3 New Shirts at @Sharksplode: Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey, Rival Smugglers and Might Club!
- Grammar Dalek shirts are now available in Ladies sizes!
- Pretty much all HE shirts are back in stock size-wise!
- HE Books make EXCELLENT PRESENTS! In addition to the comics there are tons of extras and new commentary on every comic.
- HE Holiday Greeting Cards are a thing you can buy and then send!
Whig Party dudes, amirite? They are THE worst. Every time you try to involve them in a bit, it just falls flat. Wil was on Family Guy last week. He tweeted, I made a joke, he dared. It’s the way of the world.
COMMENTERS: Who’s your favorite TV or film actor (who doesn’t regularly do a TON of voice work) to pop up in an animated thing? Speaking of Star Trek allums, I do love when I hear Patrick Stewart’s be-knighted tones in a cartoon. Of course Michael Dorn is always nice, but he was practically a full time VO actor for a decade. The reverse is an altogether different sensation. I love seeing Jeffrey Combs (one of my FAVORITE voice actors) acting on screen. He was in Deep Space 9 a lot and I recently saw him in The Frighteners. He’s got such a captivating/creepy on-screen presence.
Speaking of voice actors: HE Podcast Episode 93 With Voice Actors Yuri Lowenthall and Tara Platt!
If you want to help decide the fate of the next HijiNKS ENSUE JoCo Cruise fundraiser, check out this thread in the Fancy Bastard Facebook Group.
Actually the first name that popped up in my head WAS Patrick Stewart. Other than him, I always loved Mark Hamill as the Joker in Batman the Animated Series.
If you look around a bit Mark Hamill actually appears in a ton of cartoons. He's fairly prolific as far as voice actors go.
Albert Brooks' characters on The Simpsons were pretty fantastic. Who could forget SCORPIO! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QEsjd1WZuY
Scorpio is the PERFECT example of what Im talking about.
Also not sure if it counts because he's done a decent amount of VO work over the years, but Ed Asner. Because before he was Mr. Fredrickson in UP, he was Cosgrove on Freakazoid. He might have been my favorite part of that show.
He also played Granny Goodness in Superman:TAS and JL, and possible some of the Timmverse DVD movies.
I'm always going to remember Hudson, from Gargoyles, first and foremost among Mr. Asner's voiceover work.
Brian Posehn current writer of deadpool and former cast member on the sara silverman program
He shows up on one of my Daughter's shows, Word Girl, all the time. Maria Bamford too.
Hey! It's a Timey Wimey Ball!
(I MUST get that shirt!!!)
As for celebrity voices… Eric Idle kicked ass as Wreck-Gar in the '86 Transformers movie.
Jeffrey Combs it absolutely wonderful! Love him, especially in all those old horror movies he did. Have you ever watched From Beyond? SO CRAZY! Madness and tentacle creatures invade from nearby alternate dimensions. Also, crazy monster bondage sex…?
He's also a voice of one of the Autobots (Ratchet) on Transformers Prime on HUB (cable TV).
ANd he was The Question on Justice League Unlimited.
His best line, in a conversation with Green Arrow and Supergirl:
GA: "Maybe this just means the kid shouldn't eat nachos before bed."
Q: "Peanut-butter & Jelly sandwiches."
SG: "Wait, did you go through my garbage?"
Q: "Please. I go through everyone's garbage."
Jack McBrayer (Kenneth the page from 30 rock) playing Fix it Felix JR in Wreck it Ralph added an extra layer of funny to the movie.
He's also great in Phineas and Ferb.
Marina Sirtis and Michael Dorn in Mass Effect 1 and 2, respectively.
I want that Keep Calm and don't be a d**k tshirt. please? kgo
If we're talking Simpson guest stars, how about Jon Lovitz as so many characters, like Artie Ziff, Marge's community college art teacher, the guy who directed Marge and the other townsfolk in that play, and The Critic himself, Jay Sherman!
Shran was far and away my favorite ENT character. Probably my favorite Jeffrey Combs character too, although Weyoun and Brunt have their virtues.
I dunno how much voice work they do, but I recently watched Avatar: The Last Airbender for the first time and recognized George Takei and René Auberjonois…that was pretty awesome. And I may have had a fangirl attack when I first started watching BBC America and heard Mark Sheppard doing the voice-overs for half the promos…"Supernatural Saturday, catch back-to-back episodes of Battlestar Galactica followed by an all-new Doctor Who! …By the way, I was in both of those!" Okay I may have added the last bit myself.
Speaking of ATLA, how about Zuko being played by Dante Basco, AKA Rufio in Hook.
and speaking of AtLA … Mark Hamill manages to be in that too!
Seriously, is there any fandom he hasn't voice-acted his way into yet? Its freakin amazing
More guest voices: Robert Patrick as Sokka's swordfighting teacher Piandao (sp?) and Ron Perlman as Firelord Sozen.
On the reverse side of things, Simon Templeman (the titular star of the Legacy of Kain series, and husband to Rosalind "Keiko O'Brien" Chao) is one of my favorite voices, and I'm always excited when he pops up in some random genre show I'm watching (24, Angel, Charmed, YES I USED TO WATCH CHARMED, DAMNIT!). He's a regular in a series now, "Neighbors" on ABC. I hear it ain't great, but hey, whatever gets the man work, I'm in full support.
Hellz yeah, Simon Templeman! I'll watch anything he's in. He was awesome as a villain in the Lois and Clark Superman show years ago.
Patrick Warburton – who I recognise as the voice of Kronk from The Emporers New Groove/School turning up in more and more things – and John Di Maggio. Both distinct voices that make my ears perk up everytime i hear them on one of my kids cartoons!
By no means a cartoon for your kids, but have you heard John DiMaggio's Joker from "Under the Red Hood"? If anyone has to replace Mark Hammil as the Joker, it ought to be Bender. His version is almost as terrifyingly insane as Hammil's…
I liked it a lot. It seemed like he was deliberately doing a combination of Hammil and Heath Ledger.
Phil LaMarr! Hermes from Futurama, Samurai Jack, Jazz/Omega Supreme from Transformers, Among so many more!
I dare anyone to find a single cartoon in the last 10 years that does not feature Phil LaMarr.
" <— I found this on the floor here, does it belong to you?
I remember being a little freaked out, in a good way, when the cartoon "Gargoyles" came out, the season after ST:TNG wrapped up, and I kept hearing Riker's and Troi's voices. Just checked it on Wikipedia, and it turns out at least 9 other Star Trek notables were guest or recurring stars in it.
And Salli Richardson, who voiced Elisa, was later Allison Blake on Eureka. Also, she had a guest role on DS9. Circles within circles.
Compare Salli Richardson from DS9 with Salli Richardson from the last episode of Eureka. She hasn't aged a day. I'm going with vampire, long odds on witch.
John de Lancie as Discord in MLP:FiM. If there's a more perfect actor for that part, I don't know who it could possibly be.
Yeah, I have no idea what you're talking about, but I think John DiLancie gets typecast as villains
I don't know what that acronym means, so I'm going to go with "cat walking on the keyboard."
As far as voice actors who have shown up in a few live action projects, Dave Herman of Futurama (Mayor Poopenmeyer, the Whale Biologist, Warren Vogel, Roberto, SCRUFFY for crying out loud) is easily best known outside of VO for being Michael Bolton in Office Space.
Poodle McGee totally beat me to the Gargoyles reference. Potentially the best mass-cast crossover between two otherwise unrelated shows…
If you're a fan of Sir Patrick's work, as well as Studio Ghibli, then "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind" is NOT to be missed… Our favorite Captain makes a supporting voice over appearance as Nausicaa's uncle in the 2005 North American re-release. It delighted me to no end to hear him speak in bonus-feature interviews about how, because his character has no visible mouth, only scrub-brush facial hair, he had to do "moustache-reading" instead of lip-reading…
Mako Iwamatsu as Aku in Samurai Jack. His voice damn near made the show for me. He was just getting into voice acting before his death. I was totally bummed about it. I was way looking forward to more of his stuff. Apparently he was slated as the new voice of "Splinter" for the TMNT cartoon reboot in 2006, but died before he saw any studio time.
And of course his last and best work in Avatar: The Last Airbender.
I know that it is still the computer but I think it is funny when Stephen Hawking shows up doing voice over work for Simpsons and now Big Bang Theory.
He finds time from rapping?
Tom Wilson has been doing Sponge Bob for a while now, but I love it when I hear his voice coming out of muscle bound bullies every so often.
Edit: …has been working on the show "Sponge Bob" as various characters… NOT SB himself…
Also, he's a pretty funny guy. Ever seen his Comedy Central special?
“find your soulmate Homer!”
seriously, The Man in Black on the Simpsons … all the awards
If there's real interest in the "Keep Calm And Dont Be A Dick" shirt that is probably something we could make happen.
If you don't, then I will, and I'll laugh at your envy upon my mountain of money… how hard I'll laugh, LAUGH AT YOU WEE MORTAL, LOOK WHAT YOUR IGNORANCE HAS WROUGHT, MWAHAHAHAHA!!
So, yeah, you better get on that.
Yes please. Yes yes yes. My husband will wear the crap out of that.
Basically, the Firefly VO crew- Alan Tudyk, Adam Baldwin, and Nathan Fillion.
It sure made Halo ODST fun.
Or you could watch Gargoyles. It had Jonathan Frakes, Marina Sertis, Michael Dorn, Brent Spiner, Kate Mulgrew and I don't even remember who else.
Who’s your favorite TV or film actor (who doesn’t regularly do a TON of voice work) to pop up in an animated thing?
Robert Downey Jr as Patrick Pewterschmidt Just saying .
I apologize if this posts twice.
Phil Hartman. sniff sniff No, that’s not a tear. Stop it.
Close your quotation marks. I can't sleep until you do.
We just rewatched some old Castle episodes and remembered that Homer Simpson is a recurring judge on that show.
Speaking of seeing pink Simpsons, half the cartoon's cast was in the late 90s Godzilla movie. Too bad it wasn't, you know, good.
Jennifer Aniston, Harry Connick jr., and Vin Diesel in The Iron Giant. Brilliant.