Wil Wheaton and I got excited and made this “Fighting Time Lords” shirt for you! No, really. Specifically FOR YOU.
[Since I was unable to make comics during Austin Comic Con, I am backdating a few LoFi’s and a photo comic in the archive as not to interfere with the coming week’s comics. Please to enjoy.]
This fancy photo comic features my favorite Doctor Who cosplay of all time, if not my favorite cosplay period. I don’t know if the Ood mask was purchased or made, but the eyes glowed and it was entirely rad. Big thanks to James for being my booth babe all weekend. We never did touch wieners, but there is always next year.
COMMENTERS: Come up with the mouseover text for this photo comic. I will pick my favorite one and add it to the archive permanently. [UPDATE: Ok, I actually just picked my own. Sorry.]
For the first panel:
Joel: Just think, if I knocked you over the head and harvested your organs and sold them I could buy more nachos…
James: I'm more concerned that I look quite like that actor in The Inbetweeners.
Joel: What with the what now?
James: That British show.
James: With the guys… Who are sort of inbetween things…
Joel: British show? It's pronounced Doctor Who you beardless wonder!
Second Panel:
Ood: Excuse me good sirs, but have you seen a blue box with a Scotsman pretending to be an Englishman pretending to be an alien inside it?
Joel: OMG! No! But look how symetrical my head is!
Ood: It is quite similar on each side sir.
Joel: Try covering one side of my head with your thumb…
Ood: I'm not sure that's wise sir…
Joel: And then cover the other side of my head with your thumb! They're the same!
Third panel:
Joel: I can feel everything! I know everything! The Quickening devours me!
Joel: You never told me about this you Spanish Peacock!
valiant effort, but perhaps I should have explained that "alt-text" = "mouseover text."
"It's not the first time my brain was fried at a con."
Bi-cardial at first sight.
That Ood is spectacular. The eyes actually glowed?
Yes, they did glow! And so did the translator sphere.
Still less of headache than actually buying something in the dealer's room.
I didn't get to see it's eyes glow.
I did see the Ood in the hallway taking a picture with Ozymandius and Batman.
"Dry eyes? Try Clear Eyes(tm)" for the caption.
If only they had that during the outbreak at the factory. The Ood would have killed fewer people.
"Later James pointed out he could touch me with HIS ball. If I was into it.."
"Yes, yes, the circle must be broken.. SOMEONE GET A PICTURE OF US BEFORE I PASS OUT!"
"My wieners are already touching. Get it? Because Time Lords have two… I might be making that up."
"Ood looks like a lady!"
"Mark it zero, Ood."
I loved this costume. Now I'm even more sure (surer?) that I need to catch up on Doctor Who. I had no idea what this was!!!
I have a feeling I left some stuff I guilt-bought from someone else at your booth. I got the last Team Edward shirt though, so whatever-it-was was less awesome.
Was it the pinkish folder thing? It had some other papers inside it. Flyers and such.
Yeah, that was it. There wasn't anything important to me in there. It was just slightly upsetting when I realized I left behind something I paid for. Though I didn't notice until about an hour after I had left the con.
I actually tried to chase you down about 4 seconds after you left but you had already disappeared in the sea of nerds.
"Why yes, I would love to touch your fully functional shockballs…"
"How rood, especially from an Ood. I only offered him some food."
See what I'm going for here.
I thought it was a Cthulu costume, not being a Dr. Who fan and all.
You aren't the only one that thought that. =P
Neat but still not as creey as the angel costume at at FanExpo … or it could have just been flashbacks to the episodes where it premiered.
Lol, it was fun meeting you at Austin Comicon, Joel. I found your website without help of your handout! You thought I would forget!
Now to get through the older comics…
Done! I like it. I didn't know you were from Dallas.
Mouseover text: OOOOOOooooooooood
So cool you liked the costume! That's my friend Bryan wearing one of the Ood masks I made. I made one for myself for some cons earlier this year and he liked it enough to commission one for himself.
The eyes do light up and so does the translator ball!
Wanted to make sure I linked to your other work http://www.cosplay.com/member/186357/
Really top notch stuff. I am super impressed.
Lisa you are amazing! <3 Can't say this enough, but so many people loved your work and skills!
Mouseover text: Teabagged by an Ood. Bucket List almost done!
Alt Text: "I've seen enough Hentai…"
This reminds me: apparently there's an Elder Gods Slash Club over at DeviantArt. No, I don't have a link and frankly I'm scared to go looking. No idea how my friend came across it either but now I'm starting to wonder, ha ha. And yeah, I know this is Dr. Who and not an Elder Gods thing, but still…
Alt Text 2: "Elder Gods slash in three, two…"