This Wetworks pilot from J.J. Abrams (starring Michael Emerson and Terry O’Quinn) probably isn’t trying to be the next LOST <cough>FlashForward</cough>, but the connection to the geek-favorite frustration bonanza is certainly part of the potential appeal. I would be more likely to watch it if in every episode Michael Emerson gets the crap kicked out of his crap-bag and O’Quinn does that orange peal smile thing. You know, just as a nod all the fans.
Abrams is a busy man. In between buying my Groverfield shirt over a year ago (did I tell that story already? I did? Oh, I tell it constantly? Oh.), executive producing Fringe and Undercovers, directing Star Trek 2 and Mission Impossible 4, and producing Cloverfield 2 and Super 8 he still has another 15 projects in the works. And did I mention the thing with the shirt? He might be our generations most prolific geek. Or perhaps he knows something we don’t know about the end of the world, and he wants to get as much geekery in as possible before some sort of cataclysm. Did I say anything about the shirt yet?
Speaking of Fringe, holy crapternate (the alternat universe version of “holy crap”) was the season premiere stellar! Again, Fringe is the best sci-fi on TV and you should blow through the sort-of-stumbly season 1 to get to the oh-so-goods of seasons 2 and 3. Fringe‘s only flaws are that there are times when it isn’t on and that it can’t love me back.
As much as I liked Benry/Locke dynamic, I'd rather have CHEW the series with Ken Leung and Josh Holloway. That'd be delicious.
I'd watch that in an instant.
Another awesome comic joel. I love how, even without having watched lost, i can still love the toon. You are a craftsman.
Hehe, nice one.
To me the best SciFi show is a tossup between Eureka and Fringe, although Eureka is more of a comedy.
Fringe has started already, damn, I wonder if Supernatural has started, if only theirs was a thing that I could look up information on, some sort of web that is worldly, maybe Al Gore can tell me… sorry, lost me brain their for a sec.
Oh and nice comic.
Yup, Supernatural Season 6 started already. Got some comic fodder for that Joel?
Also, Smallville's last season is on. Anf they're bringing in Darkseid! Have at 'em.
I need to get me some of that secret hummus
+1 on the secret hummus. Dig that easter egg too, Joel.
shhhh…. they arent supposed to know.
it wasnt really clear from his IMDB page WHAT he was doing on each film.
I only know because Brad Bird is directing MI4 and Brad Bird has made 3 perfect films in my eyes.
I was secretly hoping that there'd be a spin off show called "Losties", where all of their jobs/lives from the final season alt universe were real. You KNOW you all wanted the Ben/Locke teacher show, and the Miles/Sawyer buddy cop thing.
What's sad is that I've run into no fewer than a half dozen people who's brains worked almost exactly like Josh's in this comic.
I hate to be this guy…but "staring"?
I think the worst part about Fringe is that it doesn't want to cuddle afterward. But that might just be me being old fashioned.
Hey, I think you forgot to mention that J.J. Abrams bought a Groverfield shirt.
Actually "Linus and Lock" would make an awesome buddy cop show, half The Odd Couple and half X-Files. Particularly if it was dangerously genre savvy.
Love today's strip. The end of the second panel made me literally lol.
I also wondered, Joel, if you might be interested in designing a Tron t-shirt for Threadless.
What's funny is the line makes more sense the other way.. Lost gave up on trying to please the type of person who would quit and eventually give up on it. The writers chose to write a show that rewarded people who stuck with it and didn't skip entire seasons.
I would disagree since I never skipped a single episode and I still felt left out in the cold when after season 3 they just stopped telling the story that got me interested and started floundering around with a bunch of metaphysical nonsense for 3 more years.
Josh's face in the last panel is awesome and amazing and….I can't think of anything else that starts with "a" that fits, but it is all of these things and more.