Michael, I’ve just made a huge mistake

Gob Bluth is the voice of K.I.T.T.? I don’t know if thats the coolest thing I’ve ever heard or some kind of cruel trick…(sorry) illusion.

If you’ve never met the real Eli and you would like to get to know him better, just watch this.

Machine Girl” is basically a love letter to Eli’s brain written in arm stump blood, with a machine gun, on your face.

Last thing: I was talking to the Internet and I asked him what it would be like if an electric carving knife was sodomizing a watermelon. Then I cried because I knew we would never know. The Internet smiled and said, “I thought you’d know me better by now.” Then he unzipped his pants and raped my eye-holes with this video.

The only thing that would make it better would be someone screaming in German throughout the whole clip. THANKS, INTERNET!!! YOU”VE BLINDED ME WITH YOUR PENIS AGAIN!

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  1. I love the G.O.B. as much as anyone, but I will only accept the voice of Mr. Feeney from “Boy Meets World.” It’s the original flavor or no flavor for me.

    With both a new TV movie in the works and an unrelated Theatrical Movie in the works, maybe Feeney will get his K.I.T.T. on after all.

    Aw, who the fuck am I kidding? I’m not watching either, regardless of K.I.T.T.’s voice.

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