As with the previous edition of Wil Wheaton Paper Dolls, Wil did not so much invoke the power of the Wheaton Comic Dare as he calmly and collectedly texted me and said, “We should do this again.” I feel like the peer pressure and public shaming elements of the Wil Wheaton Comic Dares are really starting to wane. Perhaps we should call them Wil Wheaton Comic Polite Friendly Suggestions In Which Fun Times Are Nearly Guaranteed For All Involved. Step up your daring game, Wheaton. This is The Internet. Shit us supposed to get crazy around here, not cordial.
If you happen to be attending Austin Comic Con this weekend, there is a good chance that Wil will have sheets of this second paper doll set for sale at his booth. I don’t know if he’ll have them today (Friday) but I bet he has them on Saturday. Stop by, say hi, things buy, bye bye. That’s how it should go.
If you aren’t attending the con, you can click “Buy A Print” under the comic and get your own high quality hard copy.
So, will we be able to buy these, one day? That would be pretty cool. I’d print it on some cardstock, but I’d rather give you money than the dorks at Kinkos.
I should clarify…is there a chance we could buy them "online" since not all of us are cool enough to go to Austin Comic Con
You can click "buy a print" under the comic.
I love that the Evil Head is not hella different from regular head.
(it's the tabs! Yeah, that's it!)
Love it, Joel!
Shen-anne-igans is ossm.
you could always give wil a cthulhu of dicks beard attachment to go with his dick cape
Cape of Dicks! (much rejoicing) You made my week, Joel.
Note that the accessories do not include a copy of SJG’s Illuminati. My own personal Sheldonlike feud. “No room in my luggage” indeed.
Who is the Whil Wheton you are always speaking about? Is he one of your made-up characters, like Boxcar Pete?
Congrats on the 10th Wheaton Comic Dare!
May you both continue to be excited nerds on the interwebs!
Wow! You can dress him in the Burnt Orange Space Sweater and Cape of Dicks at the same time!! It's Super-Effective!
Oh man, that sweater. THAT SWEATER. Why would anyone in the future even wear that?
I appreciate the dreamatorium floor you included.
Oh wait, that's the holodeck.
I LOL'd the "Evil Wil Wheaton" head… good one Joel!