Vacation Sketch Diary 2014: Galveston, TX Day 2

Please to enjoy this second Vacation Sketch Diary situation. We actually bad a blast at Schlitterbahn, which is German for “Towels are $35 at the gift and you forgot to bring towels.” Kiddo is essentially fearless when it comes to water slides. She rode them all. All of them. All of the ones with the big red triangles on the sign that denoted EXTREME DANGER, EXTREME FALLING VERY FAST and GENERAL ETREME EXTREMENESS.

I posted a photo of the experience, as well as a video.

I think I have one more of these in me, then back to regular HE comics.

TARDIS Necklace from Science & Fiction

tardis necklace on etsy from science and fiction



Vacation Sketch Diary 2014: Galveston, TX Day 1

Here’s the deal: I’m on vacation with my family this week, and try as I might I have been unable to create proper HE comics at night after spending the day frolicking with them on beaches and at water parks, and under board walks, and in this one REALLY shady Dollar General we went to in order to buy sunglasses (more on that later). So this week I am going to post some (likely three) vacation diary sketches instead of comics.

TARDIS Necklace from Science & Fiction

tardis necklace on etsy from science and fiction

Here’s the OTHER deal: Ever since I started my Patreon, my main goal has been to MAKE CERTAIN that I publish three new comics a week, every week. For the last couple of months I’ve been creating comics and posting them backdated in order to make sure every calendar week had three new comics. For the most part, I’ve been operating at a 1 week deficit and constantly playing catch up. This abstract concept that exists only in my head by which I am creating three new comics a week, yet telling myself they are LAST week’s comics and thusly all a week late is paralyzing my brain with frustration. I have made the managerial decision to call it even, as of this week, and date the comics for the week they come out. What this means for you is that “last week,” the week of 6/30 to 7/4, doesn’t have any new comics and never will. I’m really sorry about that. What it means for me is that I can try to repair my productivity-brain BEFORE San Diego Comicon, which is in less than 2 weeksOHGODOHNOOHWHYOHGOD. Anywho, I am trying my best, and failing a lot, succeeding occasionally and I suppose that’s what The Experiment is all about.


About those sunglasses: I bought them at the SKEEVIEST Dollar General I have ever been to. There was no AC and the lights were out in the entire back half of the store. People were just sort of milling about, groaning and twitching in the darkness. Could have been customers, could have been employees. Amidst the piles of deeply discounted detritus and darkness, who’s to say? I bought them specifically so I could take them too the beach and potentially (probably) lose them without getting too upset. The first time we went to the beach, on the VERY FIRST day of our vacation, a wave jumped right up out of nowhere, kicked me in the head, stole my sunglasses and delivered them into the greedy, gaping maw of Poseidon. That moist dickhead. Knowing good and well that this was always how it was going to end between me and those sunglasses, I STILL got super pissed about my unfair treatment by the the entire god damn ocean and spent a considerable amount of time squinting in abject rage. Also I got a qicked sunburn because scientists classify my natural complexion as “Easy-Bake.” Fun times. 

Here are some photos from the first day.


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Pantalones En Fuego

COMMENTERS: Has a writer ever impressed you with their ability to create complex and believable characters that are seemingly very different from themselves? Of course every writer creates characters that aren’t mirror images of themselves (or at least they should), but I’m talking about creators that seem to really get the voice of someone they appear to have little in common with. Joss Whedon’s command of strong female characters, might be a good example.

TARDIS Necklace from Science & Fiction

tardis necklace on etsy from science and fiction


Persons Of Interest

COMMENTERS: What character in fiction who was a person of color, different orientation, different background, different… interest really opened your eyes or made a difference in your life?

One that really sticks out to me was Hedwig, played by John Cameron Mitchell, from Hedwig And the Angry Inch. I saw that movie when I was in my early 20’s and still suffering from some residual homophobia. I thought gay people were great, but actual, real, dude-to-dude romance was gross. Hedwig just melted my heart with an amazing and universal love story, and told that story with music that became extremely meaningful and important to me. That story and those songs were so honest and so correct about love, alienation, rejection, freedom, identity and what it means to be a human person on Earth that I quickly forgot they were written from the perspective of a biological man, living as a woman, in love with another man. It wasn’t gay love. It was just love. It was the same thing I felt, and it flipped a switch in my head and my heart that I’d spent most of my life trying to keep un-flipped.

TARDIS Necklace from Science & Fiction

tardis necklace on etsy from science and fiction


Population Explosion

[Please forgive the colorless nature of this comic. I am currently on the road for Denver Comic Con. I will color it as soon as I get home. – Joel]

Do me a favor, if you enjoy this comic, please check out my store, my shirts on Sharksplode, and my wife’s geeky jewelry on Etsy. It would help us out a great deal.

I will be at Denver Comic Con THIS WEEKEND with Cyanide & Happiness June 13-15, 2014 at booth 734!


Fancy Patrons: We are less than $100 away from unlocking more comics per week!

I also just uploaded a new iBook/PDF comic collection for all $5+ Patrons. 



HijiNKS ENSUE: I Could Really Go For A Martwinky Right About Now
(An iBook Collection Of HijiNKS ENSUE Comics from 2009)
EXTRAS: Contains an intro I wrote while on an airplane and while insane with sleep deprivation. I can not promise you that it makes sense at all. Also contains a whole section of freelance projects (many never before seen) that were commissioned by you, the Fancy Bastards.
