When you think pirates these days, you conjure images of flamboyantly foppish fellows, beards beaded and doo-ragged domes. I comment today not on those sea fairing swashbuckling skalewags, but rather the dastardly digital do-bads downloading documents, data, dance music and DVD dupes.
I just dropped some alliteration science on your asses. Brain mouth words tired have now.
The Jolly Roger waivers at the Pirate Bay are in some hot meatball sauce with the Swedish Government. Sweden, often known as the land of lawlessness and cheap, ready-to-assemble furniture has finally decided that creating an online portal for the sole purpose of allowing users to take and use software and media they haven’t paid for is somehow morally ambiguous. Possibly illegal!
The eyepatchers and pegleggers claim:
- They aren’t making the gigantic stacks of cash (what do the Swedish use for currency? Carp? Slacks? Children? Tufts of hair?) and
- They can never be stopped for their reach extends beyond the four corners of the (round) earth and into the very internets we breath.
I’m not passing judgement on what’s right or wrong, just what is legal. File sharing copyrighted material (even making a mix tape) is illegal. Fair use be damned. The law is clear. These are not laws I agree with, but they are real and carry serious consequences when ignored.
If they really have scattered their servers world wide, I certainly wouldn’t suggest that the Swedes or the RIAA or the MPAA or the producers of “Ugly Betty” and “Grey’s Anatomy” check Josh’s file server. There’s no reason he should be on their radar. He doesn’t have season after season of high quality HD-rips of every show imaginable. He just doesn’t.
Part 2 of this comic will deal with the aftermath of the raid and Josh’s inevitable prosecution and incarceration. What’s with all the continuity lately?
Sorry for missing Monday’s comic, but it was important that I get the podcast edited, uploaded, etc so you guys could enjoy it. Thanks for all the support and feedback regarding the Podcast. We have fun doing the show and plan to record episode 2 this Saturday. The process of editing and uploading should go MUCH faster this time. Don’t forget to email questions to podcast(at)hijinksensue(dot)com.
Haha! I’ve heard that if you don’t know english, it sounds kind of goofy (like swedish) when you hear it.
You must have had one hell of a super bowl party to make you miss the monday comic =P. Joel remember hookers and booze are your friends in moderation.
Sooooperrr….booowellll? What manner of contrivance is this you speak of? Some sort of box social or organized jocularity? Im must say, I’m not familiar.
Actually it was just all the work I was doing to get the first podcast up and running. Took WAY longer than I expected.
I bet. America English is one of the least refined languages spoken on the planet. It has the least subtlety and weirdest conjugation of any other I know.
Makes me think “Who’s the REAL Pirate Bay?”
Obviously making fun of “To Tell The Truth” … “Who’s the Real Frank Abagnale”… XD Too bad you didn’t have that in there somehow. Although, getting busted by fake Swedish people is great. XD
Yeah.. I know I don’t make any sense… It’s early…
From what I’ve read, the 3 guys have basically admitted to everything. They just contend that what they are doing isnt illegal. Technically what THEY are doing isnt. What the users and uploaders are doing is. Regardless, the guy that teaches kids how to be pick pockets is probably just as culpable as the thieves.
Also, get a cup of coffee.
dude that shit is not even funny. if they ever bust me i’m going to jail forever.
They’re going to use this comic as evidence.
At least you could make new friends easily.
Hehe… “friends”.
This comic strikes me as more…ah…comic-y than your previous ones. Josh seems disproportionate in the first and second frame. His head seems larger than it should be. And in the last frame, the way his head smushes against the wall and the way the rifle pushes into his head both give it a more cartoony vibe.
I can’t say I’m a fan of the trend myself, but obviously those are stylistic choices. Just pointing them out in case they were subconscious.
Personally, I love the artistic direction the comic has taken. For me, it seems to perfectly suit the content.
It was on purpose. I am constantly altering the style because I’ve never really been happy with it. I havent established a character design that really does it for me, so I make minor adjustments each time hoping the next leap… will be the leap home. I mean, the next design will be the one that sticks. I do, in fact, want the comic to be cartoonier. I do appreciate the feedback, though.
Oh Pirate Bay, just when we found each other did the cruel fates have to intervene.
Alas, our love was one that could not last…
I assume you used to date Napster, Grokster, Kazaa, Morpheus, and DC++ too?
*Sheds a tear and sighs wistfully at the free download love days of yore*
Nitpicky comment – file sharing isn’t illegal. Sharing files for which you do not own the copyright or have expressed consent from the copyright owner is illegal.
Plenty of open source projects are distributed using file sharing protocols (mostly bittorrent) legally.
I know you know that, I just hate it when people say file sharing is illegal.
Good observation. Its important to make that distinction. Fixed in the post.
Kronor! The Swedish use kronor (singular “krona”) and they use those precious kronor to award people with their Nobel prize moneys. I hear that Al Gore is rolling in them… 10 million of them, I understand. There should be an Al Gore comic! He’s got a great sense of humor and is usually good for a laugh >.>
I thought Kronor was a Klingon Money.
I may be the only person left on the planet that actually buys CDs and DVDs… I like to have something tangible, a box or something… Also, I like to contribute monies to the industries that take up a large chunk of my free time. Bah, whatever, I guess I just have “morals”.
Hey! That SWAT guy is using an M4 Carbine.
Excuse me, must play CoD 4….
That fucking Flern. Always running his mouth at the wrong time.
Well you know what they say, “Flern Bjorgen Freden Bjahnk Klorng.”
That gets me every time.
As you have stated in one of the comments above, what they are doing is not illegal. It is the users that are breaking the law, whatever the laws of their respective countries might be. Would you like YouTube to be shut down because of all the malcontents that put up copyrighted materials they do not have permission to use? I know that TPB is a little beyond YouTube in that comparison, but the fact remains they aren’t breaking any laws. If I linked to a file on the internet that was copyrighted and didn’t have permission to distribute it, should your site be taken down because of it?
Oh, theres no way Im saying they should go to prison. They are helping to lead a digital revolution that is currently reshaping the entertainment industry. I want the RIAA to die in obsolescence. My point is, these 3 guys are going down. They will be made example of and martyred. Our kids might live in a world where DRM is a distant dream and content is freely shared and CC licensed. In this particular instance, these guys are going to go down hard. Im just being realistic.
Wow this brings me back to the whole Napster controversy. After that whole thing I never did look at Metallica the same way. By the way, you really scared me when that comic wasn't up on monday.
I feel (felt) the same way about Metallica. I probably couldnt have found a bad thing to say about them at the time (other than Load/Reload were weak). After they sued their fans I lost ALL respect for them as artists. They are only a business. Its easier to dislike them since they havent made a good album since napster. Maybe thats how they fight piracy now. Release music that no one wants. Problem solved.
Sorry about missing the comic. I feel like shit about that. I assume most people read the blog too so you would know to expect it.
I’m with you, with the exception that St. Anger is actually a pretty decent album.
And you need to quit feeling bad about missing the comic. Your podcast was worth ten comics. No reason to feel like shit. You rock. Accept it.
You see the only metallica has going for them is their guitarist. Without Kirk what would the band be? Metallica lived past their prime and now they try to be edgier to apeal to the kiddies. It really shows how a band will do anything for the moneys.
Wow I just realized that had NOTHING to do with the comic. You really managed to throw me off topic there.
sorry i meant to say the only THING metallica has going them is and whatever crazy ramblings came after that. It’s 11:09 I’m really tired so forgive my little slip up.
If we are talking musical talent alone, Kirk and Lars have chops to spare. Asside from that Lars is an asshat, james cant sing (this is not an opinion. He just cant sing well. Period) and I dont really consider Robert Trujillo a member of Metallica.
It’s such a waste of talent to give such a douche like Lars that kind of ability.
Wtf? I thought I posted a comment yesterday… Eh, whatever, I must be on crack.
Anyways… I think I must be the only person left on the planet that still buys CDs and DVDs. I like to have something tangible, a box or something.
And, hey! That guy is using an M4 Carbine. That makes me want to play some CoD 4…
Hey, I got peeps at Ikea, be kind.
Bout the only thing I’ve snarked via internet is new Doctor Who and Torchwood, cause to get BBC America on cable, you have to pay out the ass.
As for file sharing, I know of a few people who wouldn’t have passes Art History without downloading term papers. It’s a perfectly legal practice that allows for a multitude illegal activities. It’s sorta like living next to an apple orchard. You could just walk over and get an apple any time you want but you should probably buy them at the store because they use lots of toxic chemicals in the orchards to keep bugs away. Moral of the story: steal an apple, get cancer. Think on that, my friends. Think on that.
Ikea? You might be interested in Monday’s comic.
I think I came off wrong. I am a PROponent of free media and creative commons and sharing ideas while compensating the creators in a different way. My only point is these guys are probably going to jail and they shouldnt be surprised.
Hey, M4 Carbine, and the SWAT guy in the last panel has my name.
Excuse me, I gotta go play some Cod 4.
I named him after you. Shhhh…. dont tell the others.
“Flergen bjorgk!” + Golden Girls HD = lol
I agree with Anable, this comic is much toonier. Not a bad thing, just different. It actually, somehow, feels more accessible.
Thanks, that kind of puts it in perspective for me. Is it bad that I want my cartoons to be toonier? Dont know yet.
Again, I reiterate; It’s a good thing. Your art continues to improve and become more refined. You can tell you’re really coming into your own as an artist.
Oh Pirate Bay, just when we found each other did the cruel fates have to intervene.
Alas, our love was one that could not last…
I feel (felt) the same way about Metallica. I probably couldnt have found a bad thing to say about them at the time (other than Load/Reload were weak). After they sued their fans I lost ALL respect for them as artists. They are only a business. Its easier to dislike them since they havent made a good album since napster. Maybe thats how they fight piracy now. Release music that no one wants. Problem solved.
Sorry about missing the comic. I feel like shit about that. I assume most people read the blog too so you would know to expect it.
Wtf? I thought I posted a comment yesterday… Eh, whatever, I must be on crack.
Anyways… I think I must be the only person left on the planet that still buys CDs and DVDs. I like to have something tangible, a box or something.
And, hey! That guy is using an M4 Carbine. That makes me want to play some CoD 4…
Well you know what they say, “Flern Bjorgen Freden Bjahnk Klorng.”
That gets me every time.
Hey, M4 Carbine, and the SWAT guy in the last panel has my name.
Excuse me, I gotta go play some Cod 4.
“Flergen bjorgk!” + Golden Girls HD = lol
I agree with Anable, this comic is much toonier. Not a bad thing, just different. It actually, somehow, feels more accessible.
You see the only metallica has going for them is their guitarist. Without Kirk what would the band be? Metallica lived past their prime and now they try to be edgier to apeal to the kiddies. It really shows how a band will do anything for the moneys.
Wow I just realized that had NOTHING to do with the comic. You really managed to throw me off topic there.
If we are talking musical talent alone, Kirk and Lars have chops to spare. Asside from that Lars is an asshat, james cant sing (this is not an opinion. He just cant sing well. Period) and I dont really consider Robert Trujillo a member of Metallica.
I may be the only person left on the planet that actually buys CDs and DVDs… I like to have something tangible, a box or something… Also, I like to contribute monies to the industries that take up a large chunk of my free time. Bah, whatever, I guess I just have “morals”.
Hey! That SWAT guy is using an M4 Carbine.
Excuse me, must play CoD 4….