Pride and BRAAAINS!


Pride and brains are certainly two qualities you would be wise to look for in a prospective mate, but in this case the comic titles refers to a zombified reimagining of Jane Austen’s classic “Pride and Prejudice” by Seth Grahame-Smith called Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Fancy Bastard Jpmeldrum sent me this link and it might be the one AND ONLY way to get me interested in Jane Austen.

Gordon and the Whale explain the premise rather well:

So to clear things up, P&P&Z is not a story inspired by the original Pride and Prejudice.  Think of it like this.  In Seth Grahame-Smith’s mind, it’s almost as if this is the novel Austen wrote originally, it’s just that her uptight editors made her take the zombie part out.

“…and Zombies” isn’t even out yet and hollywood is already clambering for the movie rights.

The original book has been in the public domain forever, so this alternate reality zombification is totally without legal ramifications. I hope this kind of thing continues. If we take enough public domain classics and inject zombies, archelogists of the distant future will hopefully assume they are historical records. You know, Popeye entered the PD this year. Maybe it’s time for ZOMBeye the Undead Sailor Man!

(The first FB that draws that and posts it in the comments gets a Gold Geek Star)

[More HE Zombie Comics]

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  1. I love Pride and Prejudice, but anything with Zombies is like 1000 times better. It would be neat if everyone wrote about zombies, and future generations assumed that there were zombie wars going on now. This could be the period piece of the 21st century!

  2. Oh heavens, I do believe this zombie infestation is giving me the vapors.

    Of course, this will lead to a Victorian steam punk counter attack against the zombie hordes in what will surely be known as ZWar 1. Leading, inevitably to ZWar 2: The Hunger.

  3. i actually could not finish Pride and Prejudice, or really any work of Jane Austen. too hoity-toity and full of doilies and tea and lace. which is why throwing zombies into the whole thing will make it so much better. i will probably go ahead and pre-order the book, and as a warning to you Reading Rainbow Coalition Bastards, this will almost certainly be in the polls when it comes out!

  4. Oh heavens! This is quite a refined artistic rendition of a most illustrious and elegant novel.

    This book was the focus of a question on NPR's "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me" show recently. Too funny!

    I abhorred having to read this type of stuff in High School and College. Good to see some zombie revenge!

  5. If I ever end up taking a lit course where they try and make me read P&P, I'm transferring to a different college. That being said:
    "Mint juliiiiiiips!"
    "Mint juliiiiiiiiiiiips!"
    "Ah say Eustace, booooooyyyyyy!"

  6. If I ever end up taking a lit course where they try and make me read P&P, I'm transferring to a different college. That being said:
    "Mint juliiiiiiips!"
    "Mint juliiiiiiiiiiiips!"
    "Ah say Eustace, booooooyyyyyy!"

  7. Hahahahaha "I seem to have misplaced my tea cup." You can tell they're zombies because they're not using the proper fork for brains. Great strip.

    Nice colouring BTW.

  8. "Carrier swan" — LMAO!

    I must say, Joel, that as a bordering-on-obsessive-fan of all things period (particularly Victorian), I love this comic. You did an excellent job replicating the Austen-esque look.

    And the thought of Pride & Prejudice with zombies is oh so awesome! Admittedly, I couldn't stand to read any of Austen's books myself (mostly cuz they were during college and I didn't have the patience back then to try and understand them), so I think this idea would make it more appealing for me to give 'em another shot.

  9. While I love the comic, I am sad that the masses had not had the pleasure of reading Jane Austen, who is certainly not hoity-toity. Her characterizations are hilarious and the stories are a critique of the novels of sensibility, rather than being a novel of sensibility as most people seem to think. Yes, I have a BA in lit, and found most of the novels of that time period to be dreadful.

    I'll end with a quote from Jane. "The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid."

  10. As someone currently in their final year of an English BA I am forced to disagree. Pride and Prejudice is frankly fairly terrible. While Austen does have a certain flair for witticism that is refreshing to see, the novel simply was not engrossing. I see your Austen and Raise you a Samuel Clemens. "Classic… A book which people praise and don't read."

  11. Sad that this comic only got 28 replies, but if anyone is interested in this sort of thing, check out "android karenina", a reimagining of anna karenina as a love story replacing class with robosexual questions. Also, just found a book that is getting added to my must read list at crypticon seattle. Permuted Press has an author who rewrote robinson crusoe with an hp lovecraft twist. Cthulu anyone?

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