Dr. Manhattan And The Electric Mayhem

Watchmen comes out a week from today, mother bitches! I actually haven’t read any of the reviews. I really want to go into this movie with a completely objective view. I will be visiting family on March 6th, so I won’t be able to attend the premiere with the HE crew, but I will try to see it on opening day. They usually go to the super fun midnight showings that us procreators aren’t allowed to attend, so it wouldn’t have worked out any way.

What are your premiere plans? Are you reading the early reviews? Are you worried it might suck? Get your ass to the comments!

I should note that the “Josh Dies” tag was applied to this comic because in the probable panel 5 Josh kills himself.  A life without junk is no life at all.

The Con Job

A few Hollywood writers are working on “ComicCon, The Movie.” The very limited information I could find about the project makes it sound like “Empire Records” meets “Revenge of the Nerds.” Done well this could be an enjoyable flick for the Con-Geeks out there. Hell, they could pay for it by having the characters watch trailers for other movies IN THE MOVIE! I’m a marketing genius.

I’ve told you what I think the movie should be about (lines, lines, Whedon and lines). What characters and scenes MUST be in “ComicCon, The Movie.” An all Boba Fett dance chorus? A foam sword free for all? A Stan Lee/ Storm Troopress love scene? Comment away, you Fancy Bastards!

Check back later today for links to Auction for original HijiNKS Ensue Comic Artwork. This will be to help fund my trip to Webcomics Weekend.

I’m The Best There Is At What I Do

And what I do is hosting awards shows.

I didnt’t watched the Oscar’s last night, so I can only assume this is exactly what happened. The whole affair doesn’t hold that much interest for me. The show is typically long and boring and the movies I actually see in a given year either aren’t nominated or don’t win. It seems like a giant Hollywood wank-fest where all the actors pat each others backs (and dicks) raw. I guess I should go find a list of who won and what not. I bet I can find all the interesting parts on the YourTubes.

Did you watch it? Did you favorites win? Any major upsets? Commentward ho!

Also, I’ll be attending the New England Wecomics Weekend. Check out my post and comment if you are going to be there.

UPDATE: I just reread that hastily written post and realized it sounded angry. I’m not angry at the Oscars. I just wasn’t that interested in watching the broadcast.


Empty Vee

Today was very eventful and distracting (thus the crazy late comic), but there are some very good things on the horizon. I will make a proper announcement about one of them on Monday.

Not much to say about this comic. I saw that Mtv had a whole Sunday night line up based on dudes jumping into active volcanos with razor wire tied to their balls. I thought it was worth mentioning if for no other reason than to draw contrast to the Mtv that I grew up with. I used to watch Mtv to… hold on… wait for it… see music videos. Weird I know. I’m not saying they should go back to the way things were. I understand that music videos make more sense for YouTube than THETube nowadays. It’s just startling to see the transformation they’ve undergone in such a short time. I really used to rely on people like Kennedy, Kurt Loder and Matt Pinfield to show me what was going on in the world of music. The internet really made that entire chanel obsolete. I agree they had to evolve or die, but 45 scripted reality shows about sunken-eyed debutards does not entertainment make.

Some day I’ll tell you the story of how VH1 wasn’t always about disease ridden skanks vying for the jock of a washed up 80’s rock star/rapper. It’s true. I swear.

Draggin’ Balls Zzz…

Every single aspect of “Dragonball: Evolution is a giant turdtacular crapgasm. The only reason this movie is even on my radar is the fact that Spike James Marsters Spike is playing the boss fight, Lord Piccolo. I’m all for Buffy alums getting work, but seeing him in this (or rather knowing he’s in this while making sure I NEVER actually see it) makes me a little sad.

Despite how low rent the trailers and other advertising make “Dragonball” seem, I bet if they had managed to release this in 2002 it would have done astoundingly well. At that time the Dragonball property was what analysts refer to as a “CASHterfuck.” Meaning that it was a seemingly worthless concept that, against all reason, generated cash that could only be measured with comically large scales.

The DBZ fad is over and kids have moved on to more Pokemons or Narutos or knife fights or whatever kids care about now. I saw a few episodes of “Dragonball Z” when it first started to air in the states. I was mezmerized by the fact that entire episodes would pass while nothing had actually happened on screen. It was a lot like “Heroes” in that respect. More grunting, less Grunberg though. True story: my first flirtation with voice acting was auditioning for “Dragonball Z.” It was dubbed for the US by FUNimation here in Ft. Worth. I read for several parts and at one point I was in the running for some sort of cat or something, but in the end I didn’t make the cut. I knew the cartoon was shit, but I certainly would have liked to add “voice for weird space cat on national cartoon show” to my creative resume.

Do you want to see “DB: Evolution” just to witness the trainwreck? Or do you think it might actually hold some genuine intertainment value? I plan to stear clear, but leave your thoughts in the comments.