UPDATE: Ok, so maybe this movie isn’t happening after all.
Thanks to Fancy Bastard Patrick Kovacich for suggesting “Perfect Strangers” as the worst possible pinball machine ever.
I think the idea of a Judd Apatow produced “Ghostbusters” 3 is perfect. I really hope be brings together the Apatow Dream Team to make this one a gem. They also need the “butthole pleasures/alligator fuckhouse” indian dude from “40 Year Old Virgin” to play… Gozer. Sure.
Fanboy herecy or the perfect continuation of a beloved geek franchise? Send in the comments!
I am equally loving both parts of this comic.
Shouldn't it be 3hostbusters?
As long as the original cast is involved in some capacity I'm game. It's a much better prospect now than it was back in the mid 90s when they were trying to develop it with Ben Stiller, Chris Rock, and Adam Sandler potentially being new Ghostbusters.
I agree. I'd be game for a 3rd movie. I just saw Ghostbusters II recently and I was pretty amazed at the effects even back then. To bring them back for one last hurrah would be pretty sweet.
Perfect Strangers pinball!
The more I think about it, the more it makes perfect sense.
I was literally playing pinball when this comic was posted. True story.
Didja ding Balki?
heheh, nope. It was the Lord of the Rings machine by Stern. fucking great table. and it's 3 offices down from me.
My fave greasy spoon in Seattle (Beth's Cafe) has that same table, and it is a great one.
God damn it.
Dan Akroyd has some bizarre love obsession with Seth Rogen. I swear to god, if GB3 ends with Dan Akroyd dropping his FUCKING hat and Seth Rogen picking it up, I will cross the streams. Of pee. In Dan Akroyd's face.
I assume your Tweets about difficulty drawing regular expressions was for Joel. Josh is always so animated, so I don't imagine it being so hard to do. Either way, I really enjoyed the art in this one; especially the cabinet art for the pinball game! One could almost swear that they DID make a Perfect Strangers pinball game.
yeah. I always looks excited or mad, which usually works. Plain faces are more difficult in that they… are… more… difficult…drawing….something.
I heard that the only hold up on making Ghostbusters 3 was getting Bill Murray on board and it sounds like he is. Since none of the characters were ever remotely buff or athletic they definately need to just go with the original cast. Throw some hair dye and some makeup go for it.
Actually, that could work for a comic – an "older" movie star (or stars) appearing in a movie without makeup, haircolor, etc. You could have Akroyd, Murray, and Ramis playing the ghosts.
Nobody steps on a church in my town!
Cool, you played "toss the ring" with the hobbitses, then!
Ring tossing and Josh in the same brainspace…inappropriate imagery
But of course! Appropriate imagery is boring.
This is your best strip to date, Mr Watson… from strength to strength. Podcast is pretty good too.
Thanks, Smitty. I appreciate it.
if the Perfect Strangers pinball doesn't exist.. it SHOULD!
your casting sounds about pitch perfect. Although you forgot Michael Cera being the painfully awkward nerd/normal joe that has a plan on how to capture all those ghosts.
of course, it doesn't work.
there's no way on this Earth to replicate the original Peter Venkman. Apatow'd have to start from the archetypal scratch.
One of the reasons this comic took all day to script was that I was trying to fit in Michael Cera, McLovin, John C. Reilly, etc, etc. TOO MANY APATOWIANS!
Im hoping this is just a "new class" and not a remake.
It saddens me that this comic is so true to what the kids call "funny" today. No one appreciates the good movies like Ghostbusters anymore, they just want to see Seth Rogen getting high and shooting guns and whatnot.
Incidentally, I think a Hello Kitty pinball would not only be the worst pinball machine ever, but I could totally see Josh playing it.
Um, I have no idea why my comment posted twice. I apologize, Fancy Bastards.
Here, here! The 1st Ghostbusters was epic win & the 2nd was good, but not 1st-movie good. Remember the cartoons? Those were Sweet!!! Oh to be 6 again…
But back to now times where I'm 24 & just a kid-@-heart. What is so great about Judd Apatow as a filmmaker, and when are Rogen, Rudd, Hill, and Reiley in roles as guys NOT GETTING HIGH?!! It's getting old already!
re: cartoon. in some ways The Real Ghostbusters is the only Ghostbusters i recognize. Especially when it comes to the 2nd movie.
Joel, just how is the Dance of Joy performed?
Balki is the original Borat.
Speaking of people who don't want to grow up, those guys are like some sort of drunk frat boys who will still be drunk frat boys when they're 90. I hear mara-jew-hana is fun and all, but they should start making movies that don't require you to be high to enjoy them. Seriously, they aren't fucking funny anymore.
I remember the Ghostbusters TV show. That was a great show. Why did TV have to get so shitty as we got older?
Seth Rogan=DO NOT WANT. All those people listed are pretty much the exact opposite of why Ghostbusters was funny.
My favourite Ghostbusters was the sweded one in Be Kind Rewind. That's all.
Sorry to burst everyone's GhostBubbles:
Too bad, might have been interesting! Oh and Balki Bartakamous FTW!
You do realize that completing a trilogy right now requires "3D" and this movie would have to use every 3D stunt in the book.
awesome comic – too bad – i love seth rogen in anything and i cannot get enough.
Think I am done watching any numbered sequel, If you cant be bothered to come up with a title, I am out.
Hows this for a title "Ghostbusters We need to believe in the afterlife"
Something weird going on in Texas that makes your eyeballs flatter, or is your style evolving again?
I would totally play the hell out of that pinball game
Or maybe 'Bosom Buddies'
I don't know how to feel about Ghostbusters 3.
I don't know, I think the worst movie-based pinball table would be "The Accused", personally.
I really think Judd Apatow needs to go back to casting Steve Carell in everything. Anchorman and 40 Year Old Virigin were hilarious, and 83% of the hilarity emanated from Steve.
Worst movie-pinball would have to be Meet Joe Black.
I must admit to being excited about an actual movie for Ghostbusters 3. For a while I thought the only continuation of the story would be the new stuff Ramis and Aykroyd had written for the upcoming game.
As more info is released I'll see how I feel. I like the idea of having the original cast back, especially Winston complaining "I'm too old for this shit" as if he were Danny Glover. We'll see I guess.
oh yeah, u gotta have the original cast. Ackroyd & Murray are the best!
It just wouldn't be the same with an entirely different cast.
oh wait, I just remembered Jonah Hill from 'Accepted', as the nerdy, voice-of-reason-ish, friend who goes to the real college while helping his friends from high school run the fake college S.H.I.T., and he didn't touch an ounce of weed.
I could take or leave another Ghostbusters, but in this film climate it's either going to do terribly or suck terribly.
That Perfect Strangers pinball machine is really the perfect touch to this strip.