The little genetically engineered worm guy’s name is Styli. Styli the Meat Tube. Or Meatube if you prefer. Either way. He prays nightly to a god that isn’t there to snuff out his wretched, tubey, meatish existence.
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After playing with a Pogo Sketch stylus and an iPad at the Apple Store I asked my self this very question. “How do it work?” I still don’t have any idea, but one can only assume the maddest of sciences are involved.
C2E2 is next weekend [April 16-18]!!! Come see me and every other webcomic person I know all in one convenient spot. Oh such awkward stare there will be, children! A bounty of social anxiety!
Check out this new “Battlestar Galactica/United Nations So Say We All” T-Shirt I made for Olmos Productions, Inc.
Well, I'm pretty sure the touchscreens work based on conductivity. The tip of this stylus is probably made of some conductor, instead of the typical insulating plastic.
You sure your name isn't Buzz Killington?
Sooooo…it could be a conductor made of a pound of flesh (rounded down) from Apple's competitor's and the tears of Bill Gates? Techformed into a conductor, powered by the love of Apple fanpeeps?
Awesome comic, how do those things work? Also, I would love to see a "post to Twitter" button for the lazy.
There is right at the very bottom of the post below the Edward shirt. I know its not prominent enough but that will be fixed in the next site redesign.
ohhhh, coolness and tks
So iPad styluses are powered by forsaken sentient piles? Nice.
Sounds horrifying. Actually its standard Apple policy, and whatever Apple does is humane, ethical and justifiable right? Big Brother Steve is watching you.
"Meat tube" sounds like some sort of pork byproduct that Josh might eat.
That would be a "tube steak"…trust me on that one.
This is horrifying. I was just about to buy a Pogo Sketch, but now I might reconsider because this image will haunt my dreams.
Seriously, though, I'm curious as to how well these work. I've heard mixed reviews. Do you like it? Is it worth buying? Is it effective enough to draw with?
Its a little too short, and the end is "nubby" like an eraser but with a felty feel. It was designed to hit keys on a phone so that makes sense. Its a little awkward for drawing but probably better than a finger. Also its essentially the only one available for now.
it's awesome for drawing – way better than a finger! Much more precision. I just wish it had a pointier end, like a pencil.
and, THANKS, JOEL…now I am going to think of my POGO as a worm in a tube!
Idea for new product: WORM IN A TUBE.
hes in there. just begging for death.
Very disturbing, even for a comic. I don't know if it was intentional, but it reminded me of the original "The Fly" finale.
oh no that was super intentional.
Meat tube makes me think of 5th Element (meat popsicle) and the abomination saying killllll meeeee makes me think of Alien Resurrection…
also both intentional.
Apparently both our minds think in pop culture references…
Used one of these on my Palm Pre. I'm sure part of it is the Palm Pre's lack of black-turtleneckness, but I thought it just sucked for anything but hitting big retard-buttons, sentient meat-tube or no.
the only real upside is that its better for drawing than a finger.
That is disturbing on at least three levels.
1) Micropenile STDs
2) Flesh straw
3) Sentient Slim Jim
I'm sure there are more. But I must go now.
Toon check (that I should do myself on Teh Googlez): What was the name of the cartoon (in the 90's?) that was based on a video game about a sentient worm astronaut…Jim something or other?
That's kinda what the meat tubule Joel drew reminded me of…that or something Cthulhu-esque.
Earthworm Jim
One of the most rage-inducing games I can remember. Some stages being very difficult with almost no checkpoints.
God damn those underwater levels with the little bubble sub. GOD DAMN THEM!
it's not Dave Perry's fault that you're terrible at videogames. EWJ 1 and 2 were brilliant.
I didn't say they weren't fun, I loved'em. Ragequitting is practically a prerequisite though
<shakes tiny fist at raindog469> Dat is MY word!
you are twisted joel, and i love you for it!
It’s like the Apple version of the bonsai kitty… But no cats… Just the rejected host bodies of his Mac-ness… Ok and maybe a few cats too @ UKFB It’s Earth worm Jim
BWAHAHA. That is so wrong-awesome.
cool. this one doesn't suck like the last one.
keep up the good work.
Trust you on this one, you are qualified in a field that bears next to no significance to this?
l-o-l, sir… L-O-L. One of your best. Even though I think the I-pad is pointless, if this was true i would by one. Also you could turn this into a shirt, with the Abomination coming out of the Apple logo and saying "KILLLL MEEEEEE!"
I would buy this.
So say we all
So freaking wrong. Yet I can't look away. Must share.
I have to agree. I've looked at this thing three or four times, and it gives me the willies. Well done Joel, now I can't eat hot dogs just as baseball season is upon us.
Is that tiny meat-tube man the one who's been taking a bite out of the Macintosh logo all these years?
(On a sidenote, totally un-PC and all, I picture Josh doing really gay stuff to that poor poor meat-tube man. Like, reaaally gay stuff.)