Curse Your Sudden But Inevitable Cancellation

This could very well be my last Dollhouse related comic. Revisit the ghost of Dollhouse Comic Past HERE.
hijinks-ensue-godspeed-you-fancy-bastard-book-300x300I think this comic sums up my feeling towards Dollhouse’s cancellation pretty well. There was definitely a spark of Whedon-Genius there, but it wasn’t enough to earn my devotion. I stand by the belief that Dushku was the ruination of the show. All of the supporting cast outclassed her at every turn and showed what a mediocre actress she is (I’m sorry, Eliza… I think you are pretty and probably a nice person).

I’m sure the show will pull another 180 in it’s final six episodes and only then will I realize my error in judgment, but as of now I don’t mourn the show. I only mourn the show that Joss saw in his head, that we will never see. For surely this was not it.

Saturday Nov. 14th, 11am – 6pm
More info HERE

I will be doing 2 panels during the afternoon. One on webcomic economics/marketing and the other on digital drawing with a Wacom tablet. My buddy Will Terrell will be doing a digital painting tutorial as well. If you have seen his art, you know you don’t want to miss this. I hope to see you all there.

If enough FB’s show up we can have a dinner meetup afterward.

[You know it’s sad that they can’t even say “Dollhouse Sent To ‘The Attic'” since not enough people watched the show to get the reference]


[Got a lot to do today so I’m posting the pencils for todays comic. I’ll ink and color later tonight. Check back for the finished product.]

hijinks-ensue-godspeed-you-fancy-bastard-book-300x300In a move that can only spell the end of all things, CBS is turning some dude’s Twitter account into a sitcom. I’ve read @shitmydadsays and it’s genuinely funny, but it works because of how it’s presented. Short snippets of abusive wisdom culled from the word-vomit of a crotchety, doddering old man. Anything charming or humorous about @dadsshittysayings will certainly be lost in translation if it ever makes it to TV.

I’m not kidding when I say this news does not bode well for humanity. When twitter accounts become TV, how far away can “Status Update: Ben is washing his gym clothes – The Movie” be? Is that a man with the head of an oxe standing on a raft hewn from the bones of the stillborn in a river of liquid damnation? I think it is, and I think he’s just waiting for a few more Twitter-based TV shows before he unleashes his unholy army of winged goats.

In the end it will be called “That’s Our Dad,” and star pretty much everyone from “Everybody Loves Raymond” except for the titular Mr. Romano. See? Armageddon.

Read up on it HERE, and come see me! I will be doing a couple of panels about webcomicing and I expect you to have your questions prepared on 3X5″ note cards.

I’ve explained that sketched books are taking longer than expected because I don’t want to give everyone the same rehashed 30 second character face, but I want you to see what to expect when you order an Artist Edition. Check out some of the recent book sketches HERE in my twitpic stream. I’ll be posting them all to Flickr when I’m done.

Are you interested in “I’m A Snowflake on The Windholiday cards? Are you interested in giant sized “Snowflake” comic prints? Those are likely the next two things to be added to the store in the next few days. Extol your interest in the comments.

In Space No One Can Hear You Moan

REMINDER!!! Dallas Webcomics Expo is this Saturday. I will be there with books and shirts and furtive glances and some sort of advice about webcomicing which will be delivered via panel format.


Alternate Title: “In Space No One Can Hear You Cream”

If spaceship on spaceship slash exists (please please please), then I really only want to see the NCC-1701 D going to space town on a Star Destroyer (or maybe the Death Star if you’re into that kinky shit).


hijinks-ensue-godspeed-you-fancy-bastard-book-300x300So… Battlestar Galactica: The Plan. There’s one thing wrong with that title and it’s not the part that denotes what kind of ship most of the movie takes place on (hint: its the PLAN part… there isn’t one). I would suggest fans of the series PLAN to be super frakking disappointed. The Edward James Olmos helmed “Plan” plays out like spare footage from BSG seasons 1 and 2 (that should have been left on the cutting room floor) randomly stitched together and run through the Boring-O-Tron 5000 a few times.

Before you shout, “CYLON!” and start checking my spine for a certain mid-coitus glow, hear me out. The reason this direct-to-DVD feature feels like spare footage is because at least 1/3 of the film is comprised of… stock footage from seasons 1 and 2. In fact, Kara Thrace, Lee Adama, Helo Agathon, Col. Tight and a host of others ONLY appear in the stock footage. President Laura Roslin doesn’t even show her face in rehashed footage or otherwise.

The concept was sound. I would actually like to see what the Cylons were doing leading up to and after the attacks on the 12 Colonies. The execution is just sloppy, disjointed and ultimately uninteresting. It’s extremely Cavil-centric and he is one of my least favorite characters. His “mommy issues/Oedipal complex drove me to eradicate humanity” just doesn’t resonate with me at all. That sort of motivation would be a great explanation for a single murder or perhaps a series of failed romances and an inability to connect with others on a deep level. As for a reason to exterminate all life on 12 planets? Let’s just say Galactus had a more convincing argument with, “because I was hungry.”


If you’ve seen The Plan and have an opinion, share it in the comments. If you haven’t seen it and wish to remain unspoiled, read the comments at your own risk.

WEST TEXAS COMIC-CON in Lubbock, TX was a lot of fun and a big success from a “was it worth it/will I do it again” stand-point. Thanks to everyone that came out to see me and to those that discovered HE right there on the spot. Special thanks to cartoonist and organizer Will Terrell for being such a fantastic host and making me feel so welcomed. Check out his webcomic “Super Zeroes.” Will’s a very talented artist (his coloring and line work are superb), and he’s just started his own EXPERIMENT to try and make a living doing what he loves. He will also be at the aforementioned Dallas Webcomics Expo on Saturday 11/14 and I encourage you to give him some of your money (after giving most of it to me… assuming there is any left… there really shouldn’t be any left if you did it right).

Listen All Y’all It’s A Sabotage

“Excellent work LaserTit. Megatron will be pleased. Now we can harness the Large Hadron Collider for Energon production… we should really work on getting you a new name.”

hijinks-ensue-godspeed-you-fancy-bastard-book-300x300The most recent drama at the LHC has to do with a bird’s bagel bomb causing certain components to overheat. LAME! Get to smashing the shit out of some particles and sucking us all into a mother effin’ black hole already! Things are so bad that some of the LHC crew thinks they are being sabotaged from the future. I bet it’s that evil chick from Quantum Leap whose job it was to re-wrong all the righted-wrongs that Same Becket righted in the first place. If it isn’t her then we need to question Dr. Emmett Brown. He knows more than he’s letting on. Plus he’s a cowboy with a time-train.

Is a thing I am on. I post all kinds of crap including book sketches as I do them, and secret inside jokes that only YOU and I will get.


I hope to see some of you FB’s out there on Saturday. I will have books (with free sketches), shirts, buttons, stickers, partial hugs and awkward looks!

And a week from tomorrow I will be at The Dallas Webcomics Expo (11/14). I’m really excited for both of these events and I hope to see you there live and in person. Cons are a big part of The Experiment going forward, so please come out and show your support.

I’ve been getting a few emails and twitters about book shipment status. The deal is this: I still have about 120 UFE’s and regular AE’s from the preorders to sketch and ship. The reason it’s taking so long is that I had over 300 sketches to do and I’m not doing “quick recycled 30 sec sketches.” I am essentially doing custom illustrations for every book. I want it to be personal and memorable (and worth the extra $15). Thank you for being patient and for understanding. Once these preorders are all shipped, all orders will be going out weekly (non-sketched books are going out when they are ordered already).

Speaking of books and what you should do about them: HOW ABOUT BUYING ONE!?

Better Than I Know Myself

[digg-reddit-me]Does anyone else look at the contents of their DVR with a sense of shirked responsibility and obligation? Oh, that’s just me? I’m horrible.

I watched the pilot for ABC’s “V” last night and overall I was impressed. I LOVED seeing Alan Tudyk and Morena Baccarin back on TV, and Juliette from “Lost” (Elizabeth Mitchell) definitely held her own and my interest. The pilot cover a lot more of the “V” mythos than I thought it would or could in 1 hour. I would have expected at least a 2 hr installment before we got the “big reveal.”

If you saw the pilot you know the V’s are trying to convince the people of Earth that they’ve never encountered other intelligent life before. If that’s the case, then why do all of their city-sized ships have 40 mile while LCD screen public address systems covering their entire undersides? Seems that that would only be useful for addressing entire planets or select pay per view events.
Oh, and they just need to come right out and say that Obama is a “V.”


Serious Question: You know what is an awesome thing to buy for yourself or others or pets?
Answer: MY BOOK!