A God Among Actors

If Edward James Olmos played the God of Abraham, would Jamie Bamber play Jesus and then eventually fat Jesus? Would Katee Sackhoff play Mary Magdalene? I’m fairly sure we all know who would play Judas in this scenario (though he would make a pretty good Jesus too).

Any FB’s in the Lubbock, TX area need to come out and see me at West Texas Comic-Con this Saturday from 10am – 6pm. I’ll have books and shirts and buttons and stuff and things.

The 3 contests are over and here are the winners:

CONTEST 1: Recreate an HE Comic
PRIZE: 1 Copy of Gearbox Software’s Borderlands for PC on Steam
WINNER (chosen by Joel): Chris K. aka NESDude
ENTRY: Check out his awesome video recreation of THIS comic HERE.
To claim your prize, email dopefish3d (at) gmail (dot) com

CONTEST 2: Hottest Fancy Bastard
PRIZE: 1 Copy of Gearbox Software’s Borderlands for PC on Steam
WINNER (chosen entirely by Josh and no one else): Dave L.
ENTRY: Josh didn’t share it with me, so…
To claim your prize, email dopefish3d (at) gmail (dot) com

CONTEST 3: HE Pumpkin Carving
PRIZE: 1 Copy of Terminal Reality’s Ghostbusters for Xbox 360 (donated by Eli)
WINNER (chosen by Eli and Denise): @CallMeSteam
ENTRY: The Elumpkin!
To claim your prize, email elivorio (at) gmail (dot) com

Thank you to everyone that entered. I would like to do more contests like this in the future. I would also like to give a Special Award to Jessica G. for her paper cutting recreation of THIS comic. The detail and effort that went into this is just extraordinary [I would actually really like to own this]. Email me (joel) and I’ll send you a signed print of any comic that you want.


Fans of the HE Podcast may appreciate this poster Alex made of El Delorio. That shit is top notch awesome right there. He wanted to offer to runners up on the contests, but I think only the Podcast listeners will get it, so I am considering offering it as a print in the store. Your thoughts?

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  1. Badass! Thanks guys! Perhaps playing 'Ghostbusters' may slightly ease the pain inflicted by staring at pictures of Eli for hours while carving an effigy of his face into the side of a vegetable (fruit) with a rusty can opener.

  2. Nice comic today, also would like to ad that the addition of Sir Anthony Hopkins kinda means I have to watch Thor, though I still fear it will be super Lame sauce (Beowulf 2.0 anyone?)

  3. I know where it's from, but I still don't really "get" El Delorio. Is it supposed to be a Hispanic knockoff of the Delorean? I think I was too confused with Obasby and Midnight Taco Train to comprehend things.

    • it was just a riff on a crappy car that Eli and Alex would have seen growing up. The name is from DeLorean, but the similarities end there. Explaining the joke just made me sad.

    • You're abso right, the power of Obosby and the might of the Midnight Taco Train can be very intimidating, thus causing temporary cognitive failure… Where Eli and I grew up, (Mexicor) pop culture typically gets diluted and corrupted by the time it trickles from the coasts down to the taint of the nation (not to be confused with Taint Of The Nation, the weekly FOX News political analysis series). Case in point, Eli grew up listening to the comedic stylings of Chooch & Chang while playing with his Vanformers, dreaming one day that Emilio "Doc" Brownsville would swoop down in his El Delorio that he turned into a time/taco machine… "HOLA McFLY!!!"

      Ten years prior the time-traveling adventures of Doc Brownsville and his pal Martinez McFly, the El Delorio was the vehicle of choice by the comic duo Chooch & Chang (where in the summer hit movie "Vato, Where's My Green Card?" they drive an El Delorio completely created out of marijuana).

      El Delorio. Like Nothing Else… bro…

  4. I bow at the alter of Google, when ever I ask it a question it gives me an answer, most of the time its porn, which is why its such a great deity.

  5. Am I the only one disturbed as to WHY Josh wouldn't share his favorite entry for contest #2?

    Perhaps I'm the only one brave enough to even consider the whys and wherefores?

  6. I LOVE the Cylon-o-lantern. It looks surprisingly like the plans I found online to build a working one (complete with LED eyes). You guys didn't actually carve one of these did you?

    Also, Picard vs Adama? Obvious the Enterprise would destroy a Battlestar, but who would win in a game of fisty-cuffs? What about in diplomacy?

  7. Doesn't Baltar get laid too much to be Jesus?

    I thought Olmos was a bit too short for god… God needs to be looming as well as booming, in my opinion.

  8. Naw, Bambi wouldn't be Jesus, not even fat one, Jack Black already did that in Prop 8 – The Musical. I could totally see Callis as Jesus though, Christ had quite the lot of followers and pretty much everyone wanted to nail- I mean crucify Baltar at some point.

    But hey, BRIAN BLESSED as Odin proves that there might actually be a god of some kind.


  9. Because my reply is otherwise hidden to the rest of you:

    The power of Obosby and the might of the Midnight Taco Train can be very intimidating, thus causing temporary cognitive failure… Where Eli and I grew up, (Mexicor) pop culture typically gets diluted and corrupted by the time it trickles from the coasts down to the taint of the nation (not to be confused with Taint Of The Nation, the weekly FOX News political analysis series). Case in point, Eli grew up listening to the comedic stylings of Chooch & Chang while playing with his Vanformers, dreaming one day that Emilio "Doc" Brownsville would swoop down in his El Delorio that he turned into a time/taco machine… "HOLA McFLY!!!"

    Ten years prior the time-traveling adventures of Doc Brownsville and his pal Martinez McFly, the El Delorio was the vehicle of choice by the comic duo Chooch & Chang (where in the summer hit movie "Vato, Where's My Green Card?" they drive an El Delorio completely created out of marijuana).

    El Delorio. Like Nothing Else… bro…

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