Reasonable Restriction

Last year for Halloween, Kiddo was Raven from Teen Titans. We made a photo comic about it. This year she was Hermione Granger and it was crazy cute.

Speaking of Harry Potter, I’ve reshuffled my Patreon rewards so that the Potter and Daughter Podcast is unlocked at $1750 instead of $2000. We’ve already recorded 4 or 5 episodes and I’m anxious to get it out in the world.


potter and daughter podcast logo hijink ensue

When my Patreon reaches $2000/month  $1750/month I’m going to release a new podcast where upon I interview my 7 years old daughter as she reads through the Harry Potter series. It’s called Potter And Daughter! More details HERE.

I’ve also made some other changes to my Patreon rewards to make them a little more realistic and fair to those of you who are pledging. To date, I have failed miserably at making more than 3 comics a week. Even though we passed the 4 comics a week goal months ago, I’ve never managed to do it with any reliability. Just thinking about this stresses me out to the point that I can barely get 3 comics made. So I’ve moved that goal further down the line and replaced it with the “Redesign the website with bigger comics and better features” goal, which means the website redesign is automatically unlocked.

I’m really looking forward to this one, because the comics will be bigger, the layout with nicer, the comic navigation will be easier, and the different types of comics will be much simpler to find. I’m also going to reintegrate the old HE podcast into this website, and make a space for future podcasts like Potter And Daughter. I will also be revamping the patron-only RSS feed to show full sized comics even when it’s a non HijiNKS ENSUE comic (like a convention sketch or a Faneurysm comic).

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  1. I would rather you make a small number of high quality comics than a whole bunch of lesser ones. I'm not going ng to pledge in the hopes that you reach some goal that unlocks more comics. I'll pledge because I like how things are and want to support you.

    It's not a kickstarter. From my perspective things are already going pretty well.

    • Here Here!

      I much prefer the current format of quality strips at the "When I damn feel like it" schedule rather than the "oh $hit! Internetz goin 'splode if I don't throw some crap out on it" pressure far too many webcomics believe exists. If H.E. doesn't have an update today, fine, I'll go read something else. But I'ma Patreon to support what currently exists, rather than to encourage different behavior

  2. Have you guys been to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Orlando yet? Diagon Alley is simply stunning and there's a good many chances to try some "real" magic (if you've been to Ollivander's to buy a wand!). You do need a two-park ticket to take the Hogwarts Express, but it's well worth it. Hogsmeade and Hogwarts are a little disappointing though.

  3. Joel–

    Love the strips. I was surprised, however, that Comic Joel was a Ghostbuster and not Snape or Dumbledore. I would have thought theme was important…says the guy who hasn't Holloweened in over 20 years. 😎

  4. You know, I've toyed with the idea, on those occasions when you've had an open-commission drive or whatever, to request you, Josh, and Eli as Ghostbusters. And now you're 1/3 of the way there!

    Just don't go any further into my brain. Yet.

  5. As Dolores Umbridge said in Educational Proclamation No. 45,223: "Don't. Just don't. The answer to your question is inevitably no."

    Number 45,224, meanwhile, is "Never ask questions involving any permutation of 'Do you mind…'."

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