Bill Watterson and “Calvin and Hobbes” are two of the primary reasons I started making comics. Those of you who donate or subscribe to The Vault, have seen my earlier attempts to emulate his work (“it’s like Calvin and Hobbes but with a robot instead of a tiger!”).
I don’t know of a cartoonist that doesn’t list Watterson in his top three influences, so I won’t bore you with my treatise on how his work sparked my young imagination and ignited a lifelong love of comic strips and cartooning. I bet he wouldn’t be too thrilled with me aping his style to make a Joss Whedon/Serenity reference, nor would I be shocked if he didn’t get said reference.
I always looked forward to his snowman strips because they straddled a line between childlike innocence and subversion. I guess that same can be said for the whole of “Calvin and Hobbes,” but those particular strips (along with Spaceman Spiff) resonated loudly with me. My favorite was the snowmen looking on in horror after another snowman had been hit by Dad’s car.
Calvin’s Dad was a patent attorney. “The More You Knoooow!”
Great comic! And a great tribute to a great comic series.
Watterson's pretty cool, so I think he got the reference. And it's great! I loved the strip too and still wish he was doing it.
Cool yes, but also a curmudgeonly hermit. I seriously wouldnt be shocked if his disdain for media has prevented him from watching TV or seeing movies for 20 years.
/Great/ strip. Its well executed, hilarious, and beautifully sad. Those strips were the closest thing I had to holy growing up. Wonderful.
All I can suggest, sir, is that you go 跟猴子比丟屎・跟猴子比丢屎 ("gun HOE-tze bee DIO-se")!
Dont forget the Captain's behind the scenes eff-ups: ""gun HOE-tze bee DIO-se-fuck-fuckity-shit-fuck!"
[insert words I couldn't find to describe the brilliance and awesomeness of this strip]
Boner. The word is boner. Perhaps bonersplode.
Now you need to work that word into a non-pr0n HE comic.
That is so wrong! And awesome.
This is without a doubt the most amazing thing ever!
Thanks, Janell. I appreciate the compliment.
Very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very well done. Very.
i couldnt get one more "very"? just one more?
You would have, if only the strip was coloured. Too bad.
Ooooh, burned.
Pour Serenity joke into Calvin and Hobbes mold, chill until frozen, serve (being careful of any protruding sharpness
that's a recipe for a sadsicle.
But you built a perfect mold, man. Out of awesome!
Also, you got posted on Whedonesque:
I want to marry this comic! Nice work!
why bother. California will just repeal your right to do so.
Maybe I'll just elope to Canada, eh? Of course they'll have to be ok with polygamy too.
That's what Utah's for.
This might just be the best HE comic I've read…I stopped reading any print comics after Watterson retired, and this just brought back beautiful memories. Thanks much, Joel.
I- I can't look! To many sad memories!
*cries in a corner*
(but in a good way)
sadder for Calvin or Wash?
Wash, for sure. D:
*slow claps*
Please Joel, pleeeease make that into a T-shirt!
c'mon. every comic cant be a shirt. It would be a decent print though.
No, but as you're producing shirts to order how easily could you adapt the strips (or specific frames thereof) to a shirt-printable format?
Obviously such bespoke orders would garner a slightly higher fee
but how could would it be to have your favourite strip as a shirt!!
Also, if anything about this were to make Bill Watterson mad, seeing that t-shirt would definitely be high on the list. He does. not. appreciate. the. mer
this would actually make an awesome white hoodie
I'd buy it in a heartbeat! Tiny Joel is adorable!
glad you liked it. I feel the same way. people talk about how newspaper comics are starting to die:…
but I think they died when Calvin did.
Well done, sir. Not only did you make me nostalgic for the days of actually wanting to read the comics section of the newspaper, but you brought a tear to my eye with the Serenity reference.
Hah! Double Sad!
I also think mini-"Calivin"-ized-Joel is adorable.
Yes, child-sized Joel is full of win
Seconded! Or is it thirded?
jesus fuck even I will *next'd* this one.
translation: "Even I, the guy that hates this piece of shit comic, thought this was less than shitty."
In fact, this is one of your least shitty, ever. Don't make me turn this into a real compliment, it will ruin my reputation on the show.
You're so loving and supportive of your friend's venture
Commodore 64'd
Great holiday cartoon, can't think why the snowman would remind me of Josh tho…
Because he dies in a horrible way? teehee
Cuz he's round and bald and meeting his doom?
All of the above.
Haha, I love this one. I always loved the snowmen strips from Calvin & Hobbes, as well.
Calvin's Dad Unfair!
Egad Bad Dad!
This is a total rip off of Calvin & Hobbes, jerk!
i have no idea where to start.
Bless you.
PLEASE tell me you're not serious…
This is either an extremely clever comment, or one entirely full of fail.
Let's hope its the first choice.
Reading ftw!
Calvin and Hobbes is #1 of my top three comic strips.
The other 2?
When I was 7 it was Calvin, Dennis the Mennace and Farside.
Later I enjoyed Zits, and The Norm but that was probably the end of my affair with newsprint comics.
This is the greatest comic ever and the best C&H reference since the very disturbing Robot Chicken segment I saw some time ago…..
Wow – combining Calvin and Hobbes with Firefly/Serenity with a touch of Hijinks Ensue magic – must be Christmas!
Whedon bless us, every one.
I'm surprised there are so few negative comments. I guess I'm just one of those rare individuals who doesn't enjoy looking at bastardized versions of calvin & Hobbes combined with references to mediocre Sci- Fi?
Yeah because an homage of a beloved comic that ended more than 10 years ago is SACRILEGE! And I would love to see what you think great or even good Sci-Fi is.
You know what they say about opinions, and I guess yours is a particularly self-righteous asshole.
Really? Your surprised that the people that read and enjoy this comic dont make more negative comments? I guess that's what you would expect from the internet in general, but whats the point of chiming in just to ruin everyone else's fun? If you don't like the comic, forget about it and move on to something you do like. There's plenty of internet out there. Maybe you'll find a site that appreciates your negativity, but it isn't welcomed here.
Really? You're surprised that the people that read and enjoy this comic dont make more negative comments? I guess that's what you would expect from the internet in general, but what's the point of chiming in just to ruin everyone else's fun? If you don't like the comic, forget about it and move on to something you do like. There's plenty of internet out there. Maybe you'll find a site that appreciates your negativity, but it isn't welcomed here.
Okay, maybe I was a little harsh. (I didn't call anyone an asshole at least) For what it's worth, I was actually surprised that there weren't any real critical comments. If I can elaborate, I just don't like that show/movie but I do like Calvin and Hobbes. Homages are made out of respect for the original. Combining two things you like which have nothing to do with each other doesn't necessarily make it a homage and I think you made my point when you said Bill Watterson probably wouldn't get the reference.
I'm curious to know if anyone would like to defend those Calvin pissing on a truck logo stickers. The people who put those on their trucks probably like Calvin and Hobbes too but I doubt Mr. Watterson considers himself honored.
Watterson has mentioned is several interviews that he's never licensed the character of Calvin for any merchandise (other than a calender and I believe one short lived t-shirt), and the "pissing on" logos get to him but they arent worth pursuing legal action.
The flaw you've pointed out in my gag (using one thing to make fun of an unrelated thing) is basically what HijiNKS Ensue is about. Some people enjoy it, and others don't and that's totally cool with me. The reason you don't see any criticism is that I have worked hard to foster a respectful and fun environment here and on the forum. The regular readers that post here are looking for geeky fun and negativity just brings every one down. What's the point?
If my readers have a problem with the content, or they are offended, they generally email me about it and always get a respectful response. Im not suggesting no one should criticize my work, but it should be done on a one on one basis. There's no reason to involve the community and ruin their fun.
Ive never understood the forum/comment common practice of "I HATE THIS AND I WANT EVERYONE TO KNOW HOW CLEVER I AM WITH MY HATRED!!LOL11!!"
Im not saying that's what you did, but it's the reason the HE community doesn't tolerate negative posting.
Feel free to browse the archives and see if there are any comics to your liking. If you really want to air any grief with me, feel free to email.
Okay, maybe I was a little harsh. (I didn’t call anyone an asshole at least) For what it’s worth, I was actually surprised that there weren’t any real critical comments. If I can elaborate, I just don’t like that show/movie but I do like Calvin and Hobbes. Homages are made out of respect for the original. Combining two things you like which have nothing to do with each other doesn’t necessarily make it a homage and I think you made my point when you said Bill Watterson probably wouldn’t get the reference.
I’m curious to know if anyone would like to defend those Calvin pissing on a truck logo stickers. The people who put those on their trucks probably like Calvin and Hobbes too but I doubt Bill Watterson considers himself honored.
so you redraw calvin and hobbes but put a different title at the top?
Nope, thats not what I did at all. Sorry if you didnt get the references or the joke. Its pretty specific, so I dont expect everyone to enjoy it.
For the record I didnt call anyone an asshole, If you reread my post you will see that I called you (and your asshole) self-righteous
I miss wash… (taps plays quietly in the distance)
My favourite C&H snowman comic was the one where the snowmen are arranged to look like one of them is eating ice cream while the other is dead on the floor and has an ice cream scoop sticking out of his back.