Ricardo Montalban passed away this week. I’ll never forget his portrayal as Khan Noonien Singh in “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan,” or as The Joker in the 1960’s “Batman” series starring Adam West. No… wait, that was Cesar Romero.
If there is an afterlife, I hope it’s governing body has a sense of humor and allows Ricardo Montalban and Hervé Villechaize to greet all new comers with a hearty, “Welcome… to Fantasy Island.“
Godspeed, you rich Corinthian leather bastard.
For your "soft Corinthian leather" fix, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIL3fbGbU2o
omg, even better mashed up with ST:TWOK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVELhUyLZGk
Ahhhhh, the USS Cordoba. It was a fine ship.
Eli and his flan makes me laugh and laugh.
i will please be having pikachu-me in icon size pls, kthnxbye.
Are you actually a big fan of Pokemon, or was that just for shits and giggles?
i am not a fan at all. my sister refers to herself, and occasionally me, as pikachu when she's being self-racist (she dressed up as that on halloween). eg: that barbecue place was wall-to-wall white people, and you could tell from their faces when i walked in, they were thinking, "what is that pikachu doing in here?"
Ever watch Attack of the Show? There's some classic racist jokes on there.
That is very, very, _very_ funny!
this thing you ask. I can do this for you.
I think the best expression in this comic is Josh's angry bacon face.
Also, as of last checking, this isn't showing up on the front page.
please start a band called "Josh's Angry Bacon Face"
Consider it done. Our first song would be a cover of the Josh theme, of course.
I'm on the drums!
i love the 2 drops of bacon grease flying off the bacon, or at least that's what i think it is
Let's go with that. Oh man, now my mind is doing bad things.
RIPYFB. As always, I just can't get over how much your art has been improving. Don't think I missed Denise's rad new white face line.
I appreciate the compliment. I was debating on making denise's hair not pure black so I could show more definition in her face, but I thought I would try this first.
Yeah, I like the little highlight/detail strip.
I don't think any one man with so few appearances had such a huge impact on Trek.
Hell to this day when they make a Star Trek movie they still compare the bad guy to Kahn
Ill leave that on loop in the background of the podcast tonight.
Ricardo Montalban…Patrick McGoohan. who's next??
I have this really bad feeling about Stan Lee…I want so much to be wrong
oh no!
good comic Joel, i was sad to hear the news as well. i love the Pikachu suit on Denise! side note: great suggestions from spell check for "Pikachu" (incl.pistachio, and pikestaff)
Pikestaff is the correct pronunciation.
Awesome artwork, from now on Denise must appear as Pikachu at every fancy dress party along with Josh in his fancy bastard costume.
However wouldn't you have to pronounce flan as fl-on for it to work? There for EPIC FAIL!!11one, vote this shit down !!!1111one!1, blah blah blerg
Maybe be just says it with a flat "a"
not to be a dick or anything but pronouncing flan as "flon" is the correct pronunciation, even though a lot of people say it as if it rhymed w/plan (as in "it's all part of the plan")
side note: i see a comic, It's All Part of the Flan! lol
However it's spelled in the comic, I'm sure Eli is pronouncing it correctly. He *is* Mexican after all. You know, RE: the Great Gay Controversy from the last comic I think I will make it my duty from now on to point out the obvious in each comic so that people don't get offended. I'm sure that will never get old.
I think he spelled TRRROOOOOOOOOOONNNNNN wrong too. If I'm not mistaken that's far too many letters
Yep. As a out and proud Mexican, I can tell you that the correct pronunciation of the "a" in flan is to rhyme with "Khan" or "Tron" or even "Pokémon."
Mmmm. Now I want some flan… with bacon.
How far north of the Mason-Dixon line are you? Flan has the softest of soft a's.
Its actually quite hard to find clean (un-mashed up) videos of wrath of kahn on utube. Here's a good one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaW35-l1CQ0
We can has this comic as a wallpaper, yes?
I love the way the speech bubbles are stacked on top of each other. It makes the effect that much more dramatic.
yes, yes. wallpaper, please!
let me talk to marketing.
He was aces in The Naked Gun.
Dude could rock a rubber chest-piece.
Why was that the first place my mind went on this one?
Wasn't rubber. Was real. At, like, freaking 77 or what.
RIP, Mr. Montalban. Even as a septuagenarian you kicked all our asses.
let us not forget his short lived role in the shorter lived cartoon, freakzoid, I think he played himself even
I <3 imdb, "Freakazoid!" …. Armondo Guitierrez (4 episodes, 1995-1996)
That's real sad. We'll always remember his role in the best Trek movie to date.
Hate the news, love the strip, but isn't the pronounciation off though?
Kirk's cry is "kan" – an "a" – not "kon" – an o – so isn't Tron and Pokemon wrong?
Still ROLF'd though…
turns out it's Tony Hart. Which won't mean anything to people outside of the UK….
yup and yup.
SOMEONE on your team might enjoy these BACON CUPCAKES
<Forum Moderator> "Baaaaaaaaaaaan"</Mod>
Josh is holding a frying pan of bacon. Now I realize that it has been well established that he has an immense love for bacon, but it has also been established that he never cooks. How does this work? Is bacon the only thing he will actually make (besides buttering bread?)
Let us not forget that he was on Freakazoid as Armondo Gutierrez (although he was pretty much playing Kahn… he actually says "He tasks me.").
How come nobody has mentioned Freakazoid?
"Laugh with me, Jocko!"