Comic-Con ’08 Revelations Pt. 2
I went to high school with a guy named Tr2n. Or maybe it was Tran Nguyen. Either way, the trailer for “Tron 2”
that premiered at Comic-Con was short and sweet and enough to get me excited.
I actually wrote this comic several months ago when they announced the film. I had a page of notes about how “Tron” and “The Big Lebowski” could intersect.
- “Ju don’ fuck wif’ de Sark
- “Shut the fuck up, Tronny!”
- “and I sure as shit don’t disc on Shabbos!
- “Tronny died as so many young programs died in the games…”
The list went on and on. Yes, my brain is broken. As far as I’m concerned they’re the same movie now.
Bonus link: check out this Comic-Con 08 Costumes
[…] Twan (Pic) […]
[…] And a reference to The Big Lebowski. […]
That Binary Subroutine really tied the room together, man.
no dice – they named the FPS "Tron 2.0". released for PC and Xbox I believe. Pretty wicked game, too – if TR2N is anything like it, I'll die a happy man.
steel = steal?
And also wasn't it "Se7en"?
pho – the edible enema
Oh my gawd, I saw so much of that "2 good 2 be 4gotten" shit in my older sister's yearbook.
"We are nihilists, Lebovski!"
I can't watch ANYTHING with Jeff Bridges in it anymore without worrying that he's gonna spill his beverage or be attacked by marmots.
I really like the art in this one, Joel.
I have yet to watch Tron and The Big Lebowski. I know they're classics and I should've already seen 'em, but I haven't yet. I'll put them at the top of my list.
As a side note, has anyone had luck in posting Intense Debate comments on the iPhone?
My copy of the movie says "Se7en", but maybe Joel has a super ultra rare mega copy that has it spelled wrong… with an alternate ending! Or not.
Hilarious, this.
Wouldn't 2RON be easier to pronounce?
Hey, if Josh is in the comic, does that mean he'll be in the podcast?
You are going to talk about Tr2n and The Big Labowski in the podcast, aren't you?
"Steel" a rug?
Dumbest sequel title ever. I mean, ever. I cannot think of a single sequel title off the top of my head that is worse than that. How can so much fail emanate from three letters and a number?
Fucking awesome man. Your ability to creatively mix geeky references continues to flourish.
"You see what happens Tron? You see what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps!?!?:
Brilliant. Comics like this are why I love HE.
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Oh, you said sequel *title*. My mistake.
And the bad thing about that is that the title really intimated such promise. Good ol' fashioned archaeological plunderin' of El Dorado, a real Indiana Jones movie–as opposed to the KGB and some fucking aliens with their interdimensional new age crystal skulls.
But it's still not as bad as "Tr2n", which makes the movie sound like it's going to be a two-hour long typo.
And the bad thing about that is that the title really intimated such promise. Good ol' fashioned archaeological plunderin' of El Dorado, a real Indiana Jones movie–as opposed to the KGB and some fucking aliens with their interdimensional new age crystal skulls.
But it's still not as bad as "Tr2n", which makes the movie sound like it's going to be a two-hour long typo.
Fixed. Thanks.
On my copy it was MY HEAD in the box.
Are you suggesting that ALL enemas arent edible?
"We cut of YUH JOHNSON!"
Amphibious rodents are a problem for most actors… withing city limits.
Comic enjoy do you?
Its like if they took pure joy and compressed it into movie form.
You just HAD to pull the ethnic card.
Thats the name of Anchorman 2.
we already talked about Tr2n on mondays cast. Ill be uploading it tonight.
The correct spelling is "steAl." Everyone knows that.
Thanks! Readers that enjoy it are why I do it.
looks a lot like pr0n, imo
Not that I know anything about art, but this is outstanding! How long did this finally end up taking you? Now I need to get me a glowing robe.
6-7 hours total. Which is why starting these at 10pm tends to lead to not getting finished on time.
You are welcome, sir. I may as well use my spelling-and-grammar-OCD to some use.
First time poster, big time lover of this strip!
"You'll never believe what happens next."
"He fixes the cable?"
I've never actually seen Tron. The only thing I know about it is that Journey did a song for it that ended up not making it to their albums until they released the boxed set.
i can't help it, sounding it out loud made me hungry.
Well it's not live baby dear faces, so I dont see why you're interested.
Did someone mention amphibious rodents…
I'm I the only one who thinks that your depiction of John Goodman in Tron looks suspiciously like "the Tron Guy"
I love… references…
Tr0n would make an awesome prequel title.
Josh would never eat PHO
I've seen Big Lebowski several times, but I've never actually paid attention…should probably get on that
I thought it was the Tron guy, the Dude, and Donny. A few hours later I looked at it again and realized it was Walter. Which made it awesomer.
Yeah, the movies in my head are usually better too.
I don't know about that, but let me tell you about this delicious vinaigrette salad dressing I got from my wife's dresser…
Easy, big fella. Remember, the flick's not even in production yet; with that title animation they were trying to play on audience recognition by making it as similar to the original title animation as possible. I guarantee it's going to go through every possible combination of "Tron" and "2" before (I predict) landing on "Tron 2.0."
"And the bad thing about that is that the title really intimated such promise. Good ol' fashioned archaeological plunderin' of Coronado, a real Indiana Jones movie–as opposed to more Nazis and some fucking knights with their supernatural magic wine cup."
Take-out pho sounds like one of the worst things ever.
Seriously, you gotta sit down for that ultimate soup.
yeah, wtf. totally broke my suspension of disbelief.
no buy.
I see no point in this. The cars in Tron can not be destroyed. The blue fella must have a bug inside of his code.
greatest comic ever, I thought the same thing throughout iron man.
I kept saying "THE DUDE CAN'T BE EVIL!" during the movie.
Ach! Why!? Why the fuck must you ridicule it by calling it Tr2n? Just randomly inserting numbers in the title to show that it's a sequel DOESN'T FUCKING WORK!
What's next? Iro2 M2n?
Where they trying to make it sound L33T? How hard is it to figure out 0 can be used as o, because it looks like it. 2 does not look like and o! If you wanted a 1337 title you could have called it T2on, that still looks like shit, but atleas the number 2 and the letter r look kind of alike (atleast when I write it)
I could also see Flynn playing Deadly Discs against The Jesus.
But if you were a hip, stylin' cool kid in 1982 you had the Tron soundtra…
Dammit, I almost made it through that with a straight face. But yeah, the Journey song was on the soundtrack.
2 Fast 2 furious is a close second.
It was a toss up between what i drew up there, and Walter beating up a light cycle saying something similar.
oh man. I need to hear this song now.
I dont think they have fire in Tron either. This is ridiculous.
i just tasted vomit. thanks.
Id rather have a marmot in the bath than that.
In my mental 40 page version of this comic, The Jesus was licking the edge of his disc.
welcome to the comments!
"Don't be fatuous, Jeffrey."
they can be interchangeable for the purposes of this comic.
shh… it's my secret. Im a hack.
thats a tile I can respect.
artistic license.
there was a Vietnamese place near a call center I worked at about 9 years ago that would deliver Pho in a 32oz drink cup.
I just couldnt see him as intimidating. I CAN NOT be scared of the Dude. He just wants a Caucasian and a nice rug.
"Iro2 M2n" LOL
Wait a few sequels and we can have "Iron M4n."
I am working on the movie. We love the comic! We show it to everyone who comes in the door. I will send you a pic but it won't be super exciting since everything we are doing right now is on complete lock down. I wish I could show you what the art dept. is doing but I wouldn't be working on the show any more. Some really visionary people are working on this show.
Dude. Someone up there should totally get with Journey's management and see if the band would be interested in providing a song for this film, since they wrote one for Tron. I'm sure they would love another opportunity to show off their new lead singer.
It's called "Only Solutions". It played during the arcade scene, but you could hardly hear it over the arcade machines. It's got more of a jangly guitar sound as opposed to the sweeping meoldies they usually do. Nice 80's feel, though!
Oh man, this made me laugh.
But consider for a minute…what if they ARE trying to make it sound L33T? This is the internet age, after all; perhaps Tron should reflect that?
And so it came to pass that the music during the end credits was by Rick Astley.
We love the comic and have it up here at our production office. There are only 2 people in the office that know what L33T means and they had nothing to do with naming it. The internets will shut down before we ever name it Tron 2.0.
Wait, you're working on the movie? If this is indeed true I will send you a proper print of the comic, but you must send me a picture once it's posted. If I assumed wrong, then…. something something.
Email comics(at)
When he becomes Warmonger in Iron Man, I just kept whispering, "the Dude ABIDES".