That’s Why A Bear Can Rest At Ease

[actually posted on 4/14/14] I’m playing catch up on a week’s worth of comics. Luckily I’ve got three written and I’m banging them out one after another. Just like Josh will be at his Bear Meet Up.

Years ago, after Josh have given me a sort of crash course on Bear culture, I remember it dawning on me how cosmically unfair it was that we had similar man-guts (referring to the outside appearance of the stomach and NOT the gooey bits inside the body including the ACTUAL stomach), yet HIS was considered sexy by those whom HE would consider sexy. Of course moments later my brain recalibrated and remembered that as a straight, white male I was at the lowest difficulty setting and I should probably not envy the dude in a counterculture of an already oppressed counterculture. Still, to be able to eat Pop-Tart ice cream sandwiches for dinner and know that I was IMPROVING my sex appeal… there’s something magical about that.

I wrote a blog post about how my Patreon is going and when to expect the rewards I’m working on right now.


Grizzly Mens

[Actually published on 04/10/14] Life has been kicking my ass a bit for the last couple of weeks. A week ago my family and I were huddled in a closet during a tornado warning (which touched down EXTREMELY near my house), then a hail storm smashed both of our cars to shit, and now it turns out it also claimed our roof, which needs to be replaced. THEN I drew this comic and my laptop died before I could export the final file. THEN my wife’s hard drive died. Nothing to really freak out over, but it’s been a trying week to say the least, and thus my comic productivity and patience have suffered. I’ll be playing catch up all weekend, and will do my very best to get three new comics up for the week of 4/14/14 and three MORE new comics up for the following week.

Then I’m going to Calgary Expo with Cyanide & Happiness!


Speaking of Cyanide and Happiness, we have a new short up where I did some writing and play the dentist.

I did a guest comic for my friend Angela, because her husband drove a bicycle down a mountain the wrong way.

I wrote a blog post about how my Patreon is going and when to expect the rewards I’m working on right now.


The Bear And The Maiden Fair

[Actually published April 7th] Thank you, Fancy Bastards, for your patience. I’m playing catch up after a week of unexpected distractions. First their was a tornado/hail storm type of situation in my town. Luckily the tornado passed us over (just barely), but the hail storm gave our cars (and most likely our roof) a serious beating. So, after spending one night with my entire family in our master bedroom closet, we spent the next day talking to insurance companies, roofers and dent repair dudes. Then Kiddo got sick with a stomach bug, so now we’re on quarantine. It’s been a harrowing few days. Anyway, here’s a new comic. Another one will follow shortly (for “last week”), then (barring further tragedy) three more for “this week.”

As per my contract with the Patreon Patrons among you, I owe you three comics each week (nearly FOUR now!), some video blogs, some ebooks, and some hangouts starting this month. I plan to make good on all of those promises.


Calgary Expo 2014

I will be at Calgary Expo as part of Cyanide & Happiness. It’ll be me and Rob Denbleyker doing stick figure dick sketches, and I’ll also have some HE prints and maybe shirts.

COMMENTERS: Do you have an annual travel destination event that you have to attend? A convention, a conference, a sexcapade, a confluence of like-minded people?

Il Mostro


My Patreon is just past $1200! That’s amazingly insane! 3 comics a week (M/W/F) starts for real on April 1st! At $1500, you will be forcing me to do FOUR HE comics a week, and I am OK (if not somewhat apprehensive) with that.


David and I will be at booth #1412 right next to Cyanide & Happiness! More info about the con AND MY AWESOME PANEL THAT YOU MUST ATTEND in THIS BLOG POST!

I drew this for you on Thursday, on a plane from Dallas to Seattle, then I finished it in a Seattle hotel room. Somewhere in between I got drunk at a cartoonist party on Rootbeer and Rum, a Dark And Stormy and some sort of honey liqueur. That last one was like if bees vomited whiskey and it was awesome.  Now I’m getting ready for bed, flanked by no less than two and not more than two hundred sleeping, somewhat honey-drunk cartoonists. I’ll do the final count in the morning. I bet it ends up being somewhere in between.

Constant Craving


My Patreon is at nearly $1200! That’s amazingly insane! 3 comics a week (M/W/F) starts for real on April 1st! At $1500, you will be forcing me to do FOUR HE comics a week, and I am OK (if not somewhat apprehensive) with that.


David and I will be at booth #1412 right next to Cyanide & Happiness! More info about the con AND MY AWESOME PANEL THA T YOU MUST ATTEND in THIS BLOG POST!

COMMENTERS: Where do you excel at ordering? For instance, the print/copy shop I use LOVES me because I know the different in a PDF and  jpg, and I know what print resolution is and how images can always be made smaller, but never larger and that wallet photo can not be blown up to a 10ft banner. Where are you the employee’s favorite customer and why?