Do a Google Image search for “Kratos“ and see how long it takes for you to see Josh. Not the “comic Josh” but the ACTUAL HUMAN JOSH in full Kratos regalia. Assuming the Google gods are still smiling upon me, he will be in the first 5 results. If, for some tragic reason, he is not, then you can see what I’m talking about HERE.
Had HijiNKS Ensue never been birthed from my geeky brain loins, Josh would still be internet famous for that costume. I remember shortly after he posted the picture it started to show up on gaming forums, photoshopped into various website banners and eventually in a “Zero Punctuation” video. Baffling.
Needless to say, I am MORE enthusiastic about the potential for Josh to ressuect the Gaytos Kratos costume, than I am for the actual release of “God of War 3.” Though you should download the HD trailer. It really was stunning, especially considering everything was rendered in game.
I also look forward to what “God of War” does to Josh. Not only does it alter his physical appearance drastically but it also puts him into a sort of dream state where he can’t tell reality from fiction. Like, he will call you to talk about what he did in “God of War” in the same way someone would share the highlights of their vacation.
And, before you ask: the red body paint IS edible.
Gaytos teehee
Does anyone think that Gaytos is just pissed because they won't let him marry?
"Gaytos mad! Gaytos kill Prop 8 supporters!"
Can't stop laughing at Josh's threat of retaliation for religious persecution. I have no idea why.
It is the only thing he actually has FAITH in.
So how long until some psycho gets Josh as Kratos tattooed on there personage?
Or Josh simply tattoos himself to be permanently Kratos, instead of having to repaint each time.
I saw the trailer as well. It just looks boring, exactly the same as the other two…
I swear you've linked us to that picture of Josh before…
I expect to see a brand new picture of the real Josh in no time flat. And if he doesn't have authentic Giant Bronze Lion/Kitten-head Gauntlets, I'll be very disappointed.
I am trying to put together a bronze yarn lion head gauntlet knitting pattern as we speak!
If you can knit and type at the same time, I'm impressed!
Just remember to keep the weight between worsted and roving. Fingering weight is just to light for combat.
I'm not very up to date with trailers, but now I have a mental image of Kratos with two pissed off lions duct-taped to the underside of his forearms.
So the paint is the smeared blood of Gaytos' enemies?
Bacon flavored edible body paint.
Noooooooooooooooooooo! Save Eli's kitties! Even if they do make the most massive kitty droppings ever seen.
Haha love the bit about religious persecution, sad part is it would probably work.
Nice texture on the paint! Dramatically changing Josh fuzz is scary! Fun times experience for happiness!
Its number 3 on google linked from a gaming forum.
Then on the second page taken from a italian gaming blog.
This means one thing.
JOSH IS GOD….. of war
I couldn't seem to find his picture in the Zero Punctuation video. Is it in the God of War Chains of Olympus review?
Actually it's in the review of the demo for Heavenly Sword, when Yahtzee is comparing the play styles of GoW and HS and comparing main character designs and says Nariko's outfit is a challenge to "try and pull this one off, Cos-Players!" Josh-as-Gaytos is in the background of that frame.
Look its Lego Josh as Kratos!…
"Gods say marriage only between a man and woman….Gaytos kill gods!"
pursuant to your tweets the other day Joel, the baby hands really punctuate the gaytos persona
Yep. The abs are a dead giveaway
i had to create a new photoshop brush preset to get them small enough.
Either of these are acceptable. I would prefer that josh got himself as Gaytos tattooed on his own inner thigh.
Before? I bring up that picture as often as possible.
Thats basically right.
An Infantilize preset?
Could do a cool infinite regression thingy with that.
Yep, you google "kratos" and Josh is still right there.
Yup. He was the top 3rd hit for me.
The shape of his head has changed, too.
Ahem. Bacon flavored edible *glitter* body paint.
I could swear I see a hibiscus flower in the Josh's body paint in panel 2.
Love the subtle change… going for a more realistic look?
See, that's MUCH less crude than what I actually wanted to type in the first place. And also funnier.
I'm glad to know that, rather than me losing my mind, you're just repetitive!
a-cartoonish josh is suddenly looking more like real-life josh. two points for improved art.
and the image came up for me on google search as the third item.
Josh has Utilikilt! For some reason, this makes me very happy.
It makes him crazy happy too.