When I decided to take a week off of comicing to spend time with my family and catch up on projects I called on a few Fancy Bastards to fill the void. These particular FB’s had made their talents for art and funny known to me in one fashion or another the last year, so I knew HE would be in good hands while I was away.
Today’s yuletide geekgasm comes from Ed, who had been posting his new webcomic “Peculiar Comics” in the FB forum for the past few months, and has recently launch his own comic blog at PeculiarComics.Wordpress.com. One of the reason’s I asked him to do a guest comic was that his art style differed so greatly from mine. I love seeing how other artists might interpret my characters. It actually makes me incredibly nervous when I ask for guest comics, because I never know if the artist is going to “get” the themes and “non-premise” of HE. I’m always worried the comic is going to look great, but not be funny, or just not fit with the humor style I’m trying to establish. Luckily Ed was no slouch, deftly incorporating my love/hate for Heroes, references to Duck Tales, Denise’s gourd hat and infrequent comic appearances, and working in a Star Wars reference AND a humiliating Josh costume in a single blow. I was both pleased and impressed.
So, check out Ed’s comic (since he seems to be setting us up for a continuation of this story line later this week), and look for another guest spot on Wednesday. FSM willing, I’ll be back on Friday with some sort of cop-out single panel X-mas themed thing.
It seems his noodley appendage has other plans. Family obligations have made comicing impossible for the last several days. I have one that I want to get out before the end of the year, but right now I can say exactly when it will be.
Happy Holidays!
And props, of course, for "Scrooge-splode"!
Huzzah! I've been looking forward to seeing it go live. Much thanks for the opportunity to do this, Joel. 'Twas one of the most fun comics I've done yet.
Also, much thanks to you and the FBs for helping Peculiar Comics get off the ground with the great advice and feedback.
(Also, http://peculiarcomics.comworks, too.)
check that out! http://peculiarcomics.wordpress.com/2008/12/25/pe…good stuff.
Well Hello there style and action! Love the strong black lines and the colouring brightens the comic up just right.
(Here's hoping Josh's Halloween costume next year will be the Leia outfit.)
oh god don't tempt me
style and action indeed. more than this comic typically has.
FSM…Oh, you silly pagan/atheist kidder, you.
All praise the Flying Spaghetti Monster… was kinda like 'wait, what did he say?' when I saw it too.
The power of giving! Excellent. I can't imagine why I didn't guess Ed as a possible guest comicer, he's certainly got the moves. Great job bro!
Great guest comic!
And Josh looks really hot in his Leia costume
lol gourd hat
LOL, great job Ed!
Epic win at Scrooge-Splode.
Although, I feel bad for non-regular readers, as these guest comics have been heavily laden with in-jokes.
There's nothing wrong with that…it encourages them to read back from the beginning.
Kyochan is right, as the comics are filled with HE ¿traditions? and in-jokes
Examples would be the annual happy thanksgravy (al que lea español me gustaria escribirlo "dia de accion de salsas") and the jokes about bacon.
And now we go to the blaccuweather report with ollie williams. ollie?
do you have an umbrella?
whare is it now?
It's great! Though I do have to ask why Josh is molested in each guest comic. Not that I really mind. I'd like to do the same.
Woof, Josh!
Thanks! Part of my initial plan was to have Marley as the one who put Josh in the outfit, complete with a creepy-text "Marley like!" in the first panel. I mean, I think that implication is still sorta there, but it was initially more out in the open.
WAY to go Eddie. Its muy Excellente!