Sugar And Spice And Everything Knives

Unseen 4th Panel: The little girl does a backward kick flip off a food court trashcan, pulls a butterfly knife from her boot and uses it to draw a unicorn in Josh’s small intestine without removing the organ from his body. During the autopsy, the coroner was shocked at her skill with a blade. With respects to both murder and magical horsey drawing.

If you enjoy HE and and would like to show your support for the comic or The Experiment, please consider getting a book or shirt in the store or making a donation.

[Edward shirts now at Topatoco!]

I mentioned this on Twitter, but at no point during Kick Ass does the titular character actually kick anyone’s ass. He wails on a few guys with his Ass-Batons (I assume he uses that naming convention, as in “Bat-A-Rang” and “Spider-Roomba”), but they are all able to flee the scene asses quit intact. It could be argued that the mutual KO between Mr. Ass and a particular villain during the climactic battle of the film is an “ass kicking,” though I would suggest the double lights-out was more of a mistake on each participants part that any sort of intentional ass-kickery.Continue reading

Blu-Ray Harvest

Dallas SciFi Expo

The Dallas Scifi Expo is this weekend SATURDAY AND SUNDAY!!! I will be sharing a table with Randy from Something*Positive so put on your Storm Trooper helmet and come say hi. I have on good authority a man called Jayne is going to be there.

I’m posting this at a million o’clock the night before a con, so I don’t have much time to type… words… about George Lucas and Star Wars and Blu-Rays and such. Please post your intentions (to buy or not to buy) in the comments as well as what you think Lucas could have possibly left of out of the first 4 releases of the film.

Here are some links:

Don’t Forget! [Edward shirts now at Topatoco!]

Avengers Get All Assembley!

Still working on a proper C2E2 write up. In the meantime, let’s speculate wildly about Joss Whedon possibly, maybe, definitely directing The Avengers movie. What Whedonisms should he include in the film and which ones should he hold back on? As a fan of his Astonishing X-Men run I have high hopes in his ability to breath new life into a decades old superhero franchise, but as a person with a functional memory I know Whedon’s projects don’t always turn out as he plans. Often the suits and execs and various other meddlers twist his creative vision into piles of disjointed poo. What say you good commenter?

Dallas SciFi Expo

The Dallas Scifi Expo is this weekend. I will be sharing a table with Randy from Something*Positive so put on your Storm Trooper helmet and come say hi. I have on good authority a man called Jayne is going to be there.

Don’t Forget! [Edward shirts now at Topatoco!]

Can’t Stop The CoCo Choochoo

[sorry for the lack of color, but my flight leaves early in the morning and I have a bunch of pre-Chicago errands to run today ~ Joel]


C2E2 is THIS WEEKEND!!! April 16-18

Commenters: Where/how could Conan do his show with less exposure?

This will be the last regular HE comic this week due to my impending nuptials with Chicago. Though I do have some stellar guest comics lined up for Thursday and Friday. If you are going to be in Chicago, come to C2E2 and say hi and maybe pick up a book or a shirt or whatever. We can keep it casual.
[more info about C2E2 IN THIS BLOG POST]

If you enjoy HE and and would like to show your support for the comic or The Experiment, please consider getting a book or shirt in the store or making a donation.

Don’t Forget! [Edward shirts now at Topatoco!]

Battlestar Galactica/UN "So Say We All" T-Shirt

Check out this new Battlestar Galactica/United Nations So Say We All” T-Shirt I made for Olmos Productions, Inc.


One can only assume that Sarah Palin’s Alaska on TLC will involve the former governor pushing pregnant moose down a flight of stairs, slitting the throats of brown bear cubs with a javalin while racing a snow mobile and clubbing baby Eskimos. Their precious pelts are worth their weight in endangered whale blubber at the trading outpost.

If you enjoy HE and and would like to show your support for the comic or The Experiment, please consider getting a book or shirt in the store or making a donation.

If you are a Juggalo sympathizer of some sort or your tea bag swings to the extremely far right and this comic offends you, please address all concerns to Randy since he inspired this comic over dinner (and via twitter).


C2E2 is THIS WEEKEND!!! April 16-18
If you are going to be in Chicago, come say hi!

It seems like this has been a banner week for enemies of science, champions of ignorance and the glorification of all around, good old-fashioned dullardry. I actually think Palin fits right in with ICP. Much like her Juggalo kindred [and the ancient Aztecs] she doesn’t know how the sun works, doesn’t want to know and is pretty sure she should fear it and sacrifice a few of her brood to insure a bountiful harvest.

If we can learn anything from the “Juggalin” or “Paliggalo” philosophies, it’s that scientists are “snake oil salesman” and “mother fuckers” that be “lyin’ and gettin’ me pissed“. At least we can all agree that nothing in this world or beyond can be explained without magic. To attempt to fathom how rainbows are made, why our kids look like us, or how dirt is dirt is to question the will of the divine and drive a stake into the heart of all those that believe in miracles.

Battlestar Galactica/UN "So Say We All" T-Shirt

Check out this new Battlestar Galactica/United Nations So Say We All” T-Shirt I made for Olmos Productions, Inc.

Don’t Forget! [Edward shirts now at Topatoco!]