it in the DVD commentary, but after hearing Tim Minear layout what the episode would have really entailed, I can’t think of anything darker that has ever appeared on a tv drama. Not even Breaking Bad could have touched that plot line.

As I write this post, I am listening to “King Animal,” the first new Soundgarden album in 13 years. Firefly and Soundgarden – early 20’s me is in full effect right now. This far removed from the cancellation, the outrage the fruitless online petitions and the shocking lack of fairness of it all, I think I would really appreciate an animated series right about now. So… let’s go ahead and make that a real thing.

I have a guest comic up at Wasted Talent concerning TRUE CANADIAN ADVENTURES!!!

Wasted Talent Guest Comic by Joel Watson of HijinKS ENSUE

COMMENTERS: Did you watch the Firefly marathon? Is there anything that you’ve caught 10 years later that you missed during the initial viewing? Or did you discover Firefly long after it was axed?

With Age Comes Perspective

3 New Shirts at @Sharksplode!
Wibbly Wobbly Timey WimeyRival Smugglers and Might Club!

Hey look at that! I didn’t do a Disney/Star Wars pop culture mashup. Maybe I (that ACTUAL me) is maturing in some way. Or perhaps (and certainly more likely) ALL OF THEM WERE ALREADY DONE while I was in the middle of the last story line.

There’s a great discussion about the Disney buyout of Lucasfilm over in the Fancy Bastard Facebook Group. Feel free to join in there or continue it here by posting your thoughts in the comments below.

Honestly, I agree with my cartoon persona above. The thing that Star Wars is now holds little to no interest for me as an adult fan of quality science fiction and fantasy. If Disney just uses its recent acquisition to make new toys, kid’s shows, pajamas, theme parks, candy shaped like Boba Fett’s helmet, and video games then I will have lost nothing more than I lost over a decade ago. If, however, they use this opportunity (free of Lucas’s writing and directing poison) to course correct the entire Star Wars franchise into something that I can enjoy without groaning again, then more power to them. Or rather, ALL POWER to them because that seems like the direction they are moving in.

ANOTHER THING: Check out this Interview I did with The 4th Wall. It contains basically everything I know about making comics for a living. I have no other knowledge to impart.

AUSTIN, TX FANCY BASTARDS!!! Come to THIS in December or your regrets will never cease.