I’ve spent the last 3 days or so working non stop on “The Vault of Secret Awesome.” At one point today I said, “wait… I actually have to make the comics or there won’t be any comics.” Let me tell you, this job would be easy if it weren’t for all the comics. I could just sit back and collect delicious internet monies. So delicious.
This comic is as close as I can get to talking about “The Incredible Hulk” since I haven’t seen it yet. Granted, that has never stopped me before, but I actually plan to see this one. Eli says it’s pretty good. Regarding Josh’s pigmentation, I suppose the hyper-gravy-ation turns the skin green. Why not?
In real life Josh has an “in” with a Popeye’s chicken employee that owe’s him a life debt. Much like Angel and his butcher friend, Josh sneaks in the back of the restaurant and Hector loads him up with life giving gravy… and probably some pig’s blood too.
My comment challenge to you: what else might one order off the menu at “Cluck-U-Chicken“?
Cluck-Me-Running is the "leg and thigh" combo.
I was waiting for a "mother clucker combo" or something.
LOL. unclucked.
Thats real?
Oh I spoke too soon. Theres the mother clucker I was waiting for.
Its permeated his cell membranes.
I really don't know just WHY they are so good. It's just biscuit + chicken = amaxing
No, that's not a typo. The Chick-Fil-A chicken biscuit is so good, it needs new words to describe it. Amazing to the max. Amaxing.
I demand whole kernels of corn in my cluck puppies! Whole, I tell you!
Just remember to get some Clucking Eggs with your breakfast combo. I suggest scrambled "Cluster Cluck" style. They are un-clucking-believable.
Personally I also think a good Cock Sucker vanilla pudding pop after my meal is egg-clucking-zactly what is needed after a every clucking meal with the whole clucking family.
They'd tell you it's because that biscuit has been blessed by Jeebus: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chick-fil-A#Religiou…
For a Family Clucking time, come down to Cluck-U-Chicken. You fuck it, we'll cluck it.
(Sorry haven't posted in awhile.)
Leave it to me to take the ONE answer you were waiting for. Damn my clucking useless mind.
Is it wrong that I think he looks kinda sexy all green'd up?
<elvis>Thank you. Thank you very much.</elvis>
Naaaaaaah! Post won't do; with Josh, the paint's gotta be real:
Fancy Bastard
Filled up with gravy now
Turned into the Josh!
(Ain’t he bright green–and how!)
Wreckin’ the town
With the power of a bull.
Ain’t no monster clown–
Who is as lovable
as ever lovin’ Josh? JOSH! JOSH!
Here's the tune:
Sexy Green Josh FTW!
Since there are Orion slave girls on Trek, there must be green slave boys, too, right? "They're like animals. Vicious. Seductive. They say no human male can resist them." Yowza!
You're just never satisfied, are you?!
I think for this thread at least, you should change your username to cl__k.
And for the "My Fair Lady" fans:
"Aow so loverly sittin' abso-cluckin'-lutely still!/I would never budge 'till spring/Crept over me windowsill."
Dans le veine, mère clucker!
I will deny any implied insatiability in your comment on the grounds of… stuff.
Well, 10% of the human male population anyway. :p
We have a winner!
I'm fairly partial to the cluck bucket, which contains 4 breast clucks and 4 hot thighs….
Sorry about that I've been trying to make that work since friday.
Apparently they made a site for it. maybe for GTA 4? I still don't have a ps3 *hangs head in wanting shame*
I'll have the Giant Cluck-off Meal…with a side of chol-extra-ol.
That looks more like a gravy barrel.
What's the vegetarian menu at Cluck-U-Chicken look like?
"I've had it with these mother clucking vegans at this mother clucking place!"
I was thinking the exact same thing. Have a cluckin' good day!
The Hulk was indeed awesome. Not quite Ironman awesome, but considering what they had to work with, very awesome indeed. They get bonus points for the homages they paid both to the comic and the TV series at various points in the movie. Also, they are totally setting up for an Avengers movie which makes me both happy and very scared at the same time. Happy because it would be cool to see all of them together, but scared because it would mean a movie version of Captain America, who I'm pretty sure it's impossible to make a good version of. Then again I could be wrong, I didn't expect the hulk to be nearly as good as it was.
A Bucket o' Peckers, doy.
You can do anything as long as I get a ride in your solid gold Porsche.
the Cluckin-balls are just lovely with a side of cluck-cluck-cream
I love that Josh has a gravy tub.
Popeye's is why I will die at 40 with happily clogged arteries.
Cluckin-gizzards with a side of cluck-cluck beaks and feet (extra toe-nail clippings! They make for a nice crunch!!!)
I'd turn green too if I ate 5 gallons of gravy. But then again, if I were the Cluck-U-Chicken employee and some asked me for 5 gal of gravy I'd tell them to… cluck off and die!
Give the perfect gift with the Cluckin-Buck Cluck-U-Chicken* super mega gift card!
*WARNING: May cause death.
If they're chicken biscuits are half as good as Chick-Fil-A's, HOT DAMN I'm all about some.
I'll take a Cock and Balls Basket, please. I'll take some white gravy for the chicken, and make sure the hush puppies are extra salty and greasy so they explode in my mouth. Yum!
I'll take a dick.
Does the IV have gravy in it?
Go-Cluck-Yourself is the buffet they set up every day between 1pm and 5pm
I'll take an order of the Finger Clucks with the Clucking Hot Mustard dripping sauce with an extra thick Chocolate Frosty Cluck to drink.
Don't you mean "Cluck Puppies"?
Dram wins for subtlety!
And green Josh FTW by the way. I fully expect to see him painted for the next livecast castcast.
Grab some eat in and get clucked here or, alternatively, order take-away and go home and cluck your mother…
So for a slogan there's the variation on the Kentucky Freud Chicken joke 'It's mother-clucking good.' For a more refined (or a "the rest of Europe stole all our clucking-hens, and now we gotta eat this clucking-coq") palate "Cluq au vin."
Personally, I recommend the "Clucking Free-Range Certified Organic Virgin (read: unclucked) Breast of Hen braised in our very own home made demi-glace." With a side of vegan tears.
side of vegan tears! I love it!
Reminds me of the Cluckin' Bell in San Andreas.
Make mine a double.
The Mother Clucker family meal.
I'd order a steak – just to be different.
I love how Josh is still green while in the gravy coma.
Vegan tears – isn't that what they use in the gravy?
Oh yeah, I had an idea for merchandise at Cluck-U: wallets.
"I want you to go in that bag and find my wallet."
"Which one is it?"
"It's the one that says Bad Mother Clucker."
It's on back order.
You think he only has one?
You and Josh could start a club.
Well they ground all that up into a slurry to make the Cluck-Nuggets.
to "Cluck off and die" is the medical term for what Josh is going through in the last panel.
The lowest denomination is $300.
Those are fucking (clucking) awesome, arent they?
You win.
Not since last Thanksgravy.
The $2 Tuesday meal is called "Are you Clucking Kidding me?!"
Maybe we can add that in post.
Gravy related goodness, http://www.adultswim.com/video/?episodeID=1001a20…
I've never been convinced by that 10% figure. Seems pretty low to me…
yes. very wrong.
Honey bunny?
They can dabble in asian cuisine with the "Cock of the Wok" Combo.
Welcome back, you miserable butt clucker.
Im so confused.
I love that planning comment jokes can cause anxiety. I hope I get a bill from somebody's shrink.
"chol-extra-ol" is above and beyond.
yeah I dare you to go there and ask for a salad. They'll deep fry you in clucking lard….. clard.
i could take it or leave it. I wasnt bored but I wasnt excited. Lou Ferigno was the voice of the HULK (heavily processed though it was).
Ive decided that you are indepentently wealthy and you spend 8 hours a day coming up with perfect HE comments.
Thats so fucking terrifying.
I have made Joel lol.
Check the link. My new words are for the old Hulk cartoon theme song.
Yeah, I heard that it was closer to 1 in 8, so about 12.5%.
I'm a greeting-card writer… from the future!
Strangely enough (not sure if this inspired the comic or not) But there really is a place around here (DC Metro area) called Cluck-U Chicken. They make some of the best wings around (Even some that are so spicy they make you sign a waiver before they let you have them)
damnit. I hadnt heard of that. Now I KNOW im not original.
The sad thing is..that in NJ there is actually a Cluck-U in Hoboken….
They're all over Maryland and New Jersey. There are even a few in Pennsyltucky. Call it a trade-off for not having What-A-Burger around here.