Travel Tips

My first ever art collaboration with my daughter is here! The “Daddy/Daughter Digital Drawing Time” print is signed by both of us, numbered and limited to 100 pieces. [More details HERE.]

hijinks ensue fundraiser print 2013 web

All proceeds are going to pay an unexpected IRS tax bill. Your support and help are greatly appreciated, plus you get a pretty sweet piece of art for your wall. Hate art? Hate walls? Donations are also incredibly appreciated, if that’s more your style.

COMMENTERS: Kiddo and I have had this conversation MULTIPLE times. It was especially bad when she was younger and I had just started doing conventions. Did your parents ever go somewhere super cool and leave you behind because they were just trying to remember what it was like to be people, the people they were before you dominated their existence? Have you ever done this to your kids?

ANOTHER THING: I did  THIS and THIS and then David did THIS.

Comments (49)

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Liam's avatar

Liam · 78 weeks ago

I must have been about four when my parents went to Disney World, is that the Florida one, without me and my sister.
I love Disney World. We had our honeymoon there. Your generalizations are for losers.
Stonemaven's avatar

Stonemaven · 76 weeks ago

Objection. Disneyland/world is also for gay guys and couples! I know because my dear friend and his boyfriend go several times a year. Lucky bitches.
Comic Joel is a dick. Wil Wheaton would not approve.

1 reply · active 78 weeks ago

Comic Joel is playfully facetious.
Rob's avatar

Rob · 78 weeks ago

When I was 10 my parents left my sister and I with my grandparents and went to Hawaii. In return when my 3 kids were 5, 3, and 1 my wife and I left them with my parents and went to Hawii. I guess what goes around, comes around.

2 replies · active 77 weeks ago

seriously's avatar

seriously · 78 weeks ago

Only if you remembered to properly sugar up your kids first along with express instructions to drive your folks as close to crazy as they can without getting themselves killed or sold off to gypsies.
SageBrushFnord's avatar

SageBrushFnord · 77 weeks ago

Don’t forget the caffeine! Two cups of coffee 30 minutes before drop-off, and a couple boxes of 5-hour energy stashed among their gear.


Dean's avatar

Dean · 78 weeks ago

Punch some airholes in the shipping box, she’ll be fine. Kids are resilient at that age.
manbeardman's avatar

manbeardman · 78 weeks ago

my dad is a huge trek fan which must be genetic cause i am too there was a comic store down the street when i was 7 and he would go from time to time to get models i wasnt allowed to go because he figured i would spaz out when i saw the professionally built models and all the toys when i was 10 i finally got to go and true i did completely spaz out but i also had some money ( was my bday ) and was broke when i left
Bruceski's avatar

Bruceski · 78 weeks ago

My dad worked at a big laboratory and traveled a lot to other ones. It wasn’t a constant desire, but I remember wanting to go along and see what places like Livermore were like, how they compared to the place I knew.

5 replies · active 78 weeks ago

Bruceski's avatar

Bruceski · 78 weeks ago

You know, I’m an adult and have a car now. I don’t know if the lab there has any visitor info sorts of places that don’t need a clearance but I could easily drive down there some time and look around.
Rob's avatar

Rob · 78 weeks ago

If your talking about Livermore Laboratory, they sure do. My son and went down last summer and toured the laser facilities. It was engineering geek heaven.
Bruceski's avatar

Bruceski · 78 weeks ago

Neat! I’ll add it to my to-do list. Los Alamos laboratory really locked down in the last 10 years so it’s good to know Livermore has stuff open.
lou's avatar

lou · 78 weeks ago

Man, I LIVE near there and I can’t get in. The website says I need to make a reservation months in advance.
Bruceski's avatar

Bruceski · 78 weeks ago

Just checking, you mean LA? Livermore says 2 weeks notice for their tours.
lou's avatar

lou · 78 weeks ago

In 1989, guess where my parents went after dropping off me and my brother with the grandparents (can’t recall which set)? Berlin, to help Tear Down The Wall (Pink Floyd reference!) and they brought home a few pieces of it, too!

1 reply · active 76 weeks ago

That is the best reason I have ever heard!
bubujin_2's avatar

bubujin_2 · 78 weeks ago

It was a few years after my folks brought their fourth child into the family that they probably decided they needed to escape the madness and reconnect adult to adult in Boston–for an entire week of our spring break. Being only 10 or 11 at the time, my asked or imposed on one of his married grad students to tend to us. Can’t recall any desire on my part to want to tag along, and we all survived the ordeal.
Allen's avatar

Allen · 78 weeks ago

I have no idea who watches The Mentalist either. I prefer Psych for all my fake psychic detective needs

5 replies · active 76 weeks ago

Bruceski's avatar

Bruceski · 78 weeks ago

Wait, the guy in Psych is fake?
Jingy's avatar

Jingy · 77 weeks ago

I’ve had not just one, but 3 different people I know try to get me to start watching the Mentalist.

None of the 3 exactly share my tastes, so I’ve still yet to see even a single episode. But I guess THEY are why the CBS is still making it… SO yeah, blame my family and ex-GF for it’s continued existence.

Kirby's avatar

Kirby · 77 weeks ago

I did when it was its turn on TNT’s cycle.

And by Cycle, I mean they show just about nothing but that same show most of the day, every week day. Then, they slowly start to fade it out for a new show by making it share the day with a different show, and then the different show takes over.

It is currently Castle’s turn on the cycle.

Stonemaven's avatar

Stonemaven · 76 weeks ago

The Netfilx paradigm. Watch All The Eps. Detox. Repeat.
TemplarKnight's avatar

TemplarKnight · 78 weeks ago

Am I the only one seeing that “This” and “This” seem to lead to the same video?

2 replies · active 78 weeks ago

Dave's avatar

Dave · 78 weeks ago

Yep, David’s post too. They link to the same URL. Is instagram screwing with someone?
Steve's avatar

Steve · 78 weeks ago

Perhaps, when things go better, you may want to hire your daughter as a con assistant. Helping carry and suchlike. You can actually put her on salary and deduct it, and the relevant expenses, from the taxes. Commonly done, but do talk to your accountant.
Shes always had glasses but because they were black it wasnt obvious.
lou's avatar

lou · 78 weeks ago

Joel, I have a question you raised in the previous strip with that comment about “the one true Batman”: were you referring to different versions of Batman across different media, or like when the title of “Batman” is used by someone other than Bruce Wayne, like Terry McGuiness (Batman Beyond) or Richard Grayson (Grant Morrison’s Batman & Robin and Batman, Inc.)? Also, what’s your take on superheroes switching identities, like when Bucky Barnes ascended to the name Captain America?

1 reply · active 77 weeks ago

Both, actually, specifically with regards to Batman. The character has been presented in SO MANY DIFFERENT movies, TV shows, cartoon series, comic incarnations, action figures, etc. that “my Batman” and “your Batman” could be entirely different characters with entirely different histories. I use the DCAU as a common point of reference since most geeks my age grew up with it and have a familiarity with the continuity and supporting characters.

It’s hard to have a strong negative opinion on Cap and Spider-Man and whoever else switching identities when it pertains to a character that’s been around 40+ years. They’re just looking for ways to keep new readers coming to the books and the “Hey, the old guy is dead and now it’s a new guy!” routine is just one of their go-tos.

seriously's avatar

seriously · 78 weeks ago

The face on your daughter in panel two…I know that face, I’ve caused that face before.

That is the face all women instinctively put on when you’re about ten seconds away from being bitched out for something stupid/insensitive you’ve done or said. The last time I saw that face it was from my niece who I gave a lift to school one day.

Turns out she didn’t think it was funny when you recount a “hilarious” story about the time she sharted herself waiting in line at Disney World.

Who knew?

Kiki's avatar

Kiki · 78 weeks ago

Does your daughter take commissions? I collect octopus art and hang it in my studio, and I’d love to have a piece made by her that I can hang it next to the Josh vs. Jedi Octopus piece you drew me at ECCC a few years back.

Let me know 🙂

1 reply · active 77 weeks ago

I imagine she would appreciate the opportunity.
Tiffany's avatar

Tiffany · 77 weeks ago

my mom went to Hawaii without me. I went on a honeymoon cruise without my daughter & my step kids. occasionally if their grades aren’t good they don’t get to miss school for out of state renaissance fairs or sca wars. But mostly they’re included. they are always included, unless custody agreements or bad grades dictate otherwise. so they go to comic con, & rent fair. star trek lan parties & midnight movies. in return have a family happy wear matching TOS pjs.
Greg's avatar

Greg · 77 weeks ago

A former boss of mine wanted to teach his unruly kids a lesson. He set up a trip to Disney World, suitcases on the roof etc and headed off with the family. He told his kids in the back no squabbling or he’d turn the car around and cancel the holiday. About 30 minutes in the squabbling started so he turned the car around. He knew full well this would happen so he didn’t even bother buying tix or even filling the tank up.
mist's avatar

mist · 76 weeks ago

We got dragged around the martial arts competitions (Dad was a competitor or judge) and he rep’ed for NZ one year and did a whirlwind world tour (including US Disney) but we couldn’t afford for the whole family to go. Still very proud of his accomplishment, he even got a trophy handed to him by the Japanese Emperor.

Most of the time we simply couldn’t afford to go anywhere, as all the money went back into the business, and when we were younger parents kept saying we were to young to really appreciate it anyway.

FanGirl's avatar

FanGirl · 76 weeks ago

Joel, I’m a big fan, I love the strip, I’ve been reading for years.

But, I just have to ask, are you ever going to post new content on a regular basis again? For a while now, you’ve been posting maybe once a week, and I think there were only 3 new strips in December! It just strikes me as a little presumptive of you to ask your readers for donations to support your work when you aren’t really providing us with any content. I don’t mean to be rude, I genuinely just want more to read!

3 replies · active 76 weeks ago

This type of question is better handled via email, but yes I have big plans for 2014. I’ve been taking some time to finish up overdue commitments from 2013 and haven’t made any official announcements because I haven’t really had a grasp on how long these things would take me to complete until now. You should expect new comics, a lot more comics and expect them a lot more often starting next week. I do not think you are trying to be rude, but please understand my position. I am not forcing anyone to support me in any way. I am asking. If you’re answer is “yes,” then I appreciate your support. If your answer is “no,” then we don’t really need to discuss your reasons. Another thing to consider is sometime real life gets in the way of making internet comics. Sometimes people have to take a little time off from their job. Sometimes this is around the holidays, and sometimes they don’t announce to the whole world their reasons for doing this. I am not offended by your comments, and I probably should have said something public sooner, but I needed a break. I needed time to wrap my head around where HE goes from here and I needed to spend some time with my family.
FanGirl's avatar

FanGirl · 76 weeks ago

Hey again! Thanks for the reply. You are absolutely right, and you certainly don’t owe me an explanation! I was just being nosey. 🙂
I’m looking forward to whatever you have coming next! Take care.
The internet is the clingiest of all relationships; one or two nights without a bedtime phonecall telling us “I wuv you”, and we get all freaked out and assume the whole relationship is a lie.

…how the hell did you manage to turn us into a business model?!

He lives!! actually we figured the holidays would be time off for you. I work retail so I just had average random days off while the the rest of North America played.

actually I’m surprised you didn’t make a strip here or there centering around jaded Christmas as an adult or watching the ball drop instead of sleeping lol

S58's avatar

S58 · 75 weeks ago

I’m not really liking the direction the comic has taken, though I respect your decision I’m afraid that I’ll cease to read it frequently.

1 reply · active 70 weeks ago

Why would you post this? What’s the point? Can I use this information? Can it serve any purpose other than to make me feel bad? Just a heads up: NO CREATOR EVER NEEDS TO HEAR THAT YOU’RE DONE, YOU’RE UNFOLLOWING, YOUR UNFRIENDING, YOU’RE NOT READING/LISTENING/DOWNLOADING/ETC/WHATEVER. NEVER. Just never do this again and everyone who could every possibly be involved will be happier and better off.
Great comic!!! Aw… thats cute a little georgia okeefe
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  1. Waa?
    Disney World is for people with kids, and losers.
    Why choose to be the second if you're already the first?
    I do plenty of things without my kids, but never long-distance or kid friendly things, because that just makes no sense to me.

    • Objection. Disneyland/world is also for gay guys and couples! I know because my dear friend and his boyfriend go several times a year. Lucky bitches.

  2. When I was 10 my parents left my sister and I with my grandparents and went to Hawaii. In return when my 3 kids were 5, 3, and 1 my wife and I left them with my parents and went to Hawii. I guess what goes around, comes around.

  3. My dad worked at a big laboratory and traveled a lot to other ones. It wasn't a constant desire, but I remember wanting to go along and see what places like Livermore were like, how they compared to the place I knew.

  4. In 1989, guess where my parents went after dropping off me and my brother with the grandparents (can't recall which set)? Berlin, to help Tear Down The Wall (Pink Floyd reference!) and they brought home a few pieces of it, too!

    • I've had not just one, but 3 different people I know try to get me to start watching the Mentalist.

      None of the 3 exactly share my tastes, so I've still yet to see even a single episode. But I guess THEY are why the CBS is still making it… SO yeah, blame my family and ex-GF for it's continued existence.

    • I did when it was its turn on TNT's cycle.

      And by Cycle, I mean they show just about nothing but that same show most of the day, every week day. Then, they slowly start to fade it out for a new show by making it share the day with a different show, and then the different show takes over.

      It is currently Castle's turn on the cycle.

  5. Perhaps, when things go better, you may want to hire your daughter as a con assistant. Helping carry and suchlike. You can actually put her on salary and deduct it, and the relevant expenses, from the taxes. Commonly done, but do talk to your accountant.

  6. Joel, I have a question you raised in the previous strip with that comment about "the one true Batman": were you referring to different versions of Batman across different media, or like when the title of "Batman" is used by someone other than Bruce Wayne, like Terry McGuiness (Batman Beyond) or Richard Grayson (Grant Morrison's Batman & Robin and Batman, Inc.)? Also, what's your take on superheroes switching identities, like when Bucky Barnes ascended to the name Captain America?

    • Both, actually, specifically with regards to Batman. The character has been presented in SO MANY DIFFERENT movies, TV shows, cartoon series, comic incarnations, action figures, etc. that "my Batman" and "your Batman" could be entirely different characters with entirely different histories. I use the DCAU as a common point of reference since most geeks my age grew up with it and have a familiarity with the continuity and supporting characters.

      It's hard to have a strong negative opinion on Cap and Spider-Man and whoever else switching identities when it pertains to a character that's been around 40+ years. They're just looking for ways to keep new readers coming to the books and the "Hey, the old guy is dead and now it's a new guy!" routine is just one of their go-tos.

  7. The face on your daughter in panel two…I know that face, I've caused that face before.

    That is the face all women instinctively put on when you're about ten seconds away from being bitched out for something stupid/insensitive you've done or said. The last time I saw that face it was from my niece who I gave a lift to school one day.

    Turns out she didn't think it was funny when you recount a "hilarious" story about the time she sharted herself waiting in line at Disney World.

    Who knew?

  8. Does your daughter take commissions? I collect octopus art and hang it in my studio, and I'd love to have a piece made by her that I can hang it next to the Josh vs. Jedi Octopus piece you drew me at ECCC a few years back.

    Let me know 🙂

  9. my mom went to Hawaii without me. I went on a honeymoon cruise without my daughter & my step kids. occasionally if their grades aren't good they don't get to miss school for out of state renaissance fairs or sca wars. But mostly they're included. they are always included, unless custody agreements or bad grades dictate otherwise. so they go to comic con, & rent fair. star trek lan parties & midnight movies. in return have a family happy wear matching TOS pjs.

  10. A former boss of mine wanted to teach his unruly kids a lesson. He set up a trip to Disney World, suitcases on the roof etc and headed off with the family. He told his kids in the back no squabbling or he'd turn the car around and cancel the holiday. About 30 minutes in the squabbling started so he turned the car around. He knew full well this would happen so he didn't even bother buying tix or even filling the tank up.

  11. Don't forget the caffeine! Two cups of coffee 30 minutes before drop-off, and a couple boxes of 5-hour energy stashed among their gear.


  12. We got dragged around the martial arts competitions (Dad was a competitor or judge) and he rep'ed for NZ one year and did a whirlwind world tour (including US Disney) but we couldn't afford for the whole family to go. Still very proud of his accomplishment, he even got a trophy handed to him by the Japanese Emperor.

    Most of the time we simply couldn't afford to go anywhere, as all the money went back into the business, and when we were younger parents kept saying we were to young to really appreciate it anyway.

  13. Joel, I'm a big fan, I love the strip, I've been reading for years.

    But, I just have to ask, are you ever going to post new content on a regular basis again? For a while now, you've been posting maybe once a week, and I think there were only 3 new strips in December! It just strikes me as a little presumptive of you to ask your readers for donations to support your work when you aren't really providing us with any content. I don't mean to be rude, I genuinely just want more to read!

    • This type of question is better handled via email, but yes I have big plans for 2014. I've been taking some time to finish up overdue commitments from 2013 and haven't made any official announcements because I haven't really had a grasp on how long these things would take me to complete until now. You should expect new comics, a lot more comics and expect them a lot more often starting next week. I do not think you are trying to be rude, but please understand my position. I am not forcing anyone to support me in any way. I am asking. If you're answer is "yes," then I appreciate your support. If your answer is "no," then we don't really need to discuss your reasons. Another thing to consider is sometime real life gets in the way of making internet comics. Sometimes people have to take a little time off from their job. Sometimes this is around the holidays, and sometimes they don't announce to the whole world their reasons for doing this. I am not offended by your comments, and I probably should have said something public sooner, but I needed a break. I needed time to wrap my head around where HE goes from here and I needed to spend some time with my family.

      • Hey again! Thanks for the reply. You are absolutely right, and you certainly don't owe me an explanation! I was just being nosey. 🙂
        I'm looking forward to whatever you have coming next! Take care.

      • The internet is the clingiest of all relationships; one or two nights without a bedtime phonecall telling us "I wuv you", and we get all freaked out and assume the whole relationship is a lie.

        …how the hell did you manage to turn us into a business model?!

  14. He lives!! actually we figured the holidays would be time off for you. I work retail so I just had average random days off while the the rest of North America played.

    actually I'm surprised you didn't make a strip here or there centering around jaded Christmas as an adult or watching the ball drop instead of sleeping lol

  15. I'm not really liking the direction the comic has taken, though I respect your decision I'm afraid that I'll cease to read it frequently.

    • Why would you post this? What's the point? Can I use this information? Can it serve any purpose other than to make me feel bad? Just a heads up: NO CREATOR EVER NEEDS TO HEAR THAT YOU'RE DONE, YOU'RE UNFOLLOWING, YOUR UNFRIENDING, YOU'RE NOT READING/LISTENING/DOWNLOADING/ETC/WHATEVER. NEVER. Just never do this again and everyone who could every possibly be involved will be happier and better off.

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