These will be followed by:
- Guitar Hero IX: Rock Bottom
- Guitar Hero X: Break Up/Rehab
- Guitar Hero XI: Behind the Music
- Guitar Hero XII: Middle Aged Reunion Tour
Much like every other video game franchise that I have ever found the least bit enjoyable, the Guitar Hero franchise subscribes to the philosophy of “Improvement through Complication” (see all Tony Hawk games after THPS 2 for prime examples) which typically sucks all the fun out of the game and replaces it with more buttons, inane objectives, less enjoyable gameplay and ridiculous difficulty.
So far they have confirmed the additional buttons and drums, not to mention a higher price tag than Rock Band. Time will tell if the game requires you replay every song using a formula based on the Fibonacci Sequence, or to inseminate a wolverine before you can move on.
Does this feel like a “me too!” to anyone else? I will admit that I found the Rock Band Drums to be nearly unplayable. For anyone that actually plays drums, nothing can untrain your brain that toms and cymbals should not occupy the same space on the kit. It should also be noted that I was never able to fully enjoy Rock Band due to lack of convicing lighting and smoke effects. What kind of amatuer hour bullshit were they trying to pull.
While you’re waiting for either Rock Band or Guitar Hero to come out with a giant inflatable pig peripheral, check out this steaming turd of a video.
This excellent strip reminds me of the "Guitar Queero" episode of South Park (with its Heroin Hero and Rehab Hero games) which was also class
[…] HijiNKS Ensue: Geek Webcomic – Updates Monday, Wednesday, Friday » Archive » Guitar Hero IV: The I… Haha, this summarises how I feel quite nicely. (tags: funny gui guitarhero) […]
[…] Rush reference and a Seussical interpretation of Guitar Hero V’s drum set, we handily hand Hijinks Ensue this week’s webcomic wrapup […]
Backstage guitar hero definitely has some interesting controls lol
GHIII's track list is better than RB's.
second. Slow ride is the best first song ever. it even says "slow" in the title!
also the other songs rock.
it's like activision built a giant wheel with a spinny arrow on it that said "crazy ideas!" they hit the crazy jack pot.
The Guitar Hero On Tour is like a perfect storm of fail. It makes my inner gamer and my inner rocker weep on each other's shoulders.
THPS2 Was a masterpiece…I stopped playing the games after 4 though, the games after that didn't recapture the arcadey feel which drew me to the originals. I was dissapointed when they broke up the band (get it) between GHII and GHIII/Rock Band. I could actually tell that the gameplay GHIII was different from the previous games
As a rock band drum player, I want the cymbals, I do. I want them in Rock band. I do not want them in fucking Band Hero or any such shit.
also, in regard to that GH trailer for the DS… I never got around to buying a GH game, and now I'm glad; I have no insult strong enough for those fuckers.
Don't "those fuckers" also make Rock Band?
GHVI makes me think of Josh in your GTA comic…
Everything–even napping or learning to play the guitar–is better within a video game.
Love the GHVIII controllers–they're faboo!!
"…inseminate a wolverine…" hahahahahaha! What's up with you and mustelidae? I seem to recall a badger line (of which I'm very fond) in:…
At first I was gonna chide you for your late comic, Joel, but after getting the goods, I feel like I should apologize to you for doubting you.
I love GH/RB… but I still sublimely suck at them. More buttons/things to miss with my drumsticks mean that I'm most likely gonna be curled up in a corner sobbing my eyes out–much to the antithesis of what a rockstar should be.
You missed the amp that goes to 11.
The first two GH games were developed by Red Octane and Harmonix. They split off after that, and Harmonix made Rock Band, while Red Octane made GHIII.
I think it goes:
Harmonix developed GHI and II, while Red Octane did the hardware, and now Harmonix did RB. Neversoft developed GHIII.
The whole realism fetish almost stood to ruin the GTA franchise as well. If I wanted reality, I'd get a job and leave my apartment more often than to collect the mail or to shlep on down to the 7-11. The idea of gaming is FUN, and in that respect, Rock Band has it ALL over GH. Harmonix rules!
ETA: Forgive me, but I feel compelled to point out that it's spelled Peart. Couldn't. Just. STFU about it. :
Guitar Hero IX: Rehab and Celebrity Reality Shows?
Hmmm I'm gonna say no. Rock you like a hurricane compared to Enter Sandman. The Seeker compared to Won't get fooled again. COME ON Red Octane was just phoning it in on this installment.
"Niel Pert" was an intentional dig at people like me who go around and correcting you, right? It's Neil Peart. <3
Guitar Burnt-out Failure: Burger-Flip Hero
Was the steaming turd video the trailer? Can't click the link, too busy. If so though, I agree…
Depends on what you like, I prefer Rock Band's by miles.
They need to meke a game called "We're Getting the Band Back Together" wherein you play as the plucky protagonist with ironic sideburns who must find and reunite his lost bandmates to play one last gig for a dying child. Along they way you must detox the drummer, battle your lead guitarist's demonic girlfriend ("she's changed you man, you used to know how to rock!"), and learn the true meaning of Christmas. Learning the true meaning of Christmas unlocks the bonus "Keytar Hero" minigame.
Well, that sorta blows…
Still, I'd rather see something get more complicated than be dumbed down. (See nearly every FPS game since Halo.)
Sounds like it should uniquely utilize the Wii remote for burger flippin' action!
I would cut off my dick to make Keytar Hero a reality.*
*provided, of course, that the off-cutting of my dick can be demonstrably proven to be the reason Keytar Hero gets made. If they announce it tomorrow, don't come to me demanding that I cut off my dick without some sort of written proof.
Notarized, of course.
Unless you're aiming for emo rockstar, which may be a contradiction in terms.
Rock Band is the limit I'm going with the music game genre. I spent my $170 and that's all I plan on spending for a few years. I don't care if Activision or EA starts giving out free sex with their games. I've spent too much to be a Fischer Price Rock Star and enough is enough.
When I told my dad I was playing Rock Band, and then had to explain what it was to him, and then had to explain that my husband and I had been up playing overnight, he gave me a real acoustic guitar. It sits in the corner mocking me.
I strongly suspect that my father doesn't understand his 38 year old daughter's need to rock in a virtual environment.
I didn't even try to explain the drums.
Since I suck at the guitar part of Guitar Hero, I enjoyed Rock band for the addition of vocals.
Everytime a developer stumbles on a genre defining game, they have to take everything you love about and crush it to death in the sequels.
Plus you have to be reverse double jointed to play it.
I tried to play THPS4 and was sorely confused and disappointed.
I wonder if there will be legal issues if they try to bring the cymbals to RB.
The entire Weasel family is basically hilarious.
Its just a makeup kit and some tight jeans… oh and a journal.
Amps that go to 11 are at least $1500 for the head and $500+ for the cabinet. That kid just couldnt afford it.
Fixed it, thanks! And yes, I would rather be a vampire that east souls in a video game, than a normal dude with normal dude things to do.
I suppose there would have to be one where you search for a new singer.
naw, it was an unintentional fuck up.
It was the trailer for Guitar hero DS. Turd-tastic.
I would play Keytar Hero like nobody's effing business.
There has a be a balance. It can get "bigger" without getting "10X harder." Look at the Burnout Series. Burnout 3 was a perfect video game. They took everything I loved about it and completely ruined it for the followup (which wasnt a full sequel I guess).
Good point. Do they release more games that use the same controllers or ask you to buy a new $200 kit every year?
I can see how a dad would make that connection, but if you told him you were playing HALO, would he have bought you a plasma rifle?
How about Guitar Hero Hero? You have to play in time with some nerd playing Guitar Hero. There's only one button and no strum.
If Activision is smart this will be the last big set they release for a while. Same goes for EA though from all I've heard if you bought the $170 Rock Band set already you're set because all they're releasing this year is another game disc with more songs and updated features and modes.
He would be the best damn Dad ever if that was his logic.
I am now waiting for your emo-hero comic. I imagine I'll enjoy it…
Stoat Hero?
Uh-oh… I have some tight-fitting low-rise boot-cut jeans a LiveJournal AND a black eyeliner pencil (which I swear was left over from Halloween).
Are you there, Emo-God? It's me, Morbid.
I just realized that this whole "fuck reality in games" mantra could be construed by the cheesers in sports games as a complete raison d'etre. Wouldn't the hardcore Madden fanboys love that.
FREE sex? Sweet, that means more gamers can afford to download more track packs! Ingenius!
"Are you there, Emo-God? It's me, Morbid. "
With Spatula attachment and awesome name tag.
Yeah, I thought about that one a few times while drawing this.
I guess I'm from the wrong generation, I told my dad I was addicted to pong in 1976. He bought me a plank attached to two rollerskates
I was expecting:
"Dad, Im addicted to Pong."
These jokes were a lot funnier on the original authors website.
Really? Who was the original author? Pretty sure I wrote this comic and drew it.
I mean, to an extend added complications make the game more realistic but I dont think the game will get as complicated as the prediction made here
Cool ! Two thumbs up!
Guitar Hero XIII:VH1 Reality Show
Thanks, man!
They did that show. It was called…. i cant remember but Sebastian Bach and Ted Nugent were on it.
A fantastic read….very literate and informative. Many thanks….what theme is this you are using and also, where is your RSS button ?
Guess it was truly inevitable, Joel: look what they’re doing with the new Rock Band controllers…
Fudge Rock Band's controller. Look what their doing with ubisoft's Rocksmith