The Podcast Vidcast Simulcast Castcast will be tonight with Josh and Eli, starting between 8 and 9pm central. Check Twitter for exact times.
Comic-Con ’08 is over and the webs are returning to normal. I wasn’t able to attend (much less exhibit), but it’s totally cool because everywhere I turned on the interblogs there was some other web cartoonist Tweeting, blogging, vlogging or skrogling how freaking awesome it was. So… it was like I was there… which is totally just as cool [weeps].
(Baby steps, Joel, baby steps)
This week, each HE comic will be devoted to one “revelation” made at this years San Diego International Comic-Con. I think today’s comic speaks for itself in that “more Firefly” would be a good and welcomed thing, but would not be possible on the web unless it were a flash cartoon, and Captain Mal were an email answering luchadore. (I seriously feel like I’ve written that last sentence on this site before)
Sure, people are speculating that the success of “Dr. Horrible” could open new possibilities for our beloved space whores, phychic sister-weapons and… oh right, they killed Wash, but unless Firefly could get MAJOR sponsorship (and I’m talking Serenity would have to be a modified Ford F-150) I don’t see how the venture could be financially successful… today. I say that because the idea of shows being produced SPECIFICALLY for the web can only be a few years off. Tivo made “channels” and “times slots” obsolete and, in turn, the internet is making “networks” and “ratings” obsolete.
I know there have already been a few pseudo-dramas produced exclusively for MySpace and such, but I don’t consider that entertainment, therefor it doesn’t factor into this equation. NBC, ABC and F/X are experimenting with “webisodes” during the off season, but this doesn’t interest me either. I don’t want “throw away” content featuring the B-cast members of my favorite shows.
One of the major networks or film studios is going to have to take a leap of faith and produce a real series with real actors and real writers exclusively for the web. NBC/Universal is my pick, seeing as they know how to make decent comedies and sci-fi type series, and Hulu is the perfect distribution model. Get on it, jerks. I’m sick of having to pay for 350 satellite channels when i only watch 7. TV shows “A La Motherfucking Carte” is where it’s at.
She's resourceful. Human resourceful.
Swede-renity would be great.
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I love the last panel. I could imagine myself acting out a sci-fi show in the food court.
Excellent comic. Panels 2 & 4 are perfect for using as premium prints or wallpapers at least. Take out the caption on panel 2 because it wouldn't make sense out of context but panel 4 has a lot of added potential when taken out of context what could they possibly be filming?
Lovin' it, Joel!!! Linking this up over at the 76th Battalion board…now!
Oooh, my!
Joss, why do you tease us with such delicious treats that will never happen? Next time someone asks about Firefly/Serenity outside of a comic question he needs to just say no comment and move on.
Next year in Comic-Con, Joel. We'll both make it there one day. *sniff*
Awesome. This comic basically describes how I made my thesis film in college.…
I wanna know why Denise already has that outfit.
Also, I totally want to see a "sweded" Serenity
Last weekend I competed in the 48 Hour Film Festival with some friends. This comic basically describes how shit usually comes together for those sorts of things.
There are crafters all over the internets who would jump at the opportunity. A sampling:…There's like a whole Whedoncraft zeitgeist going on.
Lol, even if the truth hurts.
LOL. Is that a light bulb in Serenity's butt?
Stupid mall security and their dumb mountie-esque hats, they have no appreciation for the arts.
hehe, nice use of the team fortress 2 sentry deployment sound effects.
I hadn't ever played Team Fortress before I made that, those are stock sound FX baby.
Valve's terrible secret is out!
I agree with Joel, we are in desperate need for some high quality made for the Internets drama. And make if fucking available in Canada (seriously WTF why should I have to fake a US IP just to watch Hulu?)
Hahahaha. Love that Eli's still in Manbat mode. Too bad he doesn't have one of his Mexican action figures with him.
But, wait…why is Denise dressed as the girl? That just seems wrong:…
Serenity swears it DOESN'T know how that bulb got there. It just sat down and it must've slipped in…
Panel 4's double O_O O_O expressions are perfectly realized classics.
Proof that Josh and Joel are twins separated at birth. >:p
You know that Eli already has a Batmobile, right? Of course, it's more in the style of the 60's TV show. That thing was every Mexican's dream car.
Is Eli's real or a toy? My brother had a toy batmobile from the TV series. It was way cool.
And somehow spun around to have the threads screw in.
I gotta say, of all the people Ive heard say "im totally going to make a movie" its awesome to see someone that actually did it.
They give you 48? Here I think its 24. You got off easy.
If someone crochet's me a jayne hat (and if it ever gets cold again) I WILL wear it. I am a size big-head.
no, its a "special effect."
Pain builds character.
I cant even fathom why they dont want your frosty eyes viewing their adverts.
ahhh… this was before they had a girl to exploit.
Was it the one with the "grappler claw bumper"? Thats the one I had.
thanks. I tried to capture "deer in spaceship lights."
Thanks! and sorry about your head (or whatever made the thud sound).
we'll see. Im not totally sold of single panels as prints yet. Sometimes they arent high enough res.
He should punch them in the neck then flip the table and say "interview over!"
it took me a second to get that.
I'll make you a Jayne hat. I'll even try to hunt down some cotton for you, Southern-dweller. Email me your address, eh?
Sounds vaguely familiar, but after 35 or 40 years, I don't recall for sure. I do think those 3 pipes on the back deck behind the seats lit up.
Not since the opening credits to MST3K have I seen effects so special.