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Comic Eli might pick Blazing Saddles as humanity’s most defining cultural work, but I have a feeling Eli IRL would probably go with something a little more rogue Russian submarine captain themed, if you know what I mean.
COMMENTERS: What’s the one movie that you feel sums up your sense of humor? What movie does someone have to get in order to get you? I’ve been wrestling with this question for a while and I’m not 100% certain what my answer would be. It might be UHF. I just might be.
Comments (66)
Toss up between Dr. Strangelove and Life of Brian… I don’t think there’s a rational method for deciding that one.![]()
Bryce· 100 weeks ago
I was going to use those two movies to ballpark mine as well. A mix of dark humor and sarcastic wit.My sense of humor? Man, Comic Eli got it right in one: Blazing Saddles. (Maybe with some Coming to America on the side.)I would say GNFOS, but mostly because fake Eli already stole my real answer.Cannibal: The Musical & Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter. My best friend introduced me to the first, I showed her the latter, and we knew then we’d be BFFs.![]()
Dave· 100 weeks ago
The Big Lebowski and The Hudsucker Proxy
pretty much anything Cohen Brothers… except maybe Ladykillers.Long Live The Hud
Candace· 100 weeks ago
Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and/or Young Frankenstein.I almost said “Grail” for mine, but I started thinking back to when and how those two movies affected me. I saw UHF when I was probably 8 years old and Weird Al was the very first introduction I ever had to comedy, parody, and popular music. His impact on my comedic sensibilities are tremendous. I saw Holy Grail when I was about 11 and it completely turned my brain upside down. I laughed longer and harder than I ever had up until that point in my short life. It completely opened my eyes to an entirely new way of looking at comedy and restructured the way I perceived what was funny from that point onward. Still, I dont think I would have been as susceptible to it, had I not had the foundation in comedy that I’d gotten from Al.UHF is a great choice because I feel rare is the person who has seen it, compared to other comedies I love such as Spaceballs, Supertroopers, The Big Lebowski, and Month Python and the Holy Grail. The Big Lebowski isn’t just a funny movie to me, though, but also an integral “text” in forming my personal outlook on life.I feel the same way about The Dude, and if I’m being 100% honest, it is probably the comedic move that has the biggest correlation to what I consider funny TODAY. UHF might top my list since it had such an overall impact on what I considered funny as a child, but is also still funny to me today for completely different reasons. That said, every single time I see Lebowski I catch something, some subtle nuance that I hadn’t noticed before. It’s certainly in my top 3 “You must get these to get me” movies.![]()
Megan· 100 weeks ago
Blazing Saddles, Big Lebowski and Anchorman are my holy trinity.I wish I could say Monty Python and the Holy Grail, but it’s probably more like Strange Brew.See? You almost want to have a “cooler” answer, but you have to be honest with yourself.Duck Soup.Consequently, to some extent, Brain Donors.
UnderTheDark· 100 weeks ago
Holy sh*tsnacks, I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone outside of my immediate family that’s even HEARD of Brain Donors!it’s not well known, but I always recommend “The President’s Analyst”… a little dated but sums up the 1960s perfectly: American intelligence agencies fighting each other more than the Soviets, Telephone Company is the ultimate Big Bad – sorry, SPOILER – Freudian analysts, D.C. elites, hippies, suburban gun nuts, NOBODY is spared, plus a scifi angle that is just now coming true about ‘implantable telephones’ and the greatest line ever uttered in a movie “I’m NOT paranoid! You really ARE all spies!”GO. FIND. IT. AND. WATCH.
oof. I would have been right there with you had I not rewatched it earlier this year. For me, it doesn’t hold up at all.I would second Airplane wuth a side of Top Secret.“I know a little German….He’s sitting right over there.”
Allen· 100 weeks ago
It’s probably a tossup between UHF and Ghostbusters.Correct answer. Blazing Saddles is the best of movies. Nothing better than the scene where Slim Pickens is very nicely asking that Roger Korman “Hang that nigg** up by his neck until he was dead” just as sweet as he could be. Then Korman going outside and seeing the hangman from Robin Hood Men in Tights handing a man and his horse.![]()
Batman1016· 100 weeks ago
“The Paper” by Stephen and David Koepp, directed by Ron Howard, and starring Michael Keaton, Glenn Close, Randy Quaid, Marissa Tomei, Robert Duvall, plus an ensemble cast of all-star extras. A day in the life of a slightly trashy New York Newspaper. A bit dated, pre-internet, but still awesome. Whedon-class dialog, lightning fast deadpan wit, and so many little subplots and throw-away one-liners that you can’t possibly catch everything in one viewing, or even two viewings. You MUST watch it repeatedly to see it all. So snarky and speedy and clever. One of the best movies ever made.Also, “The Aristocrats.” Because I’m also a twisted bastard.
monkeymadness· 100 weeks ago
The Room. If that doesn’t speak for the world, then I don’t know what we’ve become.Most Mel Brooks movies, anything comedic with Leslie Nielsen (or just him in an otherwise crappy movie :P). I love that you mention UHF, I thought I was the only one. Monty Python can’t be forgotten, naturally.
More modern day movies I would also say Anchorman, Will Ferrell is just fantastic and with that supporting cast he’s on fire.![]()
Miggor· 100 weeks ago
I would have to say Clerks. But I also highly recommend Eagle vs Shark, not a monster mashup movie as you might suspect, but technically a romcom. But far far better than a romcom.![]()
bubujin_2· 100 weeks ago
Meatballs is one of my all-time favorite fun-filled films. Probably ’cause I saw it when it first came out and was the first Bill Murray film I ever saw. Besides just being wicked funny, it really has a pretty sweet, uplifting story.![]()
Adam D.· 100 weeks ago
Even though it’s an action Movie, I’d have to say the Fifth Element would probably be how the rest of the universe would see us, even through a comedic lens.“We’re sending someone in to negotiate”
“Anyone else want to negotiate?”More comedy than anything else, you know that we’d settle all intergalactic differences with Bruce Willis and a big gun.
DuckAmuck· 100 weeks ago
Cartoons. Just cartoons. Not movies, just cartoons. Especially Looney Tunes and Merry Melodies from back in the day, but definitely not limited to that.
I was helped in this by The Simpsons, Family Guy, Venture Bros., et al., but it’s always been my thing. (The new Teen Titans Go is fabulous…)If you think you’re “too grown up” for cartoons, I don’t have time for you.
Wesley· 100 weeks ago
It’s not a movie, but it’s definitely my sense of humour and not in the least because it so very well mimics the way the world works: Yes, Minister.![]()
Ron· 100 weeks ago
Boondock Saints. After the one guy kills the one girls thing and then goes off on her. That moment sums up my sense of humor.It’s very hard to choose. Fanboys is one of my favourites but Clerks and just about anything by Kevin Smith deserves credit too.![]()
Tony· 100 weeks ago
There is a shameful lack of Ghostbusters on this list. It, like the snack food it uses as an analogy for New York’s ghost population, will never get old and inedible.Just for argument’s sake, these were the movies I was considering for that comic:the naked gun
young frankenstein
nl vacation
blazing saddles
holy grail
spaceballsI don’t know if a single movie could ever sum up my sense of humor… there are a few that spring to mind. Monty Python’s Holy Grail (not so much their other films), Blazing Saddles, the History of the World Part I, Space Balls, Robin Hood: Men In Tights, Idiocracy, the Invention of Lying … that’s a pretty wide swath of different flavors of funny, from heady intellectual jokes (the Invention of Lying) to silly sophomoric sight gags (Men In Tights).I’m in Canada right now actually, (I need help with this politeness business; I can’t hide my American douchery) spending the week with friends of the internet.Turns out they haven’t seen UHF.
There is a certain DVD I have brought with me.
“Best Shitty Movies” gave me a good laugh. That’s totally a legit category – terrible movies that are somehow still entertaining.My choices would be The Big Lebowski, as some others have also said, and also Hot Fuzz.
The Unknown FB· 99 weeks ago
Sorry, it would have to be “Death to Smoochy”.
Nothing fits my humor noir/sarcastic look at life and work, along with the fact that I saw it (in the theater) with a guy I was dating at the time, and in a full house we were the two gay guys laughing our asses off at all the gay references in the movie, with a room full of breeders looking at us like we was cray cray.
Good times.All very fine movie choices, lets add two more not yet mentioned.“Tank Girl”… so many quotable moments and ice-t as a mutant kangaroo/human as well as an excellent sound track. My kind of funny.
Tank Girl: Oh, I was just thinkin’ about leavin’ this place. It’s been swell, but the swelling’s gone down.
Four Rooms should also be considered to sum up my sense of humor:
Ted the Bellhop: Problem? I haven’t got a problem. I’ve got fucking problems. Plural.
The two I come back to the most are Life of Brian and Blazing Saddles. I think it’s their quotability. I also LOVE The Meaning of Life for the songs. My kids already knew the Universe Song, and have now started learning all the others.[Aliens round the moon]
(it’s just a model)(Shh!)
“Shall we go on sire?”
“Nah, ’tis a silly place.”
Real Men. “You never forget the first time you save the world”
Dr. Strangelove.
[Aliens round the moon]
(it's just a model)(Shh!)
"Shall we go on sire?"
"Nah, 'tis a silly place."