This comic has essentially nothing to do with Scott Pilgrim vs. The World but I’ve been wanting to draw Josh’s “Rogue’s Gallery of Exes” for a while now. So there you go. If you are wondering where “Goldie Locks” is, I know Josh dated at least one girl in highschool before his gay-wakening so let’s just assume she’s already been defeated… by life and the choices she’s made.
Science Fiction TV-Movie Title Generator T-Shirt @Topatoco!!!
There is also a PRINT of this design too!
The title of the comic should not be confused with “Pilgrim’s Pride” which is a maker of fine poultry products. Actually that’s more suiting since neither titles have anything to do with the comic and one of them is about chicken. Let’s go with that one.
There is a new Fancy Bastard Facebook Fan Page (FBFBFP?)!!! The HE forum is basically dead and the old HE Facebook group is roughly the same. Twitter and the site comments seemed to have really taken the place of the previous FB online meeting places, but I think with this fan page I can give you guys a place to talk about non-HE related things and not force you do have an additional social network identity to keep up with. We’ll see how it goes. Feel free to check it out, start discussion, make posts, add photos, etc etc. For those interested I will keep the forum up and running for now (archive anything you want to save forever), but the old Facebook group will be deleted soon.
oh my god
2 of them are based slightly on reality. Slightly.
yeah i'm guessing there's a little Sam and a little Ed up there. The redhead is pure fiction, although not totally unrealistic.
Josh I'm a little shocked, only one leatherman?
… left.
Ding Ding Ding!
LoL, real nice Joel. I cant wait for that movie, saw the latest preview at Get him to the Greek (BTW solid movie) and hit just looks pretty.
I kind of still want Ann Veal (her?) to be stand behind the bears.
Josh is into the ex-con bears? That's surprising.
Panel 4: You punched me in the man-boob!
Wait, when did Josh date Mad-Eye Moody?
I'm becoming a stalker…
I'll add you to the already growing list.
The line forms to the left, orders will be filled in the order they are received.
Thank you sir, now lick my boots.
Four man enter… one man… gets entered?
isn't that just a typical evening at Chez Josh?
Thats twice in 2 weeks that you've revealed too much. It must be my birthday AGAIN!
l m f a o. It's your fault you keep drawing bears knowing Josh is totally shameless!
Brilliant brilliant brilliant! Btw. I'd like to place an order for the middle guy in the last panel pls. Or Sultmhoor — depending on whether he's available on request
And in the hands of Mohawk Cyclops, the new Fleshlight: Mario Edition! Available in "butt", "stealth", and "purty mouth".
Wait what? Is that "what" in panel two supposed to be a "that"?
6 out of 10 voices in his head wanted him to do it.
So, we're to assume that Josh's one "straight mistake" is now living either in a trailer park with a factory worker who loves show-tunes, or she moved to a metropolitan area and is now the proud "fag hag" of a SOHO waiter?
Just saw How to Train Your Dragon (again). Josh's exes remind me of the vikings. Or maybe it's vice versa.
Vikings into rough trade? I could see it happening.
Helps if you picture "Hagar the horrible" giving the dad from "Family Circus" a filthy rogering.
Hmmm I think you stumbled on the Porn Remake of Bad News Bears….
Only through the comedy of Kevin Smith do I have the info to understand this comic!