“Winter Is Coming” shirts are now IN THE STORE!!! [based on this comic]

NYCC Guest Week concludes all over your face! Massive impact crater! EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT!
Thanks to all the Fancy Bastards that came out to NYCC. Since I am writing this the night before I leave for New York, I am assuming that non of you mugged and or murdered me. You know the old saying, “New York: The city so nice, they murdered you twice.” Regular comics of some sort (possibly LoFi or photo-based) will resume sometime tomorrow (Tuesday).
Alina Pete of Weregeek has the honorable distinction of (along with NYCC Guest Week Alumnus Sam Logan) of being one of the 4 or 5 Canadians I know. Unlike Sam, who has perfected a nearly (suspiciously) perfect American accent, save for the occasional stray “aboot,” Alina, being neither a spy or ashamed of her heritage, has a very cute Frost Elf (pardon my racial epithet) way of speaking which I find ADORABLE!
Alina makes a comic about geeks and nerds that play tabletop/roleplaying games along with other geekery, and nerdish leanings. I know that subject matter is very near and dear to many a Fancy Bastard, and I know I am not sufficiently catering to your needs in that area. Occaisionally I will repeat something I heard Wil Wheaton say about “rolling” and “dice bags” and “critical hits” or whatever, and that’s about the extent of my knowledge. Alina is here to SAVE YOU weary traveller! She has jokes that YOU will UNDERSTAND with your BRAINS and HEADS! SHOUTING! Also, one time she drew me in the background of one of her comics, which nearly excuses her putting me in a “David Willis shirt”. WILLLLLLLIIISSSSSSSSS! #nemesis
Funny enough, had I been making comics this week, I probably would have made this one. I find it really arrogant and uninformed that dozens of political cartoonists depicted Steve Jobs getting all buddy buddy with St. Peter. I don’t believe in Heaven or Nirvana (though I really enjoyed “Unplugged In New York”), but I still find it disrespectful to portray Steve Jobs in a religious manor contradictory to his beliefs. Of course I don’t really expect much from “modern” political cartoonists. They literally LABEL EVERYTHING so you fully understand beyond a shadow of a doubt why you aren’t laughing.
COMMENTERS: Using the standard tropes of political cartoons, come up with a better (by which I mean worse) comic to commemorate jobs in the dozens, if not tens of newspapers that are still in circulation. How about Steve Jobs as baby new year in a top hat that says “Steve Jobs,” and the Grim Reaper as the Statue of Liberty standing next to a pig that says “Big Oil” and a business man smoking a cigar that says “Iran” across his chest. A fitting tribute if there ever was one.
Also, how about that fucking panel 3 up there, huh? Jesus H. Chr… I mean, Alan H. Moore, that’s some serious shit. I might be so inclined as to turn that into a mobile wallpaper. First one of you to get that masterpiece tattooed on your back gets a lolly.