Charmed, I’m Sure

Check out all the prints and posters in the HE Store!

Last month the HijiNKS ENSUE Patreon went over $1500, which means starting right now there will be 4 new comics a week! Thank you all so much for the support! I really hope I don’t fuck this up.

FANEURYSM comics have been moved to their own archive. You can read the First  a List of them all or the Latest one. Check out the ARCHIVE page to see all the different types of comic on this site.


TARDIS Necklace from Science & Fiction

tardis necklace on etsy from science and fiction


It’s My Cat In A Box

Check out all the prints and posters in the HE Store!

I’m going to be at SDCC with Cyanide & Happiness THIS WEEK! Booth 1234! More info at my Tumblr. 


Last week the HijiNKS ENSUE Patreon went over $1500, which means starting next month there will be 4 new comics a week! This is either going to take the form of 4 HE comics or 3 HE comics and one FANEURYSM comic. Haven’t decided yet. Either way, thank you all so much for the support!


TARDIS Necklace from Science & Fiction

tardis necklace on etsy from science and fiction


Water Into Wine

Check out all the prints and posters in the HE Store!

Next week I’m going to be at SDCC with Cyanide & Happiness! Booth 1234! More info at my Tumblr. 


In the last day or so the HijiNKS ENSUE Patreon went over $1500, which means starting next month there will be 4 new comics a week! This is either going to take the form of 4 HE comics or 3 HE comics and one FANEURYSM comic. Haven’t decided yet. Either way, thank you all so much for the support!



TARDIS Necklace from Science & Fiction

tardis necklace on etsy from science and fiction


The Shallow End

Please do not give me too much credit for today’s comic. I did not come up with WINEPOOL. I merely documented, and commented on its existence. WINEPOOL is a real thing… and ALL TOO real thing. It is a sign of the times, as well as a portent of things to come. 100 years from now, what little is left of humanity will measure their history in two epochs: Before WINEPOOL and After WINEPOOL. After WINEPOOL will also be known as THE GREAT BLOOD WAR, or THE CENTURY OF SKULLS. Either way, no good can come of it. Still, it’s best not to fight the inevitable. Our new WINEPOOL-based society is sure to take foot any day now, and those who refuse to adapt will certainly be left in the shallow end.

TARDIS Necklace from Science & Fiction

tardis necklace on etsy from science and fiction

In the last day or so the HijiNKS ENSUE Patreon went over $1500, which means starting next month there will be 4 new comics a week! This is either going to take the form of 4 HE comics or 3 HE comics and one FANEURYSM comic. Haven’t decided yet. Either way, thank you all so much for the support!



Vacation Sketch Diary 2014: Galveston, TX Day 3

Despite applying copious amounts of sunscreen and wearing a 90% UV blocking shirt, I really was burned quite badly on the neck, head and arms. I can’t remember if it was Robocop or Total Recall that had the scene where the woman covers herself head to toe in multicolored UV block gel which earned her 15 minutes of safe fun in the sun, but I have a feeling that gag was more prophetic than the filmmakers intended.

I hope you enjoyed my vacation sketch diary. Regular HE comics resume post haste.

TARDIS Necklace from Science & Fiction

tardis necklace on etsy from science and fiction
